




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……



汉语拼音:yì jīng







  1. With a symbolic way of thinking, Confucius had constructed the junzi ideal type with which Tao is into one.


  2. "Divination" is to predict future developments, and "I Ching" is the theory of summing up the law books of these projections.


  3. The Ba-Zi and Feng-Shui are the means of random point from Yi-Jing, as well as a description of Yin-Yang Theory.


  4. With thousands of years of history, "I-Ching, " or "Book of Changes, " remains popular in China with its naive philosophy of changes.


  5. The Book of Changes evolved in stages over the next eight centuries, but the first recorded reference is in 672 BCE.


  6. Book is very difficult to read and learn is very difficult to Confucius is not afraid of hardship, repeatedly read until understood so far.


  7. According to ancient classic the Book of Changes, maintaining a balance between the mind and the body is vital for health.


  8. The I Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle that provides an Oriental philosophical perspective to give insight on situations and problems.


  9. The "I Ching" is one of the first efforts of the human mind to place itself in the universe.


  1. 世界易经学会


  2. 易经,改变,容易。

    Book of Changes, change, easy.

  3. 易经系传别讲


  4. 易经与企业可持续发展

    I CHING a nd Sustainable Development of Enterprise

  5. 这些字符是出自易经吗?

    These characters, are these from the I ching?

  6. 易经逻辑的形式演绎系统

    Formal deductive system in the Book of Yi

  7. 运用易经智慧构建和谐课堂

    Use wisdom of the book of changes Construct harmonious classroom

  8. 为了完美的梦想扔掉易经

    Throw the I ching for a perfect dream

  9. 易经的忧患意识与民族精神

    The Sense of Anxiety and the National Spirit in The Book of Changes

  10. 和弦连接的易经数理周期率

    The Cycle Ratio of Logistic in Book of Changes To Chord Sequence

  11. 国际易经科学研究院会员登记表

    Member registration table of international the book of changes scientific institute

  12. 这篇文章是理解易经的津梁。

    This article is a bridge to understanding The Book of Changes.

  13. 这篇文章是理解《易经》的津梁。

    This article is a bridge to understanding The Book of Changes.

  14. 传统上认为,易经出自河图和洛书。

    Traditionally, the I Ching originated from the River Maps and Luo Book.

  15. 论易经对当代作曲家音乐创作的影响

    Effects of I Ching on Contemporary Music Writing

  16. 易经的文学性及其在译文中的重构

    The literary art of Yi Jing and its reconstruction in English translation

  17. 我自愿加入世界易经学会,愿意遵守学会章程。

    I voluntarily join the world Book of Changes to learn, is willing toobserve the academic society regulation.

  18. 一个汉学家是不能不懂易经和老子的。

    Sinologist must understand Yijing and Laozi.

  19. 就象易经说的, 这个世界全由阴阳组成。

    We may say like the Book of Changes that the world consists of Yin and Yang.

  20. 本书还从管理角度探讨了易经的智慧。

    Book I also explores the wisdom of The Book of Changes from a business perspective.

  21. 这种易经的排列图组合是道家的一种符号。

    This arrangement of I Ching imagery is a common symbol in Taoism.

  22. 蓝汉之是一个独特的易经和老子学者。

    Lanhanzhi is a peculiar scholar of Yijing and Laozi.

  23. 从思维方法学看易经文化在21世纪的贡献

    The Contributions of the Study of the Book of Changes to the 21st Century in Terms of Ways of Thinking

  24. 并分析了易经的卦爻辞对后世辞体产生的影响。

    And analysis of I Ching hexagrams remarks on the impact of body later speech.

  25. 因此,易经占断之辞蕴藏着深长的人生智慧。

    Therefore, the deducing dictions of The Book of Changes contain the profound life wisdom.

  26. 医易相通是说中医的理论和易经的道理相一致。

    Medical Yi interlinked, said Chinese medicine theory and the Book of Changes token consistent.

  27. 易经对于理性主义者的困惑而言,经常提优秀建议。

    The Ching, to the embarrassment of rationalists, often gives excellent advice.

  28. 易经的内容包括古人卜卦的记录和他们对宇宙的认识。

    The contents of the Book of Changs include ancient Chinese divination and cosmological beliefs.

  29. 认知语言学视角下的易经隐喻和转喻的英译研究

    A Study on English Translation of Metaphor and Metonymy in the Book of Changes from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

  30. 关键词择日婚礼庆典婚姻命运夫妻关系冲突吵架吉祥易经

    Keywords luckytime choice, wedding ceremony, marriage destiny, conjugal relation, collision, wrangle, auspicious yijing.


  1. 问:易经拼音怎么拼?易经的读音是什么?易经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:易经的读音是,易经翻译成英文是 I Ching


