







汉语拼音:zhū huán






  1. “珠还合浦”的省略。

    唐 陈陶 《闽中送任畹端公还京》诗:“ 汉 庭凤进鵷行喜, 隋 国珠还水府贫。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·雷曹》:“其人负 乐 踏波出……又入之;数入数出,列货满舟。 乐 谢曰:‘君生我亦良足矣,敢望珠还哉!’”参见“ 珠还合浦 ”。



  1. The terrified girls told the ship's authorities, and the traffickers were arrested, but Menchu is still waiting for her day in court.


  1. 您要真珠还是养珠。我们两们都有。

    Natural pearls or cultured pearls ? We have both kinds.

  2. 哦,原来如此,我想如此,我想还是买真珠。

    Oh, I see. I think I prefer the natural.

  3. 这些人侃侃而谈, 妙语如珠, 还不时开个玩笑。

    The native speakers sounded conversational, and could make jokes, add nuance.

  4. 孝女还珠记

    How the filial daughter returned the pearl.

  5. 还珠格格音乐全记录

    Princess Returning Pearl Original Soundtrack

  6. 还珠格格第一部内容介绍

    Part One of Princess of Pearl

  7. 您要真珠还是养珠?

    Natural pearls or cultured pearls ?

  8. 要真珠还是养珠的。

    Natural pearls or cultured pearls.

  9. 再然后用了两年的时间, 赚的钱就够还珠海的债务了。

    And then spent another two years, enough money has also Zhuhai debt.

  10. 有的。要真珠的和还是养珠的?两种我们都有。

    Yes.Natural pearls or cultured pearls? We have both kinds.

  11. 有的, 要真珠的还是要养珠的?

    Yes. Natural pearls or cultured pearls ?

  12. 是我,还有我的小珠儿。

    It is I, and my little Pearl.

  13. 是珠儿叫我还活在世上!

    Pearl keeps me here in life!

  14. 出水荷叶还带着露珠,晶莹剔透。

    The lotus leaf on the water surface is still with dewdrops looking bright, and clear as crystals on its surface.

  15. 露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上。

    Beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses.

  16. 哦, 原来如此, 我想还是买真珠的。

    Oh, I see. I think I prefer a natural one.

  17. 她睡得很熟,眼睫毛上还挂着泪珠。

    She was sleeping soundly, and upon her eyelashes there lingered tears.

  18. 好在对小珠儿来说, 还有的是时间呢。

    But there was time enough yet for little Pearl.

  19. 莲座上的莲花还带着水珠, 看着清新漂亮。

    The lotus flowers on the bottom of lotus seeds are still with beads, which look quite fresh and beautiful.

  20. 莲座上的莲花还带着水珠,看着清新漂亮。

    The lotus flowers on the bottom of lotus seeds are still with beads, which look quite fresh and beautiful.

  21. 预售制度珠海引激辩是彻底取消还是改良

    Presale system Zhuhai cited robust debate is the complete abolition or improvement

  22. 有得。要真珠得和还是养珠得?两种我们都有。

    Yes.Natural pearls or cultured pearls? We have both kinds.

  23. 而泪珠带上了笑容,就变得甚至比笑容还珍贵。

    The tear, by the smile is made precious above the smile itself.

  24. 石蜡切片观察还发现胚囊畸形,出现双胚珠和双胚囊。

    Malformation embryo sac, twinovule and twinembryo sac in an ovary were seen with paraffin slic.

  25. 大型购物中心还以比较合理的价位销售镶珠的首饰。

    Shopping malls also beaded jewelry items at reasonable prices.

  26. 我还有八个人负责刺绣、镶边和串珠这些工作。

    Then I also had eight people to do embroidery, trimming, piping, beading.

  27. 线虫体内存在33种珠蛋白,这些蛋白的功能还不清楚。

    There are33 putative globins in C.elegans, the function of these globins was unknow.

  28. 线虫体内存在33种珠蛋白,这些蛋白得功能还不清楚。

    There are31 putative globins in C. elegans, the function of these globins was unknow.

  29. 再近些, 你还要可以看见树叶上的露珠和昆虫。

    Up close, you may a dewdrop or an insect sitting on a leaf.

  30. 窗外得雨已经停了, 但玻璃上还是布满明亮得水珠。

    Outside, the rain had stopped but the glass was still pebbled with bright drops.



zhū huán注音ㄓㄨ ㄏㄨㄢˊ