











汉语拼音:shū fǎ zuò pǐn



  1. I don't hope you think that I'm fishing for a compliment, but have you had time to take a look at my new handwriting work?


  2. My workmates considered my handwriting work a great artwork . But I think they're just laying it on a little thick .


  3. The pair face a huge wall of a work of calligraphy in black and white , written by folk venue, the magnificent, extremely impressive.


  4. In a word , Li's handwriting occupy an inportant position on the calligraphy history and is proved to be quite valuable.


  5. He put much energy into calligraphy, left behind a large amount of calligraphy works, and possessed his own unique features.


  6. Each child's work was meticulous and clearly presented in the upright, graceful strokes of a fountain pen.


  7. The most beautiful object in this exhibition is a five-metre-long scroll covered with sepia lines of feathery calligraphy.


  8. He was free. ' The oils belong to private collectors in Europe, and the calligraphies came directly from the artist's studio.


  9. The foundation of writing a perfect piece of calligraphy is thinking and planning.


  1. 书法作品。精致书法作品的总称

    Works in fine handwriting, considered as a group

  2. 略谈米芾及其书法作品

    MI Fu and His Calligraphy Works

  3. 看,这是我的书法作品。

    Look! This is my calligraphy work.

  4. 他的书法作品风骨雄强。

    His works of calligraphy present a forceful style.

  5. 他的书法作品一文不值。

    His writing is all junk.

  6. 怎么样,我的书法作品给力吧?

    What about my calligraphy works? not bad, right?

  7. 他的书法作品,流丽而有气势。

    His calligraphy is fluent, elegant, and full of energy.

  8. 在不同的书法作品中,行款的规矩是不同的。

    The regulations of the format of lines vary by the style of calligraphy.

  9. 在不同的书法作品中,行款的规矩是不同的。

    The regulations of the format of lines vary by the style of calligraphy.

  10. 就是鄙人大牛先生的书法作品一幅。

    It's a scroll of my humble calligraphy.

  11. 我的书法作品, 以王体行书和隶书见长。

    My calligraphy works by Wang body due Xingshu and Lishu.

  12. 他的书法作品包括匾额,对联和信札部分。

    His handwriting includes those engraved on steles, written in couplets and his letters.

  13. 这张唐代的书法作品可是我难得的秘藏。

    This Tang Dynasty calligraphy work is a rare treasure in my collection.

  14. 他的书法作品骨力遒劲,不失为一位大家。

    His calligraphy is full of strength and he is really worthy of being called a master.

  15. 他的书法作品骨力遒劲,不失为一位大家。

    His calligraphy is full of strength and he is really worthy of being called a master.

  16. 我得这件书法作品已经呈阅给章老先生了。

    I've already submitted my handwriting to Mr. Zhang for his perusal.

  17. 我的这件书法作品已经呈阅给章老先生了。

    I've already submitted my handwriting to Mr. Zhang for his perusal.

  18. 我的这件书法作品已经呈阅给章老先生了。

    I've already submitted my handwriting to Mr. Zhang for his perusal.

  19. 篆书字体优美,至今在人们书法作品中仍喜使用。

    Seal characters are still widely used in calligraphy gracefulness of their patterns.

  20. 在这些书法作品中,我认为还是这一件聊胜一筹。

    Among these calligraphy works, I think this one is a little better.

  21. 在这些书法作品中, 我认为还是这一件聊胜一筹。

    Through years of constant effort, he finally became skilled in calligraphy.

  22. 同学们的笔书法作品展现在垂直的字画上,清晰而优雅。

    Each child's work was meticulous and clearly presented in the upright, graceful strokes of a fountain pen.

  23. 我经常临摹他的作品练习书法。

    I often practice my calligraphy by copying it.

  24. 我嫂子认识一位书法大师,他的作品很值钱呢。

    My sisterinlaw knew a master of penmanship whose work is expensive.

  25. 历朝书法家的传世作品散落在世界各处。

    The works of all previous dynasties handed down from ancient times have been scattered around the world.

  26. 历朝书法家的传世作品散落在世界各处。

    The works of all previous dynasties handed down from ancient times have been scattered around the world.

  27. 王铎草书传世作品很多, 成就极大, 在书法史中评介褒贬不一。

    Wang Duo left a lot cursive works in the world with great achievements andand derogatory views.