







汉语拼音:zì bá







  1. 谓主动摆脱痛苦或罪恶的境地。

    《宋书·鲁爽传》:“ 世祖 镇 襄阳 , 轨 遣亲人 程整 奉书,规欲归顺,自拔致诚。”《魏书·李奖传》:“而 奬 闔门百口,同居 京洛 ,既被覊縶,自拔无由。”《新唐书·叛臣传上·仆固怀恩》:“ 怀恩 子 玢 战败降虏,已而自拔归。”《清史稿·世祖纪二》:“魁恶虽多,岂无寃滥,胁从沉陷,自拔无门。”



  1. He realized that when he had been afraid to change he had been holding on to the illusion of Old Cheese that was no longer there.


  2. America and China, too, could easily fall into a cycle of escalating tension that would be hard to break.


  3. In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately.


  4. Deep memories that I cannot extricate oneself, can only the immersion with pain, wake me up.


  5. Another might be whether the U. S. will plunge into a double-dip recession.


  6. I cannot extricate oneself, do not know how to change themselves, even if I diligently.


  7. Grace is still grappling with the disappearance of her daughter five years earlier. Her husband Lukas is trapped in his own helpless grief.


  8. This being the case, they're caught up in a poverty trap and can't get out of it.


  9. She clear understanding of their own lives in the dark, but she could not extricate themselves indulged in too deep.


  1. 如今我已无法自拔

    And now I cannot break away

  2. 一些人却无法自拔。

    Some just couldn't stop.

  3. 陷入忧郁中无法自拔

    Just stuck inside the gloom

  4. 我陷入情网无法自拔。

    I am completely falling in love.

  5. 让我陷得无法自拔

    Love like magic Drive me crazy

  6. 而现在我却无法自拔。

    And now I cannot break away.

  7. 她从痛苦中努力自拔。

    She pulled herself out of her sorrow.

  8. 掉进无法自拔的陷阱!

    Fell into the trap cannot extricate oneself!

  9. 重组成不可自拔的性格。

    Reintegrated into one obsessive personality.

  10. 她似乎缠绵悱恻无力自拔。

    She seemed to be wallowing in her grief, instead of trying to recover from the disaster.

  11. 她很乐观, 因此不至于无法自拔。

    She was saved in that she was hopeful.

  12. 取笑正恋爱得无力自拔的朋友。

    Ribbing a friend for being helplessly in love.

  13. 这一点一滴的小事让我无法自拔

    The littlest things that take me there

  14. 你说你爱上了他已无法自拔

    You say you love him till unable to extricate yourself

  15. 你让我无法自拔,埃迪唱道。

    You're getting to be a habit with me,'sang Eddie.

  16. 我无法自拔的想念着过去的灵魂。

    I was unable to extricate oneself am thinking of the past soul.

  17. 工人们陷入贫困的怪圈里, 无力自拔。

    Workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty with no escape.

  18. 工人们陷入贫困的怪圈里,无力自拔。

    Workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty with no escape.

  19. 我紧紧捧住它,如今我已无法自拔。

    I held them closely, and now I cannot break away.

  20. 她支持他当药物成瘾无法自拔时。

    She stood by him as he spiralled into drug addiction.

  21. 如果世界上没有你,我却难以自拔。

    If the world did not you, I do not extricate themselves.

  22. 至此我已经彻底沉迷其中不可自拔了。

    And by this time I was hooked.

  23. 只是对于所作的事情已经 无法自拔

    They're just relentless and obsessive about what they do.

  24. 她陷入了个人不幸的旋涡难以自拔。

    She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness.

  25. 我对她恨之入骨,都快要无法自拔了。

    My hatred for her is so intense it seems to be destroying me.

  26. 白丽莱茜从这一切事情中自拔出来了。

    Berenice had survived all this.

  27. 你了受伤,无法摆脱,无法自拔,还倍受煎熬。

    And you hurt, and you live with it, and you sinking down, and you suffered.

  28. 我每次谈恋爱都深陷其中,无法自拔。

    Whenever I get into a relationship, I always fall madly in love.

  29. 让人难以自拔的, 除了牙还有爱情。

    Let the person extricate oneself with difficulty, also has the love except the tooth.

  30. 她已陷入这场运动之中, 以致无法自拔。

    She had become inextricably involved in the campaign.


  1. 问:自拔拼音怎么拼?自拔的读音是什么?自拔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自拔的读音是zìbá,自拔翻译成英文是 free oneself


《宋书·鲁爽传》:“ 世祖 镇 襄阳 , 轨 遣亲人 程整 奉书,规欲归顺,自拔致诚。