











汉语拼音:qín fèn nǔ lì






  1. Yakubu has a great physical presence and he's been a good goalscorer in the past, and Everton are just generally a good, hard-working team.


  2. Good problem solving ability, responsible, hardworking, professional and able to work under stress.


  3. Although Chen's path to stardom is rather unusual, hard work has still been a watchword.


  4. With hard work, talent and lots of luck, you may see your success just around the corner.


  5. Some people with mediocre talents have often achieved excellent results through their diligence and their devotion to the cause.


  6. I believe this must be your firm the leadership of the excellent management and the outcome of the efforts of all staff working! ! ! ! !


  7. I am a man of dedication, hard work, good at organization manpower, and the task can be completed on schedule.


  8. Charles Chaplin wasn't deterred by poverty or fate while worked hard to climb the peak of the art, which is worth to be learn from.


  9. The boy's slowness at learning is counterbalanced by his earnest effort .


  1. 勤奋努力干的人

    eager beaver

  2. 我认为贝多芬是一位勤奋努力的天才。

    I regard Beethoven as a genius who exerted arduous efforts.

  3. 书籍的品质是不朽的,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的结晶。

    The character of the book is enduring, which is the most deport crystal of humans diligence.

  4. 勤奋努力和经验最终战胜了高智商的感知优势。

    Hard work and experience can overcome the perceived advantage of a high IQ level.

  5. 这种进步是数十亿人勤奋努力和创新的结晶。

    This progress is the product of hard work and ingenuity across billions of individual lives.

  6. 这种进步是数十亿人勤奋努力和创新得结晶。

    This progress is the product of hard work and ingenuity across billions of individual lives.

  7. 坚持原则使人积极向上,正直崇高,勤奋努力,信心百倍。

    They surface in the form of values, ideas, norms, and teachings that uplift, ennoble, fulfill, empower, and inspire people.

  8. 没有任何所谓的方法与技巧可以取代坚持不懈和勤奋努力!

    Nothing can take the place of persistence and hard working!

  9. 具有较强的独立工作能力,并能勤奋,努力工作。

    Strong independent job ability and diligence and hard working.

  10. 积极勤奋得努力与不计成败得洒脱是成功得双翼。

    The two wings of success are actives, diligent endeavor and unrestrained manner against all odds.

  11. 积极勤奋的努力与不计成败的洒脱是成功的双翼。

    The two wings of success are actives, diligent endeavor and unrestrained manner against all odds.

  12. 积极勤奋得努力和不计成败得洒脱是成功得双翼。

    The two wings of success are active and diligent endeavor and unrestrained manner against all odds.

  13. 积极勤奋的努力和不计成败的洒脱是成功的双翼。

    The two wings of success are active and diligent endeavor and unrestrained manner against all odds.

  14. 只有比别人更早,更勤奋的努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

    Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.

  15. 在我所接受的教育中,我知道勤奋和努力是成功的关键。

    During my education I learned that diligence and hard work are important for success.

  16. 只有比别人更早,更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。

    Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful taste.

  17. 只要比别人更早。更勤奋地努力,才能赏到成功的滋味。

    only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.

  18. 霍华德始终如一的勤奋和努力似乎掩盖了他的运动天赋。

    Howard's constant hustle and effort belie his physical giftedness as an athlete.

  19. 我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献。

    I believe in industrious and effort process self, am sure to make a due contribution.

  20. 党号召我们青年人勤奋学习,努力工作。

    The Party called on us young people to study hard and work well.

  21. 工作努力,勤奋好学,愿意翻班,诚实。

    Work hard, industrious, willing to work on shifts and honesty.

  22. 他的父亲认可了他的努力和勤奋表现。

    His father approves of the effort and diligence he has shown.

  23. 努力的极度细心和勤奋的工作或努力

    Extremely careful and diligent work or effort.

  24. 而其中的基石是勤奋,热情,努力,和投入。

    And the cornerstones being industriousness and enthusiasm, working hard and enjoying what you're doing.

  25. 你在这方面的勤奋和不倦的努力受到了高度评价。

    Your diligence and untiring efforts in this regard are highly appreciated.

  26. 当天才不努力时,勤奋可以战胜天才。

    Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

  27. 那个勤奋好学的女孩努力成为班里最优秀的学生。

    The studious girl struggled to be the best in the class.

  28. 天才无非是努力加勤奋。

    Genius is nothing but labour and diligence.

  29. 勤奋运动需要练习,反复练习和努力学习。

    Dedication sports require practice, repetition, and hard work.

  30. 此外,一个英雄必须乐观和勤奋和热衷于他的努力。

    In addition, a hero must be optimistic and diligent and be keen on his hard work.