






1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:hé dàn tóu






  1. 指作为导弹或炮弹弹头的原子弹,或导弹弹头的氢弹。



  1. North Korea's shock October test may have been an attempt to produce a smaller warhead to put on a missile.

  2. Some reports claimed that at least one of these test launches was carried using a nuclear warhead, but this cannot be confirmed.

  3. At the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had between them tens of thousands of nuclear warheads.

  4. For a while, perhaps through the decade, the United States would retain a clear edge in numbers of warheads.

  5. A senior defence official said the report "identified issues about record keeping" for sensitive nuclear missile components.

  6. China also has a few intercontinental ballistic missiles , able to carry a nuclear payload .

  7. The destruction of the last nuclear warhead will coincide with the age of greater global solidarity.

  8. Mr Lee reiterated that the ultimate goal of any negotiations should be decommissioning Pyongyang's atomic warheads.

  9. But at times, recycled Soviet bomb cores have made up the majority of the American market for low-enriched uranium fuel.


  1. 小型核弹头

    miniature nuclear warhead.

  2. 带有核弹头的中程导弹。

    Medium range missiles with nuclear warheads.

  3. 这枚导弹装有核弹头。

    The missile was armed with atomic warhead.

  4. 它装的是热核弹头。

    Its head contains a thermonuclear warhead.

  5. 能单独对准目标的核弹头

    independently targetable nuclear warheads.

  6. 这些核弹头对准了军事基地。

    These nuclear warheads have trained on army bases.

  7. 核弹头可以清点, 导弹可以追踪记录。

    Nuclear warheads can be counted and missiles tracked.

  8. 你知道丢失的核弹头的消息了么?

    Have you heard of the mising warhead.

  9. 这些核弹头可能被贩卖或是被偷窃

    They're available to be bought, stolen, whatever.

  10. 不久也会有我们拆除的核弹头。

    Soon to be joined by our dismantled warheads.

  11. 她还带走了两枚微型核弹头。

    And she took two miniature nuclear shells along with her.

  12. 放上所有寻找这颗核弹头的信息。

    Put all resources into finding this warhead.

  13. 其中一半是来自俄罗斯拆除的核弹头。

    Half of that is coming from dismantled warheads from Russia.

  14. 这是个拥有可变当量的核弹头。

    This is a variable yield nuclear warhead.

  15. 这是个拥有可变当量的核弹头。

    This is a variable yield nuclear warhead.

  16. 符合测量中子方法核查核弹头技术分析

    Technical Analysis on Verifying Nuclear Warhead by Neutron Coincidence Detecting

  17. 这些潜艇能够携带巡航导弹并发射核弹头。

    Those vessels can carry cruise missiles and launch nuclear warheads.

  18. 美国与俄罗斯也在紧锣密鼓地削减核弹头。

    America and Russia are busy cutting warheads.

  19. 建立了一套基于局域网的核弹头核查系统。

    We built up a nuclear warhead verification system based on an Intranet platform.

  20. 如果他这时候手里有一颗核弹头呢

    And what will happen if his hands a nuclear bomb

  21. 一个核潜艇可以建造核携带大量的核弹头。

    A nuclear sub can build and carry a whole array of nukes.

  22. 你在挪威买走了我的一枚核弹头

    you bought a nuclear warhead off me in Norway.

  23. 这个短篇展现了 一个新的爆炸性核弹头测试。

    This film shows the testing of a new explosive fill on a warhead.

  24. 美国总统杜鲁门下令核弹头进入量产阶段。

    The Boss encounters Naked Snake and trains him in combat, demolition, and intel gathering techniques.

  25. 我们卸下了 苏联的核弹头 将其转化为电能

    We have been taking down the Russian warheads, turning it into electricity.

  26. 该国积聚了大量的核弹头, 使其邻国紧张不安。

    The countrys amassment of atomic warhead make its neighbors nervous.

  27. 此外,根据条约,核弹头将被储存起来而不是被销毁。

    In addition, under the treaty, nuclear warheads are to be stored, not destroyed.

  28. 初始化核弹头起爆器,用这块板来进行同步起爆。

    Prime the warhead detonators and synchronize firing codes through this pad.

  29. 作为对比,印度战略核力量估计拥有5070枚核弹头储备。

    In comparison, Indias strategic nuclear force is estimated to have stockpiled about 5070 nuclear warheads.

  30. 例如,核弹头的设计就不太可能利用开放创新模式。

    Nuclear warhead design, for instance, is unlikely to avail itself of the open innovation model.


  1. 问:核弹头拼音怎么拼?核弹头的读音是什么?核弹头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核弹头的读音是hédàntóu,核弹头翻译成英文是 uranium warhead

  2. 问:核弹头打击能力拼音怎么拼?核弹头打击能力的读音是什么?核弹头打击能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核弹头打击能力的读音是hé dàn tóu dǎ jī néng lì,核弹头打击能力翻译成英文是 Nuclear Warhead Striking Power

  3. 问:核弹头防空导弹拼音怎么拼?核弹头防空导弹的读音是什么?核弹头防空导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核弹头防空导弹的读音是hé dàn tóu fáng kōng dǎo dàn,核弹头防空导弹翻译成英文是 Nuclear Air-Defense Missile



“核弹头”是个多义词,它可以指核弹头(武器名称), 核弹头(核武器名称), 核弹头(球员昵称)。