






1. 厂 [chǎng]2. 厂 [ān]3. 厂 [hàn]厂 [chǎng]指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。厂 [ān]同“庵……



汉语拼音:zào chuán chǎng






  1. Stiff duties don't seem to be deterring status-conscious Chinese from buying ships from established American and European boatbuilders.


  2. Occasionally he helps out on the little shipyard of his old stepfather.


  3. Background : Cook grew up in Robertsdale, Alabama, the son of a retired shipyard worker.


  4. On the issue concerning whether or not the wharfs of ship repairing yards or shipyards shall be brought into port administration.


  5. We passed boat-builders' houses and rope-makers'houses, and all sorts of places where the different parts of a ship are made.


  6. He refused to consider himself retired and would drop in at the shipyard several weeks a week.


  7. Given mutual interest in survival, yards and ship owners are no doubt discussing delays.


  8. The Seoul-based shipyard is developing its first offshore wind turbine , he said .


  9. we are the Ship Owners of the Vessel "Giuseppe Lembo" presently at IMC Zhoushan Shipyard to carry out repair jobs.


  1. 海军造船厂

    Naval Yard.

  2. 造船公司,造船厂。

    a shipbuilding company, yard

  3. 舞鹤造船厂

    Maizuru Shipyard.

  4. 木壳船造船厂

    wooden shipyard.

  5. 新港造船厂

    Newport News Shipbuilding.

  6. 造船厂修理工

    dockyard hands

  7. 法兰西造船厂

    A. C. France.

  8. 印度斯坦造船厂

    Hindustan Shipyard

  9. 西欧造船厂联合会

    Association of West European Shipbuilders

  10. 他是造船厂的领班。

    He's the foreman of the shipyard.

  11. 这个厂定名为东风造船厂。

    It was named Dongfeng Shipyard.

  12. 造船厂受到台风的袭击。

    The shipyard was struck by a typhoon.

  13. 该造船厂正在造三艘船。

    The shipyard is working on three different jobs, ie building three ships.

  14. 许多造船厂将不得不关闭。

    Many shipyards will have to close.

  15. 那些在造船厂工作的人

    Who work upon the slipway.

  16. 大连造船厂南京金陵造船厂

    Dalian Shipbuilding Plant Nanjing jingling shipbuilding Plant

  17. 造船厂得工人开始造新船了。

    The shipyard workers laid down a new ship.

  18. 造船厂计划明天重新开张。

    It plans to reopen the shipyard tomorrow.

  19. 码头及造船厂的消防标准

    Fire Protection Standard for Marinas and Boatyards

  20. 开设了造船厂以建造渔船。

    Shipyards were opened to build fishing fleets.

  21. 都是这家造船厂制造的。

    Were made at this shipyard.

  22. 大连造船厂实业开发总公司

    Dalian Shipyard Industrial Development Corporation

  23. 我已够富有,我只要我的造船厂。

    I'm rich enough. I just want to head my shipyard.

  24. 马尾造船厂的设施十分完善。

    The Mawei shipyard has all of the necessary facilities.

  25. 造船厂公布削减二百名工人。

    Two hundred redundancies were announced in the shipyards.

  26. 乔治是造船厂的一名钳工。

    George was a fitter at the shipyard.

  27. 左宗棠就建议政府修建造船厂。

    Zuo Zongtang proposed that the government build a shipyard.

  28. 这造船厂的发展速度相当快呢!

    This shipyard developed very quickly!

  29. 这造船厂得发展速度相当快呢!

    This shipyard developed very quickly!

  30. 他们扩建造船厂, 开始了工程施工。

    They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.


  1. 问:造船厂拼音怎么拼?造船厂的读音是什么?造船厂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂的读音是zào chuán chǎng,造船厂翻译成英文是 shipbuilding yard

  2. 问:造船厂厂长拼音怎么拼?造船厂厂长的读音是什么?造船厂厂长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂厂长的读音是zào chuán chǎng chǎng zhǎng,造船厂厂长翻译成英文是 Chief Executive Dockyard

  3. 问:造船厂计划处拼音怎么拼?造船厂计划处的读音是什么?造船厂计划处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂计划处的读音是zào chuán chǎng jì huà chù,造船厂计划处翻译成英文是 Shipyard Schedule Activity

  4. 问:造船厂中心试验室拼音怎么拼?造船厂中心试验室的读音是什么?造船厂中心试验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂中心试验室的读音是zào chuán chǎng zhōng xīn shì yàn shì,造船厂中心试验室翻译成英文是 Central Dockyard Laboratory

  5. 问:造船厂援助维修阶段拼音怎么拼?造船厂援助维修阶段的读音是什么?造船厂援助维修阶段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂援助维修阶段的读音是zào chuán chǎng yuán zhù wéi xiū jiē duàn,造船厂援助维修阶段翻译成英文是 Dockyard Assisted Maintenance Period

  6. 问:造船厂自动控制系统拼音怎么拼?造船厂自动控制系统的读音是什么?造船厂自动控制系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂自动控制系统的读音是zào chuán chǎng zì dòng kòng zhì xì tǒng,造船厂自动控制系统翻译成英文是 Yard Automatic Control System

  7. 问:造船厂财务有限公司拼音怎么拼?造船厂财务有限公司的读音是什么?造船厂财务有限公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造船厂财务有限公司的读音是Zàochuánchǎng Cáiwù Yǒuxiàngōngsī,造船厂财务有限公司翻译成英文是 Società Finanziaria Cantleri Navali



译者: 赵德明 / 王治权 作者: [乌拉圭] 胡安·卡洛斯·奥内蒂 ISBN: 9787020081042 页数: 203 定价: 21.00 出版社: 人民文学出版社 装帧: 平装 出版年: 2010-10