




1. 厂 [chǎng]2. 厂 [ān]3. 厂 [hàn]厂 [chǎng]指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。厂 [ān]同“庵……



汉语拼音:chū chǎng






  1. 产品运出工厂。如:这批产品已经过检验,可以出厂了。



  1. Supervise the inspection implement of every process, make up the test report and inspection report.


  2. The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality.


  3. We will be related to both models give you the factory price, so that kind of bottom, to know how much each one can be earned.


  4. Dryer factory as a whole, the overall transport, simply lifting in place, positioning is very easy to install.


  5. Unfortunately, the easiest of these -- using the front-panel LED menu -- doesn't fully restore the switch to its factory settings.


  6. A new car with a factory paint job can be waxed the moment it is rolled out of the manufacturing plant.


  7. The results indicate that this method improves the detection efficiency, and ensures the reliability of the ex-factory products.


  8. Pharmaceutical market price has always been the most sensitive nerve, and is available to the public for the purpose of ". "


  9. After some time ago wu liang ye, mao tai after ready to produce higher than National Day premise, price increases of 20% to 30%.


  1. 天然气出厂价格

    producer price for natural gas

  2. 刚出厂的硬币

    coins fresh from the mint.

  3. 压低出厂价格

    put down the price exworks.

  4. 平均出厂质量限度

    AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit

  5. 工业品出厂价格指数

    index of producer price of industrial products

  6. 试验检定证书, 出厂证

    testing certificate

  7. 制造日期及出厂编号。

    Date of manufacture and serial number.

  8. 天然气出厂价格改革方案

    The plan for reforming the producer price of natural gas

  9. 出厂价笔筒大量批发!

    Penholder large wholesale exfactory price!

  10. 决定出厂检验的抽样方案。

    Define the sample plan of outgoing Inspection.

  11. 市场价与出厂价倒挂。

    The market prices are topsy-turvy in relation to factory prices.

  12. 一切产品按出厂价执行。

    Everything on the implementation of the factory price.

  13. 不合格项可能导致不合格品出厂

    The unacceptable items that might cause unacceptable products to leave factory.

  14. 产品出厂前须经过严格检查。

    Prod ucts have to pass inspecton before go out.

  15. 在出厂之前你什么都不用操心

    and you won't even see it till it's done.

  16. 产品出厂前应该进行抽样检查。

    The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory.

  17. 计量器须校对合格才可出厂。

    Measuring instruments must be calibrated before leaving the factory.

  18. 内河钢质船舶出厂质量评级标准。

    Standard of grade estimation for product quality o.

  19. 托盘的出厂价格降低,使得利润降低了。

    Tray factory prices lower, the lower profits.

  20. 摩托车起动电机浸水出厂试验方法

    Waterproof Testing Method of Motorcycle Starting Motor

  21. 其质量经过严格检查,方能出厂。

    The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality.

  22. 每床毯子的出厂价格包括货盘。

    Price per fleece blanket ex factory with pallets.

  23. 如果有护封, 则包上护封即可出厂。

    If you have a book jacket, the package can be factory on the book jacket.

  24. 这就恢复了原始出厂系统默认值。

    This restores the original factory system defaults.

  25. 仪器在出厂时已进行了电气标定。

    Electrical calibration for an instrument should be done in the factory.

  26. 他似乎很满意这辆新出厂的车。

    He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle.

  27. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。

    All prouducts have to pass strict inspection before they go out.

  28. 在设备出厂前, 对设备控制系统进行调试。

    Responsible for the debugging and testing of the control system of asphalt plant at factory.

  29. 管坯价格继续上涨,无缝管出厂价格推高。

    Tube prices continued to rise and seamless push up prices.

  30. 产品出厂要严格检查,马马虎虎可不行。

    Products must be strictly, not carelessly, inspected before they leave the factory.


  1. 问:出厂拼音怎么拼?出厂的读音是什么?出厂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂的读音是chūchǎng,出厂翻译成英文是 to leave the factory; be dispatched from the f...

  2. 问:出厂税拼音怎么拼?出厂税的读音是什么?出厂税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂税的读音是chūchǎngshuì,出厂税翻译成英文是 factory tax

  3. 问:出厂价格拼音怎么拼?出厂价格的读音是什么?出厂价格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂价格的读音是chū chǎng jià gé,出厂价格翻译成英文是 factory price

  4. 问:出厂调整拼音怎么拼?出厂调整的读音是什么?出厂调整翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂调整的读音是chū chǎng tiáo zhěng,出厂调整翻译成英文是 factory-adjusted control

  5. 问:出厂证明书拼音怎么拼?出厂证明书的读音是什么?出厂证明书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂证明书的读音是chūchǎngzhèngmíngshū,出厂证明书翻译成英文是 certificate of merchandise

  6. 问:出厂品质条件拼音怎么拼?出厂品质条件的读音是什么?出厂品质条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出厂品质条件的读音是chū chǎng pǐn zhì tiáo jiàn,出厂品质条件翻译成英文是 factory's quality terms



出厂 chūchǎng [(of products) leave the factory] 合格品离厂,标志产品成为商品