





  1. The outer garment should serve as thermal barrier as well as a wind block, since cycling through cold air increases the wind chill factor.


  2. head back to save the inverse-by-fire-help, alpine wetland bewitched by the wind.


  3. Sexual lumbago, dampness is mainly caused by the wind cold invade waist pain, pain for local, expression is cold sore, YinYuTian heavier.


  4. There he was sure of a little food and a bed, safe from the winter wind and the cold.


  5. Too much exposure to cold, his hands are chapped , inflamed and chilblained.


  6. I found a thick piece of feather, thinking about calling my friend to hide behind it delightfully.


  7. or because of careless living, feel the wind cold dampness evil, or eat cold cold, resulting in blood stagnate unreasonable.


  8. The king was told that the poor man would be vulnerable for days.


  9. Victoria and Albert reigned together for twenty years. Prince Albert died from typhoid at the age of 42.


  1. 风寒湿痹证

    Bi syndrome

  2. 风寒眩晕,风邪眩晕

    anemofrigid dizziness

  3. 香樟风寒熨剂

    Xiangzhang Fenghan Sticking Plaster

  4. 当心夜半北风寒,

    Be ware of the midnight cold wind

  5. 当心夜半北风寒,。

    Be ware of the midnight cold wind.

  6. 风寒喘,风寒外束喘,风寒喘逆,风寒喘急

    anemofrigid asthma

  7. 疏风散寒, 疏散风寒

    expelling wind and cold pathogens

  8. 只是受了点儿风寒。

    It's nothing but a chill.

  9. 她是风寒入骨而死的。

    She died of a chill.

  10. 主治风寒感冒、表邪寒热。

    Attending a cold cold, cold and heat evil table.

  11. 不管冰冻风寒,依然枝繁叶茂。

    Pine has also been highly praised for its firm and indomitable character.

  12. 暖和的衣服可以御风寒。

    Warm clothing will keep out the cold.

  13. 暖和得衣服可以御风寒。

    Warm clothing will keep out the cold.

  14. 风寒袭肺,肺气不宣

    invasion of the lung by exogenous wind and cold causing disturbance in its dispersing function

  15. 加上风寒指数,气温接近零下40度。

    With the chill factor,it s nearly minus forty here.

  16. 药物熏蒸治疗风寒湿痹疗效分析

    Effective Analysis on Treating Chill Arthritis with steam Generated by Boiling Medicinal Herbs

  17. 或者这只是风寒冷得耳语?

    Or is it the wind blowing a chilling whisper ?

  18. 或者这只是风寒冷的耳语?

    Or is it the wind blowing a chilling whisper ?

  19. 尤风寒感冒可一浴而愈。

    You can be a cold cold bath and more.

  20. 经常洗冷水澡可以抵御风寒。

    Taking cold baths regularly can heighten one's resistance to colds.

  21. 你的孩子们已使你传染上了风寒。

    Your children have infected you with this bead cold.

  22. 噢, 风寒, 你知道, 他们可能就这意思。

    Oh, windchill, you know, is probably what they meant.

  23. 风寒因子测定为严寒彻骨得零下27度。

    The wind chill factor was pegged at a bonechilling minus 27 degress.

  24. 风寒因子测定为严寒彻骨的零下27度。

    The wind chill factor was pegged at a bonechilling minus 27 degress.

  25. 疏风散寒,迅速缓解风寒感冒症状。

    Expelling wind and cold pathogens, relieving exterior syndrome and clearing away heat.

  26. 风寒感冒和风热感冒用什么药啊?

    Does chill cold zephyr heat up a cold what to drug use?

  27. 圣诞节前后她受了风寒, 病得很厉害。

    Around Christmas she caught a bad chill.

  28. 中药熏治风寒湿痹120例临床报告

    Treatment of120 Cases of Arthralgia Syndrome Caused by Wind, Cold and Damp with Fumigation of Chinese Herbs

  29. 香樟风寒熨剂的薄层色谱鉴别

    Identification of Duhuo,Chuanxiong in Xiangzhang Fenghan Sticking Plaster by TLC

  30. 她也偶然间染上了风寒和耳朵感染。

    She had also picked up a cold and an ear infection.


  1. 问:风寒拼音怎么拼?风寒的读音是什么?风寒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风寒的读音是fēnghán,风寒翻译成英文是 cold; chill; flu