




1. 慌 [huāng]慌 [huāng]急忙,不沉着:~张。~忙。~乱。~急。恐惧,不安:惊~。~恐。心~意乱。表示难以忍受:累得~。……



汉语拼音:jīng huāng








  1. 亦作“ 惊荒 ”。害怕慌张。

    《刘知远诸宫调·知远别三娘太原投事》:“ 知远 听得道,好惊荒,别了三翁,急出祠堂。” 元 高文秀 《襄阳会》第二折:“ 玄德公 自离开 新野 赴 襄阳 ,被 刘琮 所谋,索是惊慌来也。” 茅盾 《残冬》四:“ 赵阿大 料不到真命天子的故事会引出这样严重的结果,心里着实惊慌。”



  1. Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door.


  2. I was scared, and started going in the opposite direction, but due to my bad foot, I was not able to run fast at all.


  3. (Crowds) It's extremely crowded in the front, please do not be panic. Stand firmly on your feet or grab hold of solid objects near you.


  4. "Keep him in a good humour. I don't want him alarmed till we're ready to move. " "Softly, softly, catchee monkey? " "That's the idea. "


  5. As the war went on, the army authorities and the War Office became alarmed at the high proportion of men suffering head injuries.


  6. When he was on his feet he turned toward the drug store, still clutching the paper, amazed and angry with himself for having been so clumsy.


  7. Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge.


  8. Some people panic every time I mention options, as if it were one step from casino gambling.


  9. Shep panicked as he did not know what to do.


  1. 不必惊慌。

    There is no need to panic.

  2. 惊慌的奔跑

    A rush of panic and.

  3. 使不安, 使惊慌

    To upset or alarm.

  4. 不需要惊慌。

    There's no need to panic.

  5. 他饱受惊慌。

    He was struck with alarm.

  6. 使不安,使惊慌。

    To upset or alarm.

  7. 他们饱受惊慌。

    They were struck with alarm.

  8. 莫名的惊慌

    blind panic.

  9. 惊慌地跑开

    run away in terror.

  10. 惊慌地失魂落魄

    Panic called you out and took you in

  11. 千万不要惊慌。

    In no case should you panic.

  12. 她突然惊慌起来。

    Alarm flared in her.

  13. 他看起来很惊慌。

    He seemed frightened.

  14. 没有惊慌的理由。

    There is no cause for panic.

  15. 没有警报也没有惊慌

    With no alarms and no surprises

  16. 使窘迫使困惑使惊慌

    To make uneasy or perplexeddisconcert.

  17. 医生说不必惊慌。

    The doctor said there was no cause for alarm.

  18. 他们个个惊慌万分。

    All of them had an acute panic.

  19. 惊慌摧毁理性思考。

    Panic destroys rational thought.

  20. 对某事感到惊慌

    panic over sth.

  21. 令人惊慌的谣言

    alarming rumour

  22. 害怕, 恐怖, 惊慌

    fear terror paralysis of alarm dismay fear awe dread shock affright fright paroxysm consternation heartpounding horror panic

  23. 别惊慌,菲立浦。

    I'll be back here in the morning.

  24. 他确实惊慌得很。

    He was really in a funk.

  25. 她既羞愧又惊慌。

    She was shamed and frightened.

  26. 会感到惊慌和恐惧

    just panic and fear.

  27. 别惊慌 我有剪刀。

    Stop panicking,I'll get a scissors.

  28. 举座惊慌失色。

    All present turned pale with fright.

  29. 别惊慌 我有剪刀。

    Stop panicking, I'll get a scissors.

  30. 之后我就开始惊慌。

    Then I start to panic.


  1. 问:惊慌拼音怎么拼?惊慌的读音是什么?惊慌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊慌的读音是jīnghuāng,惊慌翻译成英文是 scared

  2. 问:惊慌失措拼音怎么拼?惊慌失措的读音是什么?惊慌失措翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊慌失措的读音是jīnghuāngshīcuò,惊慌失措翻译成英文是 to be panic-stricken; to be struck with a panic...

  3. 问:惊慌的拼音怎么拼?惊慌的的读音是什么?惊慌的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊慌的的读音是,惊慌的翻译成英文是 panicstricken

  4. 问:惊慌失措的拼音怎么拼?惊慌失措的的读音是什么?惊慌失措的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊慌失措的的读音是,惊慌失措的翻译成英文是 panic-stricken

  5. 问:惊慌期待性反应拼音怎么拼?惊慌期待性反应的读音是什么?惊慌期待性反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊慌期待性反应的读音是jīng huāng qī dài xìng fǎn yìng,惊慌期待性反应翻译成英文是 frightening expectation reaction



惊慌,亦作“ 惊荒 ”。害怕慌张。