







  1. 不虚饰。

    《老子》:“信言不美,美言不信。” 魏源 本义:“盖实善实知,故皆真实之言,而不虚饰以为美也。”

  2. 不称心;不满意。

    《京本通俗小说·志诚张主管》:“这头亲, 张员外 怕不中意!只是雌儿心下必然不美。”《古今小说·滕大尹鬼断家私》:“ 倪太守 把些布帛赏与众人,各各欢喜。只有那 倪继善 心中不美。”《荡寇志》第八三回:“虽承尊上救援,我们委实去不得,去了两边不美。”

  3. 不好;不妙。




  1. It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell's wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in its response to the unattractive.


  2. l Foolishly arrogant as I was, I used to judge the worth of a person by his intellectual power and attainment.


  3. The true nature of a heart is seen in its respond to the unattractive.


  4. Their shape, their colour, their surface texture were perfect. And yet they were not beautiful.


  5. Jane Eyre is not a beautiful little woman, but there is a strong self-esteem, and she steadfastly pursuing, bright, holy, and a better life.


  6. This tranquillity was not the least beautiful spectacle of this agitated epoch.


  7. This is not a love of the United States, short women, but she has an extremely strong sense of self-esteem.


  8. Chu was dissatisfied with his wife's looks, so Judge Lu used my head to replace hers.


  9. Still others fear that men of other races find black women unattractive, or that their children might be "not black enough" .


  1. 真言不美,美言不真。

    A true word is not beautiful, and a beautiful word is not true.

  2. 一点都不美的风景。

    A landscape void of all beauty.

  3. 那些梅花丛难道不美吗?

    Aren't those plum blossoms beautiful?

  4. 所以你还是觉得我不美,嗯?

    So you really don't think I'm pretty, huh?

  5. 然后,我不美?但是我是温和的。

    Then, I am not beautiful, but I am mild.

  6. 她不美,她只是那么呆呆地站着。

    She is not beautiful, she just stands so dully.

  7. 胜而不美,而美之者,是乐杀人。

    Even in victory, there is no beauty and who calls it beautiful is one who delights in slaughter.

  8. 若真不美呢, 那就绝对无可讳,

    If it be not, then love doth well denote

  9. 所以,比赛看上去不美,但是却很有效。

    It is not particularly beautiful to watch but is highly effective.

  10. 难道不在这个年龄范围内的就不美吗?

    Is everything before and after that utterly irrelevant?

  11. 一个大国一定有美的地方, 也有不美的地方。

    A country must be a beautiful place, there are not a beautiful place.

  12. 再说它们看起来也不美, 并且破坏视觉环境。

    Further more, they are ugly to look and spoil the environments.

  13. 我不会因为玛不美而减低爱她的成份。

    Mary is ugly, but I love her none the less.

  14. 那种平静并非是那动荡时代最不美的景象。

    This tranquillity was not the least beautiful spectacle of this agitated epoch.

  15. 美和不美的东西你都得接受,生活就是这样。

    Take the gifts peacefully no matter they are beautiful or not, as life has taught you to.

  16. 你以为我矮小,卑微,不美,我就没有了感觉了吗?

    You thought I am diminutive, base and low, is not beautiful, I havenot had to feel?

  17. 问题不在于教条美不美,而是到底是不是真的。

    The question is not whether a doctrine is beautiful, but whether it is true.

  18. 安娜?柯柏乌长得并不美,可也不能说丑。

    Anna Cowperwood was not pretty, though she could not be said to be homely.

  19. 你的衣服遮掩了你大部份的美,却遮掩不住那不美的地方。

    Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful.

  20. 一个女人美不美,脸上不能看皱纹而要看眼神儿。

    A woman was beautiful, her face wrinkled and can not see eye to look at children.

  21. 虽然他的外貌不美, 他有一颗善良的心。他乐于帮助别人。

    Although his appearance is not beautiful, he has a good heart.

  22. 当我第一眼看到它的时候,我想这一点都不美

    And when I looked at it first, I thought, no, there's no beauty in that.

  23. 虽然他得外貌不美,他有一颗善良得心。他乐于帮助别人。

    Although his appearance is not beautiful, he has a good heart.

  24. 我也任他们遵行不美的律例,谨守不能使人活着的恶规。

    Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live.


  1. 问:不美拼音怎么拼?不美的读音是什么?不美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不美的读音是,不美翻译成英文是 inelegance

  2. 问:不美的拼音怎么拼?不美的的读音是什么?不美的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不美的的读音是,不美的翻译成英文是 uncomely