






  1. 以次相坐。

    汉 刘桢 《感遇》诗:“华月照方池,列坐金殿侧。” 明 方孝孺 《借竹轩记》:“自旦至暮班荆列坐久之,乃各罢去。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八三回:“有几个相识的,便都列坐在花厅上,专等面贺。”

  2. 指在座的人。

    汉 枚乘 《七发》:“列坐纵酒,荡乐娱心。” 三国 魏 曹植 《名都篇》:“鸣儔啸匹旅,列坐竟长筵。” 晋 潘岳 《笙赋》:“乐声发而尽室欢,悲音奏而列坐泣。”



  1. Summer boarded the Jade Emperor the top see as far as the vast Lin Hai-yin, Sau Ling qifeng, arranged in rows, like 800 Lohan sat chanting.


  1. 巧得出奇,我们正好坐同一列火车。

    By a strange coincidence we happened to be travelling on the same train.

  2. 你要坐的那列火车在第五号站台。

    Your train is waiting at Platform 5.

  3. 我坐在这儿正在列可以回收废纸的清单。

    I was just sitting here making a list of ways I could recycle paper products.

  4. 这个国家的人不懂得如何穿衣服, 当然, 在坐的不在此列。

    People just don't know how to dress in this country, present company excepted, of course.

  5. 坐着等列奥回来扭转乾坤?

    Sit around, wait for Leo to come back and save the day?

  6. 亚哈就坐车往耶斯列去了。

    And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.

  7. 你坐在分列在飞机两旁的帆布座位上

    and you sit down on canvas seats on either side of the aircraft.

  8. 于是亚哈坐上了车, 往耶斯列去了。

    And Ahab rode, and went to jezreel.

  9. 乘客的火车整列都是坐厢或卧厢。

    A passenger train is made up of a line of cars or coaches.

  10. 你坐在一列或一架不知去向的火车或者飞机上?

    Wo uld you sit in a train or a plane withour knowing where it was going

  11. 你们也要坐在十二个宝座上,审判以色列十二个支派。

    Judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

  12. 约阿施与他列祖同睡, 耶罗波安坐了他的位。

    Jehoash rested with his fathers, and Jeroboam succeeded him on the throne.

  13. 霎时间, 天因风云黑暗, 降下大雨。亚哈就坐车往耶斯列去了。

    Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel.