




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:zhǎng luò







  1. 水位的上升和下降。亦喻指物价的升降、情绪的起伏等。

    薛暮桥 《社会主义经济理论问题·价值规律和我们的价格政策》:“在那里,价格的涨落像‘寒暑表’一样,反映着资本主义经济情况特别是市场情况的各种变化。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第五章:“她死死地盯着 梁建 ,一阵红一阵白的脸色,表明她心潮的涨落。”



  1. Some typical methods for theoretical and experimental studies as well as the concept of fluctuation chemistry are briefly introduced.


  2. It is wondrous to walk along the beach watching crabs scuttle in and out of the surf or to watch leaves flutter in the tropical winds.


  3. Due to buoyancy effect, the cooling water goes up to the surface of seawater after it is drained into the huge tidal bay.


  4. For resales, resellers are sensitive to the cost, namely the price of reseller market, whose change will cause that of the demand.


  5. It is remarkable that this fluctuation, whether periodical or not, appears thus to require many years for its accomplishment.


  6. If the atmosphere is squashed prolate into a double tide, and if we could then let it go, it would go sloshing up and down.


  7. I see this as a whole movement, the outward and the inner, indivisible like the waters of the sea that come in and go out.


  8. So, since I was the first person to create and fund this contest, I may turn out to be a precipitating factor.


  9. Result It was found that fluctuation complexity was more effective in detecting low-SNR speech than spectral entropy.


  1. 季节性涨落

    seasonal movement.

  2. 涨落潮闸门

    ebb and flow gate.

  3. 潮汐的涨落

    the rhythm of tides.

  4. 迁移率涨落

    mobility fluctuation.

  5. 价格的涨落

    fluctuations of prices.

  6. 潮水的涨落

    ebb and flow of the tide.

  7. 非均匀涨落

    heterogeneous fluctuation

  8. 涨落有序律

    dialectical comprehension.

  9. 海潮的涨落

    the ebb and flow of the tide

  10. 库水位涨落

    reservoir water level fluctuation.

  11. 序参量涨落

    the fluctuation of the order parameter.

  12. 宏观涨落现象

    macroscopic phenomena of fluctuation.

  13. 均方根涨落

    root mean square fluctuation.

  14. 潮汛涨落表

    tidal current table.

  15. 涨落动力学

    fluctuation dynamics.

  16. 真空涨落子

    vacuum fluctuation particles

  17. 海潮得涨落。

    the ebb and flow of the sea

  18. 水位涨落率

    flood rate of rising and falling.

  19. 潮汐随月光涨落

    The tidal water depending on the moody moonlight

  20. 原子位移涨落

    atomic displacement fluctuation

  21. 涨落耗散定理

    fluctuation dissipation theorem

  22. 载流子涨落模型

    carrier fluctuation model

  23. 自旋涨落反馈

    spin fluctuation feedback

  24. 潮水有涨落, 人生有盛衰。

    Every tide have its ebb.

  25. 但也会存在大涨落

    But there will also be large fluctuations.

  26. 潮水每24小时涨落两次。

    The tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours.

  27. 裸荷涨落和弦碎裂

    Net Charge Fluctuation and String Fragmentation

  28. 潮有涨落时,人有盛衰日。

    Every flow hath its ebb.

  29. 可是量子涨落改变了情况。

    But quantum fluctuations change the situation.

  30. 所以我们断定 宇宙并非涨落

    We therefore conclude the universe is not a fluctuation.


  1. 问:涨落拼音怎么拼?涨落的读音是什么?涨落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨落的读音是zhǎngluò,涨落翻译成英文是 rise and fall; fluctuate

  2. 问:涨落泉拼音怎么拼?涨落泉的读音是什么?涨落泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨落泉的读音是zhǎng luò quán,涨落泉翻译成英文是 ebbing spring

  3. 问:涨落潮拼音怎么拼?涨落潮的读音是什么?涨落潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨落潮的读音是zhǎng luò cháo,涨落潮翻译成英文是 ebb and flow

  4. 问:涨落噪声电平拼音怎么拼?涨落噪声电平的读音是什么?涨落噪声电平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨落噪声电平的读音是zhǎng luò zào shēng diàn píng,涨落噪声电平翻译成英文是 fluctuation noise level

  5. 问:涨落沼泽生物控制拼音怎么拼?涨落沼泽生物控制的读音是什么?涨落沼泽生物控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨落沼泽生物控制的读音是zhǎng luò zhǎo zé shēng wù kòng zhì,涨落沼泽生物控制翻译成英文是 helophytia


