







汉语拼音:bāo biǎn







  1. At that time, the criteria of appraisal is often from the interests of tribal groups, and began to come into mixed phenomenon.


  2. Facebook apps have generally been a bit of a mixed bag for travel firms since the social network's API was opened to developers in mid-2007.


  3. Each membership card before there was an error on the designer of the producers ' comments about most is the font.


  4. In fact, the concept of karma in Buddhism is neither commentary nor derogatory, but a neuter noun.


  5. Wang Anshi was an important person of the Song history, but people have not got agreement on him.


  6. The following year, he made his New York debut at Town Hall to mixed reviews.


  7. Although the Europeans received mixed reviews for their performance, they were widely credited with seeing it to a successful conclusion.


  8. Here's one: They discovered that the more men disagree about a woman's looks the more they end up liking her.


  9. Such a group of mixed groups and will give social ethos bring what kind of impact?


  1. 褒贬特征提取

    Appraisable feature extracting

  2. 褒贬倾向性分类

    Appraisable classification

  3. 褒贬性评价

    appraise evaluation.

  4. 背地里褒贬人

    speak ill of sb. behind his back.

  5. 切勿褒贬过早。

    Do not praise a day before sunset.

  6. 褒贬兼蓄的发言

    a speech that contained praise mingled with blame

  7. 褒贬国俗语义

    commendatory and derogatory terms on national connotation

  8. 但他们的评价褒贬参半。

    But they got a mixed review.

  9. 人们对他褒贬不一。

    People pass different judgements on him.

  10. 别在背地里褒贬人。

    Dont speak ill of anybody behind his back.

  11. 不要随便褒贬人。

    You can't pass judgment on people without proper consideration.

  12. 工人们对协议条款褒贬不一。

    Worker reaction to the terms was mixed.

  13. 这次试飞的反映褒贬不一。

    Reaction to the test flight was mixed.

  14. 褒贬全都涵盖在一个词里了。

    A compliment and an insult in just one word.

  15. 我对这本书的看法是褒贬参半。

    I have mixed feelings about the book.

  16. 孙悟空人物设计褒贬的佛学释疑

    Buddhistic Interpretation of the Creation of the Monkey in the Record of A Journey to the West

  17. 浅论英语词义褒贬的选择与翻译

    A Brief Discussion about the Choice and Translationof the Commendatory and Derogatory Meanings of English Words.

  18. 这些要求得到了一个褒贬参半的认可。

    The requirements got a mixed reception.

  19. 司法界对此项目的反应褒贬不一。

    The judicial response to the program was mixed.

  20. 这一新剧得到的评价是褒贬不一。

    The new play got mixed notices.

  21. 改进的基于知网词汇语义褒贬倾向性计算

    Improved lexical semantic tendentiousness recognition computing

  22. 摘要许多动物名称词都具有文化褒贬意义。

    Abstract Many animal names have culturally commendatory or derogatory meanings.

  23. 某些书得批评家不辨好恶地随便褒贬。

    Some critics of books bestow their praise or their censure by wholesale.

  24. 某些书的批评家不辨好恶地随便褒贬。

    Some critics of books bestow their praise or their censure by wholesale.

  25. 领域内文本褒贬倾向性分类中的特征提取技术

    Researching on Feature Selection Method in Domainal Text Appraisive Categorization

  26. 多少个世纪以来, 人们对秋天就褒贬不一。

    True, some mixed notices have come in over the centuries.

  27. 因原老板已走了,她就一个劲儿地褒贬他。

    Now he's left, she's always slagging off her old boss.

  28. 吉姆是一本在今天受到褒贬不一的小说。

    Kim is a novel that nowadays is regarded with some ambivalence.

  29. 英译汉中词义的选择, 引伸, 褒贬和转译

    The selection, extension, elevation, degradation and transference of word meaning in the translation from English into Chinese

  30. 以一分为二的视角,褒贬共持的态度进行分析评价。

    With two sides of perspective, the attitude Fitzgerald was analyzed and appraised.


  1. 问:褒贬拼音怎么拼?褒贬的读音是什么?褒贬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:褒贬的读音是bāobiǎn,褒贬翻译成英文是 pass judgement on



褒贬 bāobiǎn (1) [praise and disparage]∶评论好坏。褒:赞扬 贬:指出缺点。 操尝造花园一所;造成, 操往观之,不置褒贬,只取笔于门上书一“活”字而去———《三国演义》 褒贬是非 评论好坏 (2) [speak ill of]∶说…的坏话,恶意批评(贬义复词) 例:别在背地里褒贬人 褒贬bāo biǎn中文解释 - 英文翻译 褒贬的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释基本解释1. [praise and disparage]∶赞扬和指责,借指评论好坏操尝造花园一所;造成, 操往观之,不置褒贬,只取笔于门上书一“活”字而去。——《三国演义》褒贬是非2. [speak ill of]∶说…的坏话,恶意批评(偏义复词)