




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:fēn gěi



1.分发食品、财物等作为给养。《南史·陈武帝纪》:“是时食尽,调市人餽军,皆是麦屑为饭,以荷叶裹而分给。”《北史·崔孝政传》:“坐食进退,孝芬 不命则不敢也,鸡鸣而起,且温颜色,一钱尺帛,不入私房,吉凶有须,聚对分给。”《宋史·世家传二·孟昶》:“凡克城砦,止籍其器甲芻粮,悉以钱帛分给战士。”




  1. 分发食品、财物等作为给养。

    《南史·陈武帝纪》:“是时食尽,调市人餽军,皆是麦屑为饭,以荷叶裹而分给。”《北史·崔孝政传》:“坐食进退, 孝芬 不命则不敢也,鸡鸣而起,且温颜色,一钱尺帛,不入私房,吉凶有须,聚对分给。”《宋史·世家传二·孟昶》:“凡克城砦,止籍其器甲芻粮,悉以钱帛分给战士。”

  2. 分别给予;分出部分交予。如:分给每人一本书。



  1. He answered that he would give her twenty thousand crowns for her dowry and half his estate at his death.


  2. He gave away part of his income to his needy friends.


  3. Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them.


  4. His red comb was standing up like a king's crown. When he found some insects, he gave them to the hens.


  5. As a child, the little boy very poor family, food, rice is often not enough to eat, his mother took the bowl of rice to the children to eat.


  6. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.


  7. After receiving the brown envelope from his broker, he would divide the money between team-mates in on the ruse.


  8. "I would have given them food if I had any, " she said, looking away with shame.


  9. In the United States, fast food is usually some kind of sandwiches, two pieces of bread with other food between them.


  1. 遗产分给贫民

    The bequest was divided among the poor.

  2. 把这个分给你们

    Distribute this among you.

  3. 把钱分给孩子们。

    Give the money out to the children.

  4. 把糖果分给孩子们。

    Divide the candy among the children

  5. 我把午餐分给他。

    I shared my lunch with him.

  6. 把糖分给孩子们吃。

    Share the sweets between the children.

  7. 分给各个继承人的遗产

    bequests to the various heirs

  8. 母亲把食物分给孩子们。

    The mother dealt the children the food.

  9. 他们把土地分给农民。

    They had distributed the lands among the peasants.

  10. 把蛋糕平均分给孩子们。

    Share the cake equally among all the children.

  11. 分给每个人两个苹果

    Deal out two apples apiece

  12. 女主人把牛排分给大家。

    The hostess dished out the beefsteaks.

  13. 他们强要他分给他们一分。

    They put the snatch on him for a cut of the take.

  14. 把糖分给你弟弟一点。

    Share the candy with your brother.

  15. 楼下的房子分给兔子。

    Bunny of downstair house deal out.

  16. 然后再分给所有玩家

    and then it's all divided among the players.

  17. 这些苹果是分给汤姆得。

    These apples are allotted to Tom.

  18. 这些苹果是分给汤姆的。

    These apples are allotted to Tom.

  19. 把水果分给你的朋友们。

    Share the fruit among your friends.

  20. 因他将食物分给穷人。

    Foe they share their bread with the poor.

  21. 他把他的财产分给穷人。

    He imparted his fortune to the needy

  22. 把这个任务分给我们吧。

    Assign this task to us, please.

  23. 把多余的乳酪分给穷人

    surplus cheese distriButed to the needy.

  24. 这些电脑已分给我们了。

    These computers have been assigned to us.

  25. 这些电脑已分给我们了。

    These computers have been assigned to us.

  26. 他把这个饼子分给孩子们。

    He divided the cake among the children.

  27. 当局把任务分给私人做。

    They farmed the tasks out to private persons.

  28. 请把这些新书分给同学们。

    Please give these books to your classmate.

  29. 把食品和衣服分给农民。

    Food and clothing were shared out to the peasants.

  30. 该公司把利润分给工人。

    The firm farmed out its profits among its workers.



拼音:fēn gěi 书写:ㄈㄣ ㄍㄟˇ 分给(分给) 释义:分发食品、财物等作为给养。《南史·陈武帝纪》:“是时食尽,调市人餽军,皆是麦屑为饭,以荷叶裹而分给。”《北史·崔孝政传》:“坐食进退, 孝芬 不命则不敢也,鸡鸣而起,且温颜色,一钱尺帛,不入私房,吉凶有须,聚对分给。”《宋史·世家传二·孟昶》:“凡克城砦,止籍其器甲刍粮,悉以钱帛分给战士。” 分别给予;分出部分交予。如:分给每人一本书。