









汉语拼音:shāo tàng shāng



  1. The invention relates to medicine used for treating burn and scald and a preparation method thereof.


  2. Also can improve whelk, allergies, eczema, burns. And it is said to be one of the best essential oils.


  3. The invention is an ointment and its preparation method which treat fire and burn injuries and skin wound.


  4. Results: The main causes of injuries included unexpected injuries, military training, traffic accidents and burn.


  5. So research and development as a new treatment for burns and wound healing of the drug become yet to resolve the issue.


  6. Besides, ugly scars may take shape after skin healing following burn wounds, scald wounds, traumas as well as scalpel wounds.


  7. Methods Sum up the treating methods and effects of 135 burned patients with full course of treatment, whose data are complete.


  8. Burned and scalded injury is the main cause of wound. Tissue is damaged after body injury, resulting in the formation of acute injury.


  9. The longest number of days of hospitalization were burn, traffic accidents and electric shock.


  1. 烧烫伤药膏

    ointment for burns and scalds.

  2. 槐花油治疗烧烫伤43例

    Treatment of43 Cases of Scald and Burn Damage by Sophora Flower Oil

  3. 烧烫伤皮肤再生医疗技术中的感染控制

    Infection Control in Burn and Scald Skin Regeneration Medical Technique.

  4. 紫地烧伤膏治疗烧烫伤112例疗效观察

    Observation on the therapeutic effect of112 burned patients with Zidi burn ointment

  5. 复方虎地汤治疗360例烧烫伤临床观察

    Clinical Observation of 358 Cases of Burn and Scald Treated by Hu Di Decoction Compound.

  6. 痛温觉障碍肢体烧烫伤24例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of24 cases of body scalds and burns with impaired senses of pain and warmth

  7. 玻璃酸钠治疗烧烫伤疗效与安全性分析

    Study of hyaluronan on efficacy and safety in treating burn and scald

  8. 本发明药物制作工艺简单,是治疗烧烫伤的理想药物。

    The medicine is easy to prepare and is ideal for treating the burn and the scald.

  9. 美宝疤痕平治疗烧烫伤增生性瘢痕150例疗效分析

    An analysis of the efficacy of MEBO Scar Lotion in treating150 cases of hyperplastic scar post burn

  10. 摘要我们都知道, 经过烧烫伤而穿孔得鼓膜, 不易愈合。

    It is known that ear drum perforation resulting from burns resists closure.

  11. 摘要我们都知道,经过烧烫伤而穿孔的鼓膜,不易愈合。

    It is known that ear drum perforation resulting from burns resists closure.

  12. 本发明涉及一种治疗烧烫伤的中药及其制备方法。

    The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine for treating burn and scald and a preparation method thereof.

  13. 目的探讨止消灵软膏对皮肤溃疡,烧烫伤的治疗效果。

    Objective The effects of Zhixiaoling ointment on burning and scald of skin.

  14. 本发明涉及一种用于治疗烧烫伤的药物及其生产方法。

    The invention relates to medicine used for treating burn and scald and a preparation method thereof.

  15. 目得观察复方白及涂膜剂对大鼠烧烫伤得治疗作用。

    Objective To study the effects of compound rhizoma bletillae paint on scalded rats.

  16. 目的观察复方白及涂膜剂对大鼠烧烫伤的治疗作用。

    Objective To study the effects of compound rhizoma bletillae paint on scalded rats.

  17. 本发明是一种治疗烧烫伤和皮肤创伤的软膏及其制备方法。

    The invention is an ointment and its preparation method which treat fire and burn injuries and skin wound.

  18. 摘要据报告约有百分之三十的头皮深部烧烫伤会伤及颅骨。

    Skull involvement has been reported in 30 of deep scalp burns.

  19. 另有祖传秘方治疗烧、烫伤,有奇效。

    Also the ancestral secret formulas are very good at burning and scald.

  20. 本发明适用于轻、中度烧、烫伤及冻疮,皮肤溃疡等症。

    The medicine is suitable for light and medium burns and scalds, chilblain, skin ulcer, etc.

  21. 中药消炎烧烫酊对烫伤家兔治疗作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Herb Burnscald Tincture on Rabbits with Scald

  22. 慰平烧烫伤再生膏

    Weiping burn regenerative plaster

  23. 不要为你的敌人把炉火烧的太热, 以致烫伤自己。

    Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.


  1. 问:烧烫伤拼音怎么拼?烧烫伤的读音是什么?烧烫伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧烫伤的读音是shāo tàng shāng,烧烫伤翻译成英文是 burn and scald


