







汉语拼音:qǐ cǎo







  1. 拟稿;打草稿。

    《后汉书·百官志三》:“一曹有六人,主作文书起草。” 唐 韩愈 《张中丞传后叙》:“为文章,操纸笔立书,未尝起草。” 明 唐顺之 《詹府燕集奉和上宰松皋公》诗之二:“分日传经清禁里,罢朝起草紫宸旁。” 茅盾 《动摇》五:“大概是托人起草,为人所愚了。”



  1. And perhaps Cuba wants to be one of the partners in a four-way joint venture. How would we write the treaty to do that?


  2. Following these hearings , the bill is marked up (drafted in precise form) and referred to the subcommittee for a vote.


  3. Mr. Obama said the process of drafting the necessary legislation to put tougher financial regulations in place starts now.


  4. Best known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States.


  5. One of the DNI's functions was to take over the CIA director's former role in drawing up the president's daily intelligence brief.


  6. Morocco is now proceeding with a plan for a regional authority to be set up as a step towards autonomy.


  7. The XML Query Working Group did not draw up a formal list of the principles that guided the design of XQuery.


  8. The complications arose for all sorts of reasons; one was that the bill was often wirtten very far from the place of delivery.


  9. When Leona Helmsley, the tyrannical hotel tycoon, drafted her will, the witness who signed it must have been a bit surprised.


  1. 起草宣战文告

    draw up the declaration of war.

  2. 起草公司章程。

    Draft out the Articles of Company.

  3. 基本法起草委员会

    Basic Law drafting committee

  4. 起草一份协定

    to pen an agreement.

  5. 先起草再誊写。

    Write it in rough and then copy it.

  6. 宪法起草者。

    The architects of the Constitution.

  7. 谁将起草起诉状?

    Who will draft the indictment.

  8. 他们开始起草法规。

    They began to draft legislation.

  9. 他起草了讲演稿。

    He drafted his speech.

  10. 起草或发出定单

    To draw up or order an indent.

  11. 让杨先生起草吧。

    Let Mr Yang do the drafting.

  12. 他起草了辞职信。

    He drafted his letter of resignation.

  13. 设计和起草批记录。

    Batch sheet design and draft.

  14. 基本法起草委员会成员

    A member of the Basic Law Drafting Committee

  15. 我们重新起草了文章

    We reenacted this paper.

  16. 他起草了独立宣言。

    He drew up the declaration of the independence.

  17. 约翰起草了这份文件。

    John did the preparations for the document.

  18. 约翰起草了这份文件。

    John did the preparations for the document.

  19. 草拟或起草一份协议

    To draw up or to draft an agreement

  20. 请愿书起草或署名人

    A person who writes or signs a memorial.

  21. 独立宣言是谁起草的

    Who wrote the Declaraion of Independence.

  22. 政府正在起草和平计划。

    The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.

  23. 我参与了合同的起草。

    I had a hand in drafting the contract.

  24. 那个起草了遗嘱的家伙。

    The guy who drafted the will.

  25. 他参与了提议的起草。

    He has had a hand in the drafting of the proposal.

  26. 他开始动手起草了辞呈。

    He set about writing his resignation.

  27. 我们怎么来起草协议呢?

    How would we write the treaty to do that?

  28. 起草书面陈述,我来处理。

    Draw up the affidavit, I'll handle it.

  29. 他们起草了一份开幕词。

    They made out a draft of the opening address.

  30. 如何起草代理或经销协议

    How to Draft an Agency or Distributor Agreement


  1. 问:起草拼音怎么拼?起草的读音是什么?起草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起草的读音是qǐcǎo,起草翻译成英文是 draft

  2. 问:起草人拼音怎么拼?起草人的读音是什么?起草人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起草人的读音是,起草人翻译成英文是 drafter

  3. 问:起草者拼音怎么拼?起草者的读音是什么?起草者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起草者的读音是,起草者翻译成英文是 draftsman

  4. 问:起草小组拼音怎么拼?起草小组的读音是什么?起草小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起草小组的读音是qǐ cǎo xiǎo zǔ,起草小组翻译成英文是 drafting group

  5. 问:起草法律拼音怎么拼?起草法律的读音是什么?起草法律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起草法律的读音是qǐcǎofǎlǜ,起草法律翻译成英文是 draft a law


