


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……


1. 展 [zhǎn]展 [zhǎn]张开,舒张开:~开。~示。~玩。~现。~宽。~望。发~。愁眉不~。延缓,放宽期限:~延。~期。~缓。察看,省(xǐng )视:~墓。陈列:~品。~销。~播。~评。施行,发挥(能力):~拜。开~。施~。一……


大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……





汉语拼音:fā zhǎn zhuàng dà



  1. To help the company bulk up, the China Development Bank recently agreed to provide $1. 5 billion in financing over the next five years.


  2. The essential question of the Sino-Japanese relationship is if Japan can accept the fact that China is growing stronger and more powerful.


  3. For New Fourth Army, the history of its cultural construction is tightly connected with that of its development, expansion and triumph.


  4. But their financial centers, Tokyo and Frankfurt, never grew deep enough to rival New York and the dollar market in London.


  5. For that purpose, Colortrac is also expanding its position as market leader, Colortrac growth exceeds that of its competitors.


  6. As the company continued to grow, the financial establishment of the new system, I also constantly upgrading the capacity and progress.


  7. As the company grows , and the technical staff represents a smaller part of it, the feeling of ownership tends to diminish .


  8. Mr Carbone said the issue is not so much about shifting jobs to Asia but helping companies grow in the US.


  9. They grew organically, as one sort of work differentiated into others, and the constant flow of innovation kept them alive and expanding.


  1. 继续发展壮大

    keep on developing.

  2. 这一运动已发展壮大。

    The movement has grown in strength.

  3. 我们得运动在发展壮大。

    Our campaign is gaining momentum.

  4. 我们的运动在发展壮大。

    Our campaign is gaining momentum.

  5. 大家看到中产阶级的发展壮大。

    You see the middle class grow.

  6. 我们两个国家正携手发展壮大。

    Our two countries are growing together.

  7. 我们两个国家正携手发展壮大。

    Our two countries are growing together.

  8. 对发展壮大农村集体经济的思考

    On the development and expanding of the collective economy in the countryside

  9. 很小但可能发展壮大的品质

    a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger

  10. 工厂经多年经营, 不断发展壮大。

    After years of plant operation, has grown in strength.

  11. 顺从抹杀自由,使其无从发展壮大。

    Conformity is the jailor of freedom, and the enemy of growth.

  12. 我们的成长见证了祖国的发展壮大。

    Our growth is the evidence of our homeland's development and grandness.

  13. 人权事业健康发展。爱国统一战线发展壮大。

    The cause of human rights witnessed sound development. The patriotic united front grew stronger.

  14. 但是变革使得工人阶级发展壮大起来。

    But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.

  15. 基础设施从无到有, 不断发展壮大。

    The Autonomous Region has built up its infrastructure from scratch.

  16. 你打算怎样来发展壮大自己的公司?

    What are your plans for the development of your company?

  17. 员工的创造力是企业发展壮大的源泉。

    Staff's creativity is a fountainhead which the enterprise growsstrong.

  18. 紧紧抓住历史性机遇尽快发展壮大自己

    Seizing Every Historical Opportunity to Accelerate Strengthening Ourselves

  19. 随着年轻人的投入,劳动大军正在发展壮大。

    The work force is growing with the influx of youngsters.

  20. 合理的人才结构是公司发展壮大的根本。

    The structure of person with ability is the fundamentality of the company development and grandness.

  21. 这家公司近五年来迅速地发展壮大。

    The company has grown rapidly in the last five years.

  22. 新疆生产建设兵团在艰苦创业中发展壮大。

    The XPCC grew in strength through arduous pioneering efforts.

  23. 越来越多国际球员的加入,让他们发展壮大。

    The more international around, the more they seem to flourish.

  24. 而这恰恰正是发展壮大的欧洲联合的概念。

    And yet that is precisely the concept of European identity that was gaining ground.

  25. 实验室研究员对于发展壮大有无法满足的需求。

    Lab researchers have an insatiable appetite for growth.

  26. 社会,尝试新的东西,然后发展壮大那些有效的。

    into society, trying things out and then growing and scaling the ones that work.

  27. 并且希望随我们的发展壮大能做到更多。

    And hope to do more as we grow.

  28. 我们的理解是,委员会已做好发展壮大的准备。

    It is our understanding that the Commission is ready to grow.

  29. 管理创新是企业走出困境发展壮大的动力

    Management Innovation as drive pulling enterprises out of predicament for strong development

  30. 清洁生产是煤化工企业发展壮大的必然选择。

    The cleaner production is a necessary choice of the coal chemistry enterprise.