







汉语拼音:jīng huáng








  1. 亦作“ 惊皇 ”。震惊惶恐;惊慌。

    《吕氏春秋·明理》:“有豕生狗。国有此物,其主不知惊惶亟革,上帝降祸,凶灾必亟。” 唐 韩愈 《为裴相公让官表》:“承命惊惶,魂爽飞越。”《宣和遗事》后集:“帝终日下拜,又饮食不进,惊皇不安。” 清 吴伟业 《遇南厢园叟感赋八十韵》:“从头诉兵火,眼见尤悲愴。大军从北来,百姓闻惊惶。” 冰心 《南归》:“ 藻 站在床前,眼光中露出无限的惊惶:‘你又病了?’”



  1. The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.


  2. She looked at me in terror, but made no attempt to take the handkerchief.


  3. Hast thou made him to leap as a locust? The glory of his snorting is terrible.


  4. the slip-shod waiter folding a tumbled table -cloth, and Robert Audley's handsome face looking at him full of compassionate alarm.


  5. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.


  6. I knew, therefore, that there was no reason to panic, as my future was secure even if inflation increased or a recession occurred.


  7. forgive my servants , " he said , " for a terror i cannot blame them for ; from being suspected they have become suspicious .


  8. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and take courage; do not be afraid or dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.


  9. Shocked as if with a jolt of energy, they start a panicked dance, twirling and colliding into members of the crowd.


  1. 惊惶失措的

    like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.

  2. 伙伴皆惊惶。

    Her comrades are all amazed and perplexed.

  3. 使某人感到惊惶

    strike sb.with scare

  4. 这个人惊惶失措。

    The man was seized with panic.

  5. 没有理由惊惶失措。

    There is no ground for alarm.

  6. 他们惊惶地面面相觑。

    They stared at each other in dismay.

  7. 观众惊惶气塞。

    All the spectators were panting.

  8. 那位母亲惊惶不安。

    The mother was on the edge of panic.

  9. 我惊惶甚至不能看。

    I was dismayed at the seeing of it.

  10. 看你惊惶失措的样子!

    You look panic stricken!

  11. 看你惊惶失措得样子!

    You look panic stricken!

  12. 出门看伙伴伙伴皆惊惶。

    Then she comes out to see her former mate, Who stares at her in amazement great.

  13. 群众惊惶失措地跑出去。

    The crowd ran out in a panic.

  14. 他惊惶失措地惊醒过来。

    He came to, rather bewildered, exposed.

  15. 审讯后他似乎惊惶不已。

    He seemed shaken after the interrogation.

  16. 安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪

    Pacifying the jittery mood of his people

  17. 他因某事而惊惶失措。

    He was terribly upset about something.

  18. 那次打击使她惊惶失措。

    The shock confounded her.

  19. 惊惶中,他绕着脚后跟转。

    He whirled around on his heels in a panic.

  20. 惊惶中,他绕着脚后跟转。

    He whirled around on his heels in a panic.

  21. 惊惶失措的院长喊了起来。

    exclaimed the stupefied director.

  22. 学生们已经够惊惶失措的了。

    They were so scared already.

  23. 大火发生后,他惊惶奔逃。

    When the fire broke out, he lost his head and ran away.

  24. 神使我丧胆、全能者使我惊惶。

    God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me.

  25. 选举结果很糟, 政府惊惶失措。

    The bad election results confounded the government.

  26. 不知不觉地陷入一种惊惶失措

    All trickedc out for the trip That slid into a spin

  27. 她惊惶失措地到我这儿来。

    She came to me with a look of surprise on her face.

  28. 伯莎这时已恐慌得惊惶失措。

    By this time Bertha was frightened out of her wits.

  29. 对考试惊惶失措是没有用的。

    There's no point getting into a panic about the exams.

  30. 愿他们永远羞愧惊惶。愿他们惭愧灭亡。

    May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in disgrace.


  1. 问:惊惶拼音怎么拼?惊惶的读音是什么?惊惶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊惶的读音是jīnghuáng,惊惶翻译成英文是 Fear and dread.

  2. 问:惊惶失措拼音怎么拼?惊惶失措的读音是什么?惊惶失措翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊惶失措的读音是,惊惶失措翻译成英文是 consternation

