







汉语拼音:shè shǐ







  1. 假如。

    《鹖冠子·天权》:“设使知之,其知之者屈己知之矣;若其弗知者,虽师而説尚不晓也。” 三国 魏 曹操 《让县自明本志令》:“设使国家无有孤,不知当几人称帝,几人称王。” 许地山 《空山灵雨·难解决的问题》:“设使 梅 居区的地位,她也能说,要终身等我。”

  2. 纵令;即使。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪二》:“公曰:‘设使 成帝 復生,天下亦不可得也,况诈 子舆 者乎?’”《旧五代史·汉书·李皇后传》:“今后宫所积,宜悉以散之,设使不厚,人无怨言。” 明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·玩具·秦玺始末》:“设使真为 赵 璧,亦非嘉瑞,宜圣明之无取也。”



  1. With the flushing pipe, the structure of pipe net becomes circularity in SDI.


  1. 设使你当初不辞职,现在肯定是处长了。

    If you hadn't resigned then, you would certainly have become a section chief by now!

  2. 警方设圈套使他招供。

    The police set traps to make him confess.

  3. 警察设圈套使他招供。

    The police trapped him into a confession.

  4. 设栅栏使牲畜跳不过去

    to pound the field

  5. 自设货仓,使产品选择多元化,货源充足稳定。

    To ensure a steady supply of our products, we have a large warehouse any sell outs.

  6. 当在他们面前设摆饮食,使他们吃喝回到他们的主人那里。

    Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master.

  7. 辅机设平台式工作台, 使操作方便并配制定泡圈。

    The auxiliary machine has a platform working table for making operation easy and is equipped with bubble stabilizing ring.

  8. 这种做法还能使设押资产的变现价值达到最大化。

    It may also maximize the realization value of the encumbered assets.

  9. 制造苍蝇人队长不再使苍蝇人技能重设。

    Building the Warpspider Exarch in the Warpspider squad no longer resets the Haywire Grenade ability.

  10. 祖母太迁就孩子使父母为孩子所立的规矩形同虚设。

    The grandmother indulges the children so much that she undermines parental discipline

  11. 记者们设下圈套,巧妙地使那位官员公布了自己是候选人。

    The reporters trapped the official into declaring his candidacy.

  12. 库内设冰量感应装置,使冰耙始终保持在冰的上方。

    Automatic induction unit is equiped to prevent the ice rake from being imbedded by the ice.

  13. 在门厅内的柜上或墙上设灯,会使门厅内产生宽广感。

    Go up in the ark inside hallway or the lamp is set on the wall, can make broad move produces inside hallway.

  14. 她无法使她不去, 当时是布兰德顿夫人设下圈套叫她去的。

    She could not stop her, being at the moment in the toils of Mrs. Branderton.

  15. 藉台板上固设之二平行导杆, 可使工具作直线导引作动。

    The utility model can be driven to move along straight line by two parallel guide rods which are fixed on the bedplate.

  16. 设摆筵席,是为喜笑。酒能使人快活,钱能叫万事应心。

    A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.

  17. 坦率地说,并不是那些健康目标使人们参加运动,'设在华盛顿城外赖斯顿的国家体育与运动协会主任朱迪思·C·扬说。

    It's not the health objectives that will keep people doing things, frankly,' says Judith C Young, director of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education in Reston, outside Washington.


  1. 问:设使拼音怎么拼?设使的读音是什么?设使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:设使的读音是shèshǐ,设使翻译成英文是 If; suppose; in case.




拼音:shè shǐ 基本解释 [if] 如果;假使 详细解释 1. 假如。

《鹖冠子·天权》:“设使知之,其知之者屈己知之矣;若其弗知者,虽师而说尚不晓也。” 三国 魏 曹操 《让县自明本志令》:“设使国家无有孤,不知当几人称帝,几人称王。” 许地山 《空山灵雨·难解决的问题》:“设使 梅 居区的地位,她也能说,要终身等我。” 2. 纵令;即使。

晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪二》:“公曰:‘设使 成帝 复生,天下亦不可得也,况诈 子舆 者乎?’”《旧五代史·汉书·李皇后传》:“今后宫所积,宜悉以散之,设使不厚,人无怨言。” 明 沈德符 《野获编补遗·玩具·秦玺始末》:“设使真为 赵 璧,亦非嘉瑞,宜圣明之无取也。”