


输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……


1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……



汉语拼音:bài lù








  1. 坏事或隐私被发觉。

    宋 邵雍 《渔樵对问》:“窃人之财,谓之盗。其始取之也,唯恐其不多也;及其败露也,唯恐其多矣。”《醒世恒言·汪大尹火焚宝莲寺》:“众僧见事已败露,都吓得胆战心惊。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第三章:“自古多少有私情的男女,都是为有了孩子而败露,惨遭丧命的呀!”



  1. but when the Badger took him firmly by the other arm he began to see that the game was up.


  2. Some revenge unfaithful husband to his wife, cheating Lieyan outside, once it was brought to light, often lead to happy endings.


  3. One day, light snow seeping milk stains on the clothes, was a boy surnamed Chen found a result, light snow unwed things brought to light.


  4. In addition, don't let the ink cartridge is exposed to air for a long time, so as not to dry up in the print head.


  5. the next step is to rinse, this will get rid of the top level of the water soluble polyvinyl alcohol and exposure imprints Imaging layer.


  6. The conspiracy did not come to light until a newspaper reporter noticed.


  7. "Then poor Yates is all alone, " cried Tom. "I will go and fetch him. He will be no bad assistant when it all comes out. "


  8. The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.


  9. Now such behaviour does not go unnoticed for long, even in a city as filled with excesses as Primordium.


  1. 机关败露。

    One's plot failed.

  2. 密谋败露了。

    The conspiracy was exposed.

  3. 阴谋慢慢败露。

    The plot develops slowly.

  4. 野心败露了。

    One's wild ambition came to light.

  5. 阴谋终于败露。

    In the end the conspiracy was brought to light.

  6. 事情败露。一切都完了。

    The game is up.

  7. 如果没有败露会怎么样?

    What if it's been disclosed?

  8. 难以幸免,事情开始败露。

    Inevitably, things start to go awry.

  9. 等待你败露的时候,女士。

    Me think you screweth up big time, me lady.

  10. 夜间干的事,白天会败露。

    What is done by night appears by day.

  11. 进展糟糕的话我就会败露。

    If this goes badly, they'll know I'm a double.

  12. 终有一天事情会败露的。

    It's gonna come out some day.

  13. 一起谋害总统的阴谋败露了。

    A plot was uncovered against the president.

  14. 他因事情败露而羞愧难当。

    He is abashed at discovery.

  15. 丑行败露后,她畏罪自杀了。

    When the scandal was disclosed, she committed suicide dreading her punishment.

  16. 丑行败露后,她畏罪自杀了。

    When the scandal was disclosed, she committed suicide dreading her punishment.

  17. 我听着倒像是事迹败露。

    I guess I mistook that as a preference for full disclosure.

  18. 丑闻败露后,他的名声一落千丈。

    His good name has been blown on since the scandal.

  19. 事情败露后,你让我做替罪羊

    and when it went bad, you made me take the fall!

  20. 我告诉她,我恐怕自己会败露了。

    I told her, I should certainly betray myself.

  21. 倘若事情败露,必然是某人松了口。

    No, the only way this thing blows up is if somebody talks.

  22. 他们做得太过分而把事情败露了。

    They went too far and gave the game away.

  23. 谋杀案终究要败露。纸里包不住火

    A crime such as murder cannot be hidden

  24. 丑闻一旦败露,他的政治生涯就完蛋了。

    Once the scandal breaks, he'll be finished as a politician.

  25. 他觉得好像遗漏了什么, 会使事情败露。

    He felt that he had left something undone, something that would betray him

  26. 水门事件一朝败露,就无法控制事态得发展。

    Once Watergate erupted, it was impossible to arrest its course.

  27. 水门事件一朝败露,就无法控制事态的发展。

    Once Watergate erupted, it was impossible to arrest its course.

  28. 直到报社的记者发现,这个阴谋才败露出来。

    The conspiracy did not come to light until a newspaper reporter noticed.

  29. 潘一看,就知道大祸临头,事情败露了。

    Pen saw at once that there was a crisis, and that there had been a discovery.

  30. 人们的猜疑,窥探,到最后事情最终被败露。

    People guessed, people knew, and eventually it was only a matter of time before it all had to come out.


  1. 问:败露拼音怎么拼?败露的读音是什么?败露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:败露的读音是bàilù,败露翻译成英文是 be exposed


败露是一个汉字词语,拼音:bài lù意思是诡密的事被人发觉。