




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:jìn hǎo






  1. 书信末尾表示祝愿的用语。一般用于平辈或后辈。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致曹靖华》:“此致即颂近好。”



  1. This is possibly one of the most innovative template to be released for a good long time.




  1. 这可能是近好一段长时间来所发出的最创新工具之一了。

    This is possibly one of the most innovative template to be released a good long time.

  2. 这可能是近好一段长时间来所发出得最创新工具之一了。

    This is possibly one of the most innovative template to be released a good long time.

  3. 好/ 近得不能再好/ 近

    all too well/ recently, only too well/ recently

  4. 啊!哦, 艾凡, 这雷声好近啊!我好怕。

    Aah!Oh, Evan, that was so close!I'm afraid.

  5. 它永远都在,越近越好。

    It's always going to be there, and the closer it is, the better.

  6. 远段骨折预后比近段好。

    Distal fractures have a better prognosis than proximal fractures.

  7. 请把椅子拉近桌边好吗?

    Could you move your chair closer to the table, please?

  8. 和朋友们还是离的近一点好啊。

    My friends are close by as well.

  9. 我还是住得离工作地点近点儿好。

    I may as well live close t work.

  10. 用拇指和食指抓住柱, 离划痕处越近越好。

    Grasp the column between the thumb and forefinger as close to the score point as possible.

  11. 与漏斗锥底部连接的溜管要设计得与磨盘越近越好。

    Chute, which is connected with the bottom of Funnel Cone, is designed to be as close as possible to the Mill Table.

  12. 离家近点总是好的。

    Its always good to be near family.

  13. 近几天天气好极了。

    The weather during the last few days has been perfect.

  14. 我们先从近距离开始好吗?

    Could we start close to the net frist?

  15. 要是地球离太阳近一些就好了, 冬天就不会这么冷。

    If only the earth were closer to the sun, winter wouldn't be so cold.

  16. 我要她走得更近一些, 好让我用双手掐住她的脖子。

    I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands.

  17. 我赶快往前走, 好更近地看看他们。

    I moved quickly forward to get a nearer view of them.

  18. 欣然领受一切得损失好使近你得人得安适。

    Gladly suffering all injuries and loss so all might draw near and repose.

  19. 这里的墨西哥食物很好吃,价格也好弄公道。如果离我的家更近一些就好了!

    Great Mexican food that’s reasonably priced. If only it were closer to my place.

  20. 退一步讲, 阿拉伯世界已经远远好于近一年前的状态了。

    On balance, the Arab world is in far better shape than it was less than a year ago.

  21. 离学校近的地方比较好。

    I'd like someplace close to school.

  22. 陪伴近运送日期的好消息, 参加被牵涉的焊的新闻。

    Accompanying the good news of a near shipping date, joins the news of the soldering involved.

  23. 租房子不难, 难得是租到离公司近得便宜得好房子。

    Rent a home is not a problem. But rent a nice, cheap home close to your company is a problem.

  24. 租房子不难,难的是租到离公司近的便宜的好房子。

    Rent a home is not a problem. But rent a nice, cheap home close to your company is a problem.

  25. 让盘子靠你近些, 拉好椅子以便你不会倾身向前。

    Keep the plate close to you and pull up your chair so that you don't have to lean forward.

  26. 几乎在每一种文化里, 站得离级别更高的人太近都不太好。

    In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank.

  27. 离销售季节越近, 我们就越好预测。

    The nearer the season draws, the better we can predict.

  28. 向晚意不适驱车登古原夕阳无限好只是近黄昏。

    With twilight shadows in my heart I have driven up among the Leyou Tombs To see the sun, for all his glory, Buried by the coming night.

  29. 在我看来,这不电影是近十年以来最好的一部

    This is the best movie in the last 10 years in my opinion.

  30. 阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。

    The setting sun has boundless beauty Only the yellow dusk is so near.