



  1. 如此,这样。

    《仪礼·有司彻》:“司马在羊鼎之东,二手执桃匕枋以挹湆,注于疏匕,若是者三。”《史记·老子韩非列传》:“吾所以告子,若是而已。” 唐 刘长卿 《北归入至德州界偶逢洛阳邻家李光宰》诗:“华髮相逢俱若是,故园秋草復如何?” 清 戴名世 《凌母严太安人寿序》:“夫达官贵人之名,果足以为亲重乎?若是者,吾亦以为非是。”

  2. 如果,如果是。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“若是财利双关,自不必説。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“书店股东若是商人,其弊在胡涂,若是智识者,又苦于太精明,这两者都于进行有损。”



  1. Cor 16: 10 Now if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear, for he worker the work of the Lord, as I also do.


  2. When he was pulling his hips to his hands, they would below that line, causing his hips and his feet to drag.


  3. Anything that might have seemed too solemn in his remarks, he quickly tempered with a touch of humour.


  4. If arrived one end, the affair still could not solve, that also can explain that I really judgment by destiny to have no penny with him.


  5. But the might of these heroes is nothing compared to the power of the archivists of Westmarch.


  6. If his body is not really a good sick , just sick in your own time to take care of him on the list .


  7. The view (and its accompanying index, if it is an indexed view) can be copied to the Subscriber, but the base table must also be replicated.


  8. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.


  9. However, if data are available, the outcome based on regular lattice seems to be more reliable due to its uniform size and spacing.


  1. 若是这样。

    If it is collect call.

  2. 若是,则差异何在?

    If so, how significant is it?

  3. 若是透支了怎么办。

    What if I overdraw

  4. 若是要购买会如何

    So, how about the purchasing?

  5. 若是沒有,那就繼續跳舞

    And if not, do your dance anyhow.

  6. 若是让自己出丑了呢?

    What if I make a fool of myself?

  7. 快乐, 若是强求, 将适得其反。

    Grasp for happiness and it will elude you.

  8. 若是有人改变就转舵。

    Which alter when it alteration finds.

  9. 我若是小鸟, 我将难直上

    If I were a birdie, Id hardly fly higher

  10. 若是不能, 结局就不堪设想。

    If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss.

  11. 我若是再犯,该怎么办呢

    What should I do if I have another attack

  12. 若是不够,你尽管抱怨我。

    Yo, ifyou're short, you just gimme a holler.

  13. 你若是百万富翁,会怎么做

    What would you do if you were a millionaire

  14. 若是他母亲知道,他准要挨揍。

    He'll get it when his mother finds it out.

  15. 若是普通颜料就要涂两层。

    If it were any ordinary paint you would need two coats.

  16. 若是我回头来牵你的手


  17. 我若是大款, 您就是大款的妈妈。

    If I am big paragraph, you are the mom of big money.

  18. 你若是那样想,就大错特错了。

    If you think that, you are gravely mistaken.

  19. 若是我嫁给了她, 亲爱的

    If I wed the lassie who has the land, my love,

  20. 若是,请注明残疾性质及程度。

    If yes, please indicate nature and degree of disability.

  21. 若是能留下,我想留在这儿。

    I mean to stay here, if I can.

  22. 我若是你, 就不谈这个问题。

    I should leave the question alone if I were you.

  23. 若是稍作修改就是作法自毙。

    and to tinker with it is Frankensteinian.

  24. 你若是劝勉人的, 就当时常劝勉人。

    If you are an encourager, do it often.

  25. 若是先付钞票, 服务不会周到。

    Pay beforehand was never well served.

  26. 若是这样, 怎能和你们立约呢?

    How then can we make a treaty with you?

  27. 但若是他使用遁词便能解释,

    And did He stoop to quibble could tell why.

  28. 你若是不忙,我们现在要过来。

    If you are not busy, we'll come over now.

  29. 若是痔疮便血而单纯内服药物。

    If hemorrhoids having blood in stool, but takes orally the medicine purely.

  30. 你若是作出允诺, 就必须履行。

    If you make a promise, you should fulfil it.


  1. 问:若是拼音怎么拼?若是的读音是什么?若是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:若是的读音是ruòshì,若是翻译成英文是 if



词目:若是 读音:ruò shì 词义:若:如果;如果是:他~不来,咱们就去找他;我~他,决不会那么办。