







汉语拼音:zú qián







  1. 足陌钱。亦泛指足额的钱数。

    宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·省钱百陌》:“ 唐 之盛际,纯用足钱。 天祐 中,以兵乱窘乏,始令以八十五为百。 后唐 天成 ,又减其五。”《水浒传》第十六回:“众军道:‘多少钱一桶?’那汉子道:‘五贯足钱。’”《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“ 张员外 是贪财之人,见了这带,有些利息,不问来由,当去三百贯足钱。”《中国现在记》第十回:“教习一手接角子往衣裳袋里去塞,一手掐指算了一回道:‘应该每月一百零八文。九个月,就是九百七十二个足钱。’”

  2. 钱财富足。

    《陈书·周文育传》:“卜者曰:‘君北下不过作令长,南入则为公侯。’ 文育 曰:‘足钱便可,谁望公侯。’” 宋 陈与义 《次韵答张迪功坐上见贻张将赴南郡任》之一:“足钱便可不须侯,免对妻儿赋百忧。”



  1. For now, the Fed seems intent on completing the program, and investors may feel the need to make as much money as possible before it ends.


  2. enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?


  3. After saving money, the family moved to suburban Los Angeles in 1926, where his father's family lived.


  4. We can't make up the money.


  5. He worked hard so as to make enough money to buy a house.


  1. 当然想,只要能攒足钱。

    You let, as long as I can save enough money.

  2. 我怎么才能攒足钱还清债务呢?

    How can I accumulate enough cash to get out of debt?

  3. 你可能已经攒足钱来偿清第二期抵押借款。

    You may have saved up enough to pay off second mortgage.

  4. 幸好我们带足了钱。

    It's a good job we've brought plenty of money.

  5. 他一直攒钱,最后终于攒足了钱,买了一辆小汽车。

    He saved his money until at last he had enough for a car.

  6. 等我付足了钱之后可以拥有这件东西吗?

    Can I have it on my payment of the balance?

  7. 母亲攒足了钱要为儿子买他一心想要的录音机。

    She had saved up enough money to buy her son a record player that he wanted badly.

  8. 韦斯特先生它足足值这些钱。

    Mr Hill Its worth every penny of it.

  9. 钱带足,现金一部分,另一部分放卡里。

    Qian Daizu, a cash part, another part puts Cary.

  10. 而且, 非把钱交足了, 不然协会不接受入会的请求。

    Still, the association would not entertain the application untill the money is present.

  11. 而且, 非把钱交足了, 不然协会不接受入会得请求。

    Still, the association would not entertain the application untill the money is present.

  12. 我们打算存足钱去度假。

    We aim to save enough money to go on vacation.

  13. 安德鲁想到印度学医, 但他还没有积足钱。

    Andrew wants to study medicine in India, but he hasn't raised the necessary money yet.

  14. 他只是一个普普通通的老实人,努力挣足钱过日子。

    He is just an honest Joe trying to earn enough money to live.

  15. 我的钱足夠支付开销。

    I've enough money to defray expenses.

  16. 但他给的钱足买娃娃和一朵白玫瑰了。

    But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose.

  17. 天知道,我在伙食上花的钱足可以把他们喂得像猪一样肥。

    God knows, I spend enough money on their food to make them fat as hogs.

  18. 这对年轻夫妇花了很长时间才攒足去欧洲旅行的一笔钱。

    It took the young couple a long time to round up enough money for a trip to Europe.

  19. 一顿酒席足足可以花上1000块钱。

    You can spend as much as a thousand yuan on a banquet.

  20. 这孩子好不容易筹足了钱上大学。

    The boy scared up enough money to go to college.

  21. 他们做一次足底按摩收多少钱?

    How much do they charge for a foot massage ?

  22. 他们做一次足底按摩收多少钱?

    How much do they charge for a foot massage?

  23. 不管你赚多少钱你永远都不会富足

    But no matter how much money you make, you'll never be rich.

  24. 他已凑足了买一辆汽车的钱。

    He has scraped together enough money to buy a car.

  25. 一双阿迪达斯足球鞋得多少钱?

    Pair of Adidasi football shoes how much money ?

  26. 我们设法凑足了一笔钱去短期度假。

    We managed to scratch together enough money for a short holiday.

  27. 整整的三年, 他凑足了一百块钱!

    He finally managed to scrape together one hundred silver dollars. It had taken him three whole years.

  28. 他赚了一大笔钱,从此过着富足的生活。

    He earned a great sum of money and has lived well off of It'since.

  29. 危害我们脑袋和钱袋的人何足介意呢?

    What matters it what threatens our head or our purse!

  30. 钱德勒每天从每个侍者身上榨取足足两块钱。

    Chandler exacted the flat two dollars daily from each bellboy.