


1. 纵 [zòng]2. 纵 [zǒng]纵 [zòng]放:~虎归山。~火。放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全局。身体猛然向前或向上:~身。即使:~然。~使。~令。竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、……





汉语拼音:zòng rán







  1. 即使。

    唐 罗邺 《洛水》诗:“纵然满眼添归思,未把渔竿奈尔何。” 元 本 高明 《琵琶记·五娘请粮被抢》:“纵然目前存活,到底日久日深,你与我难相恋。” 朱光潜 《艺文杂谈·资禀与修养》:“一个人纵然生来就有文学的特优资禀,如果他不下功夫修养,他必定是苗而不秀,华而不实。”



  1. But even if she had no virtue to speak of, or were just a whore, she would be queen all the same.


  2. Make a date for lunch, even if the next possible opportunity is a couple of months or a year away.


  3. and to remove for ever from that beloved place would be less painful than to inhabit or visit it while such a woman was its mistress.


  4. Even at the height of his private suffering, the international position of the United States took the precedence over his personal fortunes.


  5. Nevertheless, there has been a real change of policy since the days when Mr Bush said Iran was part of the "axis of evil" .


  6. It was on the whole a rare amusement, which, continued too long, might have become a dissipation.


  7. Even if he is not always consistent, he provides theories for all that he has tried to write.


  8. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.


  9. Even if the sun morning show it bright warm face, also do not feel the heat.


  1. 纵然心在滴血

    Even though blood drips out of heart

  2. 纵然现在仍隐隐作痛

    Dazed and shattered now it hurts

  3. 我们纵然肝脑涂地, 在所不惜。

    We would be ready to die the cruelest death for our principles without any grudge.

  4. 纵然装入杯,毒药还是毒药。

    Paison is poism though it comes in a golden cup.

  5. 纵然海枯石烂, 意志永不动

    Even if the seas go dry and rocks crumble, my will will remain firm.

  6. 纵然天下雨,休把水壶丢

    Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot

  7. 纵然失败了,我还是要尝试。

    Though I fail, I shall try again.

  8. 纵然装入金杯, 毒药还是毒药。

    Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.

  9. 纵然海枯石烂,意志永不动摇。

    Even if the seas go dry and rocks crumble, my will will remain firm.

  10. 纵然他可能失败,他还是要试试。

    Though he may fail,he will try.

  11. 纵然我们杀死了很多人。

    Despite the number of people we killed.

  12. 纵然是刀山火海,我们也赶闯。

    We even dare to undergo the most severe trials.

  13. 纵然面临死亡, 他依然毫不犹豫。

    Even in the face of death he didn t hesitate.

  14. 纵然死,也让我在爱中死去!

    And let me die, but only die in love!

  15. 纵然你自己也不能爱你自己, 仍然爱你。

    He loves you even when you could not love yourself.

  16. 纵然你绞尽脑汁想诋毁他的名誉,

    Although you try to discredit

  17. 纵然你绞尽脑汁想诋毁他得名誉,

    Although you try to discredit

  18. 纵然你自己也不能爱你自己,祂仍然爱你。

    He loves you even when you could not love yourself.

  19. 纵然你拒绝这位真神, 仍然爱你。

    He loves you even when you reject Him.

  20. 那是一顿美餐,纵然贵了一些。

    It was a nice meal, if a little expensive.

  21. 纵然你拒绝这位真神,祂仍然爱你。

    He loves you even when you reject Him.

  22. 纵然你是异类,我也爱你万万年。

    So even you are not a human, I love you forever.

  23. 纵然青史已经成灰,我爱不灭。

    Even if history goes up ashe, my love never ever dies.

  24. 扯谎者纵然讲实话也没人信赖。

    B liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

  25. 纵然任务艰巨,我们也要及时完成。

    We will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult.

  26. 纵然时光飞逝, 你我得友情地久天长!

    No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever.

  27. 纵然时光飞逝,你我的友情地久天长!

    No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever.

  28. 尘土纵然扬到天上, 还是没有价值。

    and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered.

  29. 纵然心里有种隐隐的说不出的酸楚。

    Although faint of heart can not say there's sorrow and grief.

  30. 纵然有狂风暴雨,约翰照样按时送报。

    In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time.


  1. 问:纵然拼音怎么拼?纵然的读音是什么?纵然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纵然的读音是zòngrán,纵然翻译成英文是 even though



[even if;even though] 纵使,纵令、即使——用在偏正复句的偏句中,表示让步关系,相当于“即使”、“纵使” 今晚纵然有霜,也不会很大。