








天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……



汉语拼音:diàn yǐng míng xīng



  1. Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie stars.


  2. When young, she led an extravagant life, living out a fantasy that she was a movie star.


  3. The girls think I look like a movie star so told me to pose like this!


  4. For the last 40 years of her life, Ms. Taylor became nothing but a celebrity, no longer a movie star.


  5. If I were to stay five more minutes, I would be able to see the film star.


  6. He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.


  7. He is often mistaken for a certain film star.


  8. She said: "There was no way I could marry an adult film star. "


  9. "God, you look like a movie star, " he said, and compared with him I suppose I did.


  1. 模仿电影明星

    to impersonate film stars.

  2. 见到电影明星本人

    See a movie star in the flesh

  3. 魅力四射的电影明星。

    glamorous movie stars.

  4. 电影明星?真是耍大牌!

    A movie star? What a poser!

  5. 她的确向往电影明星

    She looked for all the world like a movie star.

  6. 这电影明星酗酒出名。

    This film star was celebrated for drinking too much.

  7. 那个电影明星又失恋了。

    That film star is falling out of loveagain.

  8. 揭电影明星伤疤的记者们

    Eg. Journalists who dish the dirt about movie stars

  9. 某人青年时代的电影明星。

    the celluloid heroes of ones youth.

  10. 一群才子, 美女, 电影明星。

    a galaxy of talent, beautiful women, film stars

  11. 他非常希望成为电影明星。

    He has an urge to become a film star.

  12. 她有时喜欢模仿电影明星。

    Sometimes she likes to make like a movie star.

  13. 报纸上经常抨击电影明星。

    Film stars are often sniped at in the newspapers.

  14. 电影明星们的名望盛衰无常。

    The popularity of the film stars waxed and waned.

  15. 她梦到自己是电影明星。

    She dreamed she was a film star.

  16. 她梦到自己是电影明星。

    She dreamed she was a film star.

  17. 你最喜欢哪位电影明星?

    Who did you like most the movie star?

  18. 他渴望当一名电影明星。

    He has an urge to become a cinema star.

  19. 阔绰而爱炫耀的电影明星

    rich flamboyant film stars

  20. 我也没有电影明星那么帅。

    I'm not movie star handsome.

  21. 是否会问电影明星要签名

    Would you ask a movie star for an autograph.

  22. 大部分电影明星很有魅力。

    Most movie stars have a lot of charisma.

  23. 她妄想成为一名电影明星。

    She has fond hopes of becoming a movie star.

  24. 这名电影明星常常化装旅行。

    The film star often travels in disguise.

  25. 想象一下家里有个电影明星。

    Imagine having a film star in the family.

  26. 任性而难以取悦的电影明星

    a movie star who was capricious and difficult to please

  27. 我昨天看到一位电影明星。

    I saw a film star yesterday.

  28. 简总是模仿有名得电影明星。

    Jane has always modeled herself after the famous movie star.

  29. 简总是模仿有名的电影明星。

    Jane has always modeled herself after the famous movie star.

  30. 她是谁?某个新的电影明星?

    Who is she? Some new movie star?


