


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:nèi xiāo







  1. 本国生产的商品在国内市场上销售。对“外销”而言。



  1. Whereas I didn' t like this ambulatiory work and I decided to work as a domestic seller.


  2. Site construction and operation of business, business agent for a number of export products processing, domestic sales of single-business.


  3. "Processing equipment for domestic sale" (code 0446) shall be filled out in the "Regulatory control method" column.


  4. The trade total export's sudden drop, the quantity giant unsalable clothing can only export transfers selling internally.


  5. Our products are sold to all over China, and far to Occident , Middle East, Southeast Asia etc countries and regions.


  6. At present, the company is integrating domestic trade and foreign trade, wins the clients' trust by good repution and high quality products.


  7. Apart from domestic business, the company also deals with orders for making garments for export.


  8. Women main production sandals, shoes and children's shoes autumn, quality, comfort, have been clients of the broad domestic support.


  9. Furthermore, even if the dollar falls again, where will the capacity for a surge in exports and import-competing production come from?


  1. 出口转内销

    domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports.

  2. 内销产品,照章征税。

    Products for domestic sale shall be taxed according to regulations.

  3. 内销电石包装钢桶

    Calcium carbide steel drum for the home market

  4. 你们产品出口还是内销?

    You is the product export still for the domestic sale?

  5. 内销毛绒玩具缘何品牌缺失

    Why We Lack Plush Brand for Domestic Sales

  6. 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额

    Export deduct domestic sales goods tax

  7. 用于生产内销产品部分,照章征税。

    That portion used to produce products for domestic sale shall be taxed according to regulations.

  8. 其余四个车间以加工内销产品为主。

    Rest four cars then process for the domestic sale product is lord.

  9. 本公司以外贸为主,同时产品也内销。

    The company's main products are domestically at the same time.

  10. 你产品的内销和外销比例是多少?

    What's the percentage of overseas markets in proportion to domestic markets for your product?

  11. 我公司供应出口轮胎翻新设备,内销轮胎翻新设备。

    My company supplies tire retreading equipment exports, domestic tire retreading equipment.

  12. 建立四川家具内销与外贸的优势平台。

    Set up the advantage platform of Sichuan furniture domestic sale and foreign trade.

  13. 我们的订货很多,既有内销,又有出口。

    We've plenty of orders, both for home needs and for export.

  14. 未申报出口退税货物视同内销征税

    Exports Not Filed for Tax Rebate to be Taxed as Goods for Domestic Sale

  15. 在内销和出口方面,中国已超过了印度。

    China has surpassed India in both domestic sales and exports.

  16. 据说现在外商可以投资于内销房地产项目。

    They say foreign businessman can now invest in real estate for domestic sale.

  17. 部分加工贸易企业内销可按月集中补税

    Processing Enterprises to Pay Duties on Domestic Sales on Monthly Basis

  18. 出口车型和内销车型在风格和设计上存在差异。

    Export cars are different with those for internal sales in style and design.

  19. 公司产品除内销外,还承接外贸加工出口业务。

    Apart from domestic business, the company also deals with orders for making garments for export.

  20. 你那家工厂生产的自行车是内销还是供出口?

    Are the bicycles produced in your factory sold on the home market or for export?

  21. 颁奖典礼是不会在短时间内销声匿迹的。

    Award shows are not going away any time soon.

  22. 颁奖典礼是不会在短时间内销声匿迹得。

    Award shows are not going away any time soon.

  23. 高糖、高硫是限制新疆杏脯出口和内销的主要因素。

    Limiting factors for the national and international marketing of Xinjiang Preserved apricots are their high sugar and sulphur content.

  24. 关于调整加工贸易商品内销征收缓税利息率有关问题

    Issues Regarding Interest Rate Adjustment on Deferred Tax Payments for Trade Processing Products Sold Domestically

  25. 加工贸易保税货物内销征收缓税利息适用的利息率已调整

    The interest rate of bonded period for commodities that were imported in the name of processing trade and sold has been adjusted

  26. 那个商店专门经营出口转内销的商品,我们一起去看看吧。

    That shop specializes in selling export-oriented-transformed-domestic-market-targeted goods. Let's go and see.

  27. 采用国际标准产品生产和内销外销并举发展的规模化企业。

    It is a enterprise which adopting international standard product manufacture and combine sale in domestic and export market together.

  28. 它一般每年发行六套新纪念邮票,只在12个月内销售。

    Usually six new commemorative issues are released each year and remain on sale for12 months only.

  29. 从合同签字起的一年内销售产品总额不低于10万美圆。

    The sales volume for one year from contact signing requires no less than 100, 000 UD.


  1. 问:内销拼音怎么拼?内销的读音是什么?内销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内销的读音是nèixiāo,内销翻译成英文是 sell on the domestic market

  2. 问:内销拼音怎么拼?内销的读音是什么?内销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内销的读音是nèixiāo,内销翻译成英文是 for the domestic market

  3. 问:内销的拼音怎么拼?内销的的读音是什么?内销的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内销的的读音是,内销的翻译成英文是 homemade


