








1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……



汉语拼音:zhī zì bù tí







  • 【解释】:只:一个。一个字也不谈起。比喻有意不说。
  • 【示例】:在这本“党史”里,李大钊同志的历史功绩不见了,~他是中国共产党的创始人之一。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;指有意不说


  1. Like Mister also know this, also personally go to the hospital to see it, but I said nothing.


  2. When the child returned, we did not comment on the switch and let him or her play spontaneously .


  3. As interior minister, he took great interest in how to improve the lives of French Muslims, but he has dropped all such talk as a candidate.


  4. So the mahout had to report this to the king, although he said nothing about selling the friendly dog.


  5. He said nothing about the sleeping beauty, and hid the fact that they had got married.


  6. Google would not comment on Cuil and would not disclose the size of its own index.


  7. His friends never said a word about splitting the cost, and this made him a little uncomfortable.


  8. I determined not to say a word to Carrie, but to tell Farmerson to come on Monday and paint the bath white.


  9. This grates all the more given the omission of less flattering parts of his track record.


  1. 而你却只字不提。

    And you never mentioned that.

  2. 而你却只字不提。

    And you never mentioned that.

  3. 而你却只字不提。

    And you never mentioned that.

  4. 她对你的要求只字不提。

    She said nothing regarding your request.

  5. 老人对自己早年生活只字不提。

    The old man was silent about his early life.

  6. 关于他孩子的下落,他只字不提。

    Not a word escaped his lips about his sons whereabouts.

  7. 只字不提。他们不谈论我们,不谈论煤矿

    Nothing. They don't talk about us. They don't talk about the coal.

  8. 可现在你对我却只字不提,对吧?

    But now you never show that to me, do ya?

  9. 对于所发生之事你最好只字不提。

    You'd better be silent about what happened.

  10. 消息灵通的当地记者和编辑也只字不提。

    Local journalists and editors who were in the loop wrote no evil.

  11. 我注意到她对关于蛇的恐惧只字不提。

    I notice she says nothing about a fear of snakes.

  12. 时代杂志对这件事怎么可能只字不提呢

    How could Time utterly ignore such an event.

  13. 公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。

    The communique made no mention of progress on any of the issues.

  14. 老师只挑我的错误, 对我的优点却只字不提。

    The teacher only shows me my errors and never says anything about my good points.

  15. 老师只挑我得错误,对我得优点却只字不提。

    The teacher only shows me my errors and never says anything about my good points.

  16. 老师只挑出我的错误,对我的优点却只字不提。

    The teacher only shows me my errors and never says anything about my good points.

  17. 老师只挑出我得错误,对我得优点却只字不提。

    The teacher only shows me my errors and never says anything about my good points.

  18. 萨加摩尔周报仍然只字不提提尔伯里的事。

    The SAGAMORE was still silent about Tilbury.

  19. 所有的孩子对他们在学校遇上的麻烦只字不提。

    All the children kept quiet about the trouble they had got into at school.

  20. 所有得孩子对他们在学校遇上得麻烦只字不提。

    All the children kept quiet about the trouble they had got into at school.

  21. 刚回到家时,他只字不提自己一直在做什么。

    When he first came home he wouldn't say anything about what he'd been doing.

  22. 但受害人被关押了22天,而判决书对此只字不提。

    Yet the victim was held for22 days and the judgement made no reference to this.

  23. 我不知道书评作者为什么只字不提该书的这一方面。

    I wonder what made the reviewer pass over this aspect of the book in silence.

  24. 主动要求帮忙修剪草坪的人, 却只字不提你那冷酷的丈夫。

    The sort that offers to mow your lawn, but doesnt mention your husband seems cold.

  25. 对于这件事他只字不提的唯一原因。

    The only reason why he never said anything about any of this.


  1. 问:只字不提拼音怎么拼?只字不提的读音是什么?只字不提翻译成英文是什么?

    答:只字不提的读音是zhīzìbùtí,只字不提翻译成英文是 not say a single word about sth; keep silen...



发音 zhī zì bù tí 释义 只:一个。一个字也不谈起。比喻有意不说。 出处:贾芝《重版后记》:“在这本‘党史’里,李大钊同志的历史功绩不见了,只字不提他是中国共产党的创始人之一。” 示例:他对此事~。