








1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……



汉语拼音:jué kǒu bù tí








  1. he even smiled to hear him speak, and said nothing of the uneasiness for the future which he felt.


  2. You always makes no mention of the incident on their own, she felt your heart away from her so much, they are unable enough.


  3. What they all had in common was that the attraction was usually hidden, forever unspoken, and always unrequited.


  4. He played down rumours of an imminent departure for Senderos and played his cards close to his chest over Campbell.


  5. Mr Obama also said far too little about what most concerns Republicans and what led to his party's defeat at the mid-terms: the deficit.


  6. Not once did anyone mention the Capital Asset Allocation Model, or any other technical areas of investment expertise.


  7. Yet for more than 80 years he never spoke about the war.


  8. At a service desk, the agent is expected to keep mum about her problems and to show a reasonable interest in yours.


  9. Two months ago, every Republican in the US House backed this plan; now no one wants to talk about it.


  1. 绝口不提行吗

    Like ever?

  2. 目前我可绝口不提。

    At present I will say nothing about it.

  3. 她对于柏姑父绝口不提。

    She never spoke of Uncle By.

  4. 她对这件事绝口不提。

    She never breathed a word about it.

  5. 我尽量绝口不提他的事。

    I tried to shut up about him.

  6. 他们要我对那事绝口不提。

    They bound me to remain silent about it.

  7. 绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。

    No mention is not because of forgotten, but because the mind.

  8. 避免流言的最好方法就是绝口不提。

    Avoid the drama and gossip and keep your salary to yourself.

  9. 避免流言得最好方法就是绝口不提。

    Avoid the drama and gossip and keep your salary to yourself.

  10. 但是, 我会让过去就此过去, 并且绝口不提。

    I'll let it pass, and hold my tongue.

  11. 我是因为怕失去你才绝口不提的。

    I said nothing for fear of losing you.

  12. 然而,80多年来他都对战争绝口不提。

    Yet for more than 80 years he about the war.

  13. 或者绝口不提她给的建议,而只是谢谢她。

    Or thank the person without discussing her comments.

  14. 最近政府对发生在海地的虐待事件绝口不提。

    The administration has recently become silent about abuses in Haiti.

  15. 不过, 多少透露一点法律相关费用总好过绝口不提吧。

    Still, a little bit of light on legal fees is better than nothing.

  16. 克拉克的朋友们心照不宣, 绝口不提他那位患精神病的妻子。

    By tacit agreement, Clark's friends all avoided any mention of his mentally ill wife.

  17. 我对这事始终绝口不提,引起了我们族里人的误会。

    The reserve which I have hitherto maitained in this matter has been misinterpreted by members of my family.

  18. 汉很想知道父母得情况, 但什赖克总对他绝口不提。

    Solo longed to learn more about his parents, but Shrike kept all information from him.

  19. 汉很想知道父母的情况,但什赖克总对他绝口不提。

    Solo longed to learn more about his parents, but Shrike kept all information from him.

  20. 但对他们的薯条, 面包, 芝士和酱料是否含有防腐剂绝口不提。

    Sneakily, though, it made no mention of its fries, bread, cheese or sauce.

  21. 告诉他们你该说的, 但是绝口不提龙的事。

    Tell them what you will, but never speak of dragons.

  22. 他在发言中再一次绝口不提哈马斯这个词。

    Once again, the word Hamas was not mentioned even once in his address.

  23. 我们对术后疼痛绝口不提

    We don't talk about postop pain.

  24. 课本提都不提

    The text books don't mention it.

  25. 咱不提这个

    Let's just not talk about this.

  26. 坦克这事先不提

    Okay, pause on the whole Tank thing.

  27. 好汉不提当年勇。

    A hero is silent about his past glories.

  28. 你不提我也知道。

    You don't have to tell me.

  29. 你不提我也知道。

    You don't have to tell me.

  30. 你必须答应不提此事。

    You must promise not to mention.



“绝口不提”是个多义词,它可以指绝口不提(汉语词汇), 绝口不提(大鹏董成鹏演唱歌曲), 绝口不提(柳岩演唱歌曲)。