












汉语拼音:bù jìn zé tuì








  • 【解释】:不前进就要后退。
  • 【出自】:《邓析子·无后篇》:“不进则退,不喜则忧,不得则亡,此世人之常。”
  • 【示例】:逆水行舟,~,学外语也是一样,一刻也放松不得。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;用于人的思想、学习等


  1. We will either learning is a process, we will not just competition, but slowly into the cruel nature of the fighting.


  2. However, we never feel conceited, we reflect upon ourselves because that "Not to advance is to move back" .


  3. This can give the student an added incentive to either progress or regress due to the amount of stimulation that they receive.


  4. Please remember: ' against the current good boat, does not enter draws back ' this speech.


  5. Our tenet is "Sail a boat on the market sea, not to advance is to go back" .


  6. We all say " go " , Business card printing and membership card production enterprise in apart, you need to do more.


  7. problem The problem of subsistence exists all the time, while the problem of development will retreat if not to advance.


  8. Learn forges out most jealous, "three days of fishing, two days of the net. "


  9. Study is like a boat sailing against the current. Which do you want , sink or swim?


  1. 不进则退。

    Either one goes forward or he will be left behind.

  2. 逆水行舟,不进则退。

    He who does not advance loses ground.

  3. 逆水行舟,不进则退。

    A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.

  4. 生命不息,不进则退。

    Life never stands still if you dont advance you recede.

  5. 犹如逆水行舟, 不进则退。

    Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream.

  6. 生活是逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Life is boating against the current.

  7. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Study is like sailing against the current; either you keep forging ahead or you keep falling behind.

  8. 当今社会,逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Today's society, sailing against the current, fall behind.

  9. 经营企业,如逆水行舟,不进则退!

    Managing an enterprise is like rowing against the current, No progress means backwards.

  10. 老鼠得儿子会打洞。不进则退。

    He that comes of a hen must scrape.

  11. 老鼠的儿子会打洞。不进则退。

    He that comes of a hen must scrape.

  12. 社会进化就像逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Human society keeps moving forward as new things replace those dying out.

  13. 逆水行舟, 不进则退, 逆风之下, 我更飞扬!

    I who fly upwind will soar higher!Predicament should be broken.

  14. 她必须逆着水流往上游。逆水行舟,不进则退。

    She had to swim against the current. A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.

  15. 在激烈的国际竞争中前行,就如同逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Being faced with fierce international competition, this like sailing against the current, when either forges ahead or falls behind.

  16. 不进就是退。

    Not enter just to move back.

  17. 我们在彼此的世界边缘徘徊,走不进却也退不出。

    We pace back and forth in each other world edge, cannot enter also cannot draw back actually.

  18. 航线临界点, 只能进不能退的地步

    A point of no return

  19. 在这场战斗中, 还没有达到只能进不能退的地步。

    There is no such thing as a point of no return in this battle.

  20. 航线临界点, 只能进不能退得地步

    A point of no return

  21. 年轻人则不需要特别进补。

    The young do not need special tonic.

  22. 而当噪音被包含进它的聚集的柱里时, 操作者则不受影响。

    The operators themselves remain unaffected since the noise is contained in its focused beam.

  23. 进不求名,退不辞罪

    Advances are made without thought of reputation, retreats without consideration of avoiding punishment

  24. 如果不成功,则脚本退出。

    If this is not successful, then the script exits.

  25. 它不知不觉地把脖子伸进了牛套中退不出来了。

    He stretched his neck into the yoke without his knowing it and then coud not get out.

  26. 犹豫期内要求退定金的, 不适用定金罚则。

    Hesitate to take down the request, NA deposit penalties.

  27. 呜兹则被滴进嘴里的毒液整得倒地不起。

    Woods fell to the ground at the last gasp by venom dropped into his mouth.

  28. 犹豫期内要求退定金的,不应适用定金罚则。

    Hesitate to take down the request should not be applied down penalties.

  29. 火车进站了,要不要下车活动一下退脚吗?

    The train is pulling in. Do you want to get off and stretch your legs

  30. 一旦你进到那个峡谷里, 你? ? 前进不能停止, 也不能后退。

    Once you enter that canyon, there's no stopping and no turning back.


  1. 问:不进则退拼音怎么拼?不进则退的读音是什么?不进则退翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不进则退的读音是Bú jìn zé tuì ,不进则退翻译成英文是 Not to advance is to go back.


不进则退(bù jìn zé tuì):不前进就要后退。出自《邓析子·无后篇》。