




1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……



汉语拼音:hūn dǎo





  1. Then he got his break his wife pretended to faint and the intruder who was holding him went into the other room to see what was happening.


  2. Just as I was thinking, How thoughtful of him, he added, "Better take the dog with you. "


  3. Her mother fainted, canting over from her chair onto the floor.


  4. I was near to fainting but luckily for me , the retired general and his wife had a great sense of humor .


  5. Lestrade's face, when I turn back, is ashen, crumpled, and I wonder, dispassionately, if he might faint.


  6. If he took one more drink, he would pass out.


  7. Her head barely reached his chest, and I could see she was about to faint from the excitement.


  8. If anyone were to faint from the heat, send him to hospital at once.


  9. And he said she was fainting because of her diet.


  1. 晕过去, 昏倒

    fall into a swoon

  2. 她昏倒了吗?

    Is she passed out?

  3. 他昏倒在地。

    He fell senseless to the ground.

  4. 她昏倒在地上。

    She sank to the ground in a dead faint.

  5. 一见血就昏倒

    Faint at the sight of blood

  6. 她热得昏倒了。

    She fainted from the heat.

  7. 她吓得昏倒了。

    She had such a fright that she fainted.

  8. 他累得几乎昏倒。

    He nearly died away with fatigue.

  9. 他因中暑而昏倒。

    He passed out from heat exhaustion.

  10. 他的祖母昏倒了。

    His grandmother fell in a dead faint.

  11. 她觉得她好像要昏倒。

    She felt as if she were going go pass out.

  12. 她被击昏倒在地上。

    She was stunned and sank to the ground.

  13. 我不知道 我发现她昏倒

    I don't know. I found her unconscious.

  14. 看样子, 她几乎要昏倒了。

    She seemed near collapse.

  15. 他一到山脚就昏倒了。

    Scarcely had he reached the foot of the mountain when he passed out.

  16. 她昏倒时,我凑巧在那里。

    It so happened that I was there when she fainted.

  17. 这男子突然昏倒在地板上。

    The man collapsed on the floor in a fit.

  18. 别跑了!你看起来快昏倒了。

    Stop running! You look like youre going to faint.

  19. 哦 老天 我想我要昏倒了

    Oh, my god. I think I'm gonna pass out.

  20. 希望我在台上不要昏倒

    I hope I don't pass out onstage.

  21. 我觉得头昏,我想我快要昏倒了。

    I feel dizzy. I think I'm going to faint.

  22. 使人昏倒的一击, 压倒性的一击

    a knockout blow

  23. 一位老太太昏倒在人行道上。

    An old lady flaked out on the sidewalk.

  24. 不要冒昏倒的危险去做。

    It won't do to risk a fainting fit.

  25. 他砰一声昏倒在地板上。

    He slumped to the floor in a faint.

  26. 她常常一见到血就昏倒。

    She always passes out at the sight of blood.

  27. 我看到你在办公室昏倒了。

    A I saw you faint in the office.

  28. 她昨晚撞到墙上昏倒了。

    She clashed against the wall and fainted off last night.

  29. 阅兵时有几名士兵昏倒了。

    Several soldiers fainted while on parade.

  30. 很多人因连续酷热而昏倒。

    The continued heat keeled over quite a few people.


  1. 问:昏倒拼音怎么拼?昏倒的读音是什么?昏倒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昏倒的读音是hūndǎo,昏倒翻译成英文是 To faint, or to lose consciousness.

  2. 问:昏倒病拼音怎么拼?昏倒病的读音是什么?昏倒病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昏倒病的读音是hūn dǎo bìng,昏倒病翻译成英文是 fainting sickness


一般上来说,“昏倒”是人因为头脑昏沉、晕眩而倒地。 例:小张因为天气太热昏倒了。