


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……









汉语拼音:wéi rén chǔ shì






  1. And every past effort of my life, every gleam of rightness or good in it, is with me now, to help me in my grasp of this art and its vision.


  2. He was a man of a practical turn of mind, keen in his dealings and skilful with his hands.


  3. Despite all this, Larsson is said to have been a happy man, who lived the life he wanted.


  4. Of his former way of life, nothing had been known in Hertfordshire but what he told himself.


  5. And after these years, I've tried to live up to the example of the discreetly dropped-in dime.


  6. Most of us in this society are very common, but the ordinary person is put myself very complex, and not to be now as the essence of life.


  7. Thank you for the year to teach me, I learn from you a lot of knowledge and interaction with others of the truth, thank you.


  8. His style is formal and courteous, like that of many Chinese.


  9. People in the workplace, also needs the communicating arts and method, a seemingly difficult thing, hang may be very simple.


  1. 财政大臣为人处世谨慎。

    The Chancellor is a man of caution.

  2. 他这人为人处世都学港派。

    His has a Hong Kong style of behavior.

  3. 她为人处世, 就是不愿意使心眼儿。

    she is not acting by design.

  4. 我一生坚持为人处世要完全坦诚。

    I insist on complete honesty with the people in my life.

  5. 她为人处世, 就是不愿意使心眼。

    She is not acting by design.

  6. 她告诫我今后一辈子该如何为人处世。

    She told me how to behave all the rest of my life.

  7. 这种思想成为他后半生为人处世的重要准则。

    Such thought became the important guide line in his afterlife.

  8. 管理有着怎样安排计划的科学,也有着为人处世的艺术。

    The management has how to arrange planned science, also having the art that behavior conduct oneself in life.

  9. 为人处世的知识只能在社会上而不是在书斋里获得。

    The knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet.

  10. 费瑞厄是一个重视实际的人,为人处世精明,长于技艺。

    He was a man of a practical turn of mind, keen in his dealings and skilful with his hands.

  11. 音乐应当体现角色得为人和处世态度?

    What style of music reflects the heart and attitude of your character?

  12. 音乐应当体现角色的为人和处世态度?

    What style of music reflects the heart and attitude of your character?

  13. 你看,这就是艾伦为人处世的方式

    Now, this is the way Aaron was.

  14. 我们经常需要适当调整为人处世的方法。

    We usually need the method that the adequacy adjusts behavior to conduct oneself in life.

  15. 为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。

    A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.

  16. 踏上社会之后,我们都需要学会处理情感,谙达处世为人之道。

    After we leave school we all have to learn to manage our emotions, and deal with all kinds of people.

  17. 他为人正直,处世宏达。

    He is very righteous and generous.

  18. 他为人正直,处世宏达。

    He is very righteous and generous.

  19. 为人处世上, 我严于律已, 宽以待人。

    Among each of the 50 states and Washington, gun regulations range from lenient to strict.


