







汉语拼音:míng kuài









  1. 明白通畅;不晦涩不呆板。

    明 李贽 《复焦弱侯书》:“世间讲学诸书,明快透髓,自古至今未有如 龙谿先生 者。” 明 陆深 《传疑录》:“ 苏頴滨 论权臣,文极明快。” 阿英 《鲁迅忌日忆殷夫》:“他说话时总是很沉静……句子很短,很明快。”

  2. 开朗直爽。

    《朱子语类》卷一○三:“ 张敬夫 为人明快,每与学者説话,一切倾倒説出。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“他莫名其妙地暗自追随这个明快爽利的女孩子身后,像在黑夜里跟从一束熊熊的火焰。”

  3. 明亮;明朗。

    宋 苏轼 《又次韵二守许过新居》:“数亩蓬蒿古县阴,晓窗明快夜堂深。” 宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑·元旦占候》:“ 元丰 四年正旦, 九江郡 天无片云,风日明快,是年果旱。” 元 王祯 《农书》卷二十:“﹝蚕瓮﹞以泥封之,七日之后,出而繰之,频频换水,即丝明快。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第九回:“野地里,月亮照得挺明快。”



  1. His countenance, in the bright circle of lamplight, was certainly that of an ancient, but it shone with something unyielding, even immortal.


  2. Only a packaging with a clear visual idea is able to stand out at the market among the generic packagings of the competition.


  3. Dynamic fast-paced melody song lyrics, a true expression of a lovelorn young man of that ages aspirations.


  4. He seems to bring his armchair to the proscenium and chat with us in all the lusty ease of his fine English.


  5. A brightly colored tattoo featuring the Disney version of the Cheshire cat with a tea set and a clock stacked on his tail.


  6. What they played was warm, sunny, yet there was just a faint chill .


  7. Concise product modeling simple, smooth lines and rich sense of the times, both at home and abroad favored by the consumer market.


  8. Well, there "" "" s a simple answer: I apparently have never been shown your entire article, even by you!


  9. Standard Queen's English has a clear-cut rhythm, full of melody and sense of beauty. Aesthetically it's superior to the American.


  1. 明快的笔调

    a lucid and lively style.

  2. 笔调很明快。

    The style is lucid and lively.

  3. 明快活泼的曲调

    a bright vivacious strain

  4. 贝洛斯务实而明快。

    Bellos is practical, and sprightly.

  5. 简洁明快的写作风格

    a bright, punchy style of writing

  6. 他作品的格调很明快。

    His writings are bright in style.

  7. 线条简洁的线条,形式简洁明快的

    Having lines, edges, or forms of neat and pleasing simplicity.

  8. 月亮照得院子里挺明快。

    The moon lightened the courtyard.

  9. 像飞镖和蜂刺一样明快。

    and terse like the dart and sting of a bee.

  10. 明快,直观,资料分类井然有序。

    Clearly, ocular, assort the documents in order.

  11. 这篇文章风格明快, 内容充实。

    This article is crisp, informative.

  12. 跳恰恰跳这种节奏明快的交际舞

    To perform this rhythmic ballroom dance.

  13. 她一切动作都明快, 果断而有力。

    All her movements were sharp, decided, and energetic.

  14. 这张专辑音乐轻松明快,趣味十足。

    This album is bright, breezy and playful.

  15. 她在小提琴上奏出明快的节奏。

    She rippled a lively rhythm on the violin.

  16. 谚语简洁明快, 丰富多彩, 且往往带刺。

    Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting.

  17. 我想给它包上色调明快的纸。

    I want to wrap it in colored paper.

  18. 主次分明, 色调明快而恬静, 柔和而娴雅。

    Primary and secondary trenchant, tonal and lively and quiet, gentle and quiet.

  19. 色调明快协调, 有很强的艺术感染力。

    The tone is bright and harmony, very impressive.

  20. 色调明快协调,有很强得艺术感染力。

    The tone is bright and harmony, very impressive.

  21. 他写着一手简洁而明快的好散文。

    He writes a very clear simple prose.

  22. 一种源自拉丁美洲的节奏明快的交际舞

    a rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America

  23. 我厌恨这些提醒丛林生活的明快的东西。

    I hated those bright reminders of life in the forest.

  24. 使增强使或变得更加明快或更有力量

    To make or become brighter or more vigorous.

  25. 我非常喜欢这种简约明快的文字风格。

    And I particularly liked his concise and straightforward style.

  26. 香味比地桂香味浓郁, 辛辣, 土, 明快森林香味。

    Aromatic Description Much richer in aroma than ground cinnamon. Peppery, earthy, spicy, bright yet slightly woodsy.

  27. 紧缩句结构简洁明快,然内容却很丰富。

    Its condensed sentence has concise structure but rich content.

  28. 也有悠扬动听的情歌和矫健明快的舞蹈。

    The region is renowned for its heritage of beautiful love songs and lively dancing.

  29. 一幅具有艺术表现力的作品是响亮明快的。

    A piece of works with artistic expressive force is brilliant and vivid.

  30. 他的文章风格犀利明快, 没有任何华丽的词藻。

    His is a cutandthrust style without any flourish.


  1. 问:明快拼音怎么拼?明快的读音是什么?明快翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明快的读音是míngkuài,明快翻译成英文是 lucid and lively; straightforward



【出处】:明 李贽 《复焦弱侯书》:“世间讲学诸书,明快透髓,自古至今未有如 龙溪先生 者。” 明 陆深 《传疑录》:“ 苏頴滨 论权臣,文极明快。”