









汉语拼音:gǎn shí máo






  1. 谓追求时行的风尚、习气。多含贬义。

    陶菊隐 《袁世凯演义》第三二回回目:“倡复辟遗老撞木钟,赶时髦翰林遭放逐。” 檀林 《一个女囚的自述》十一:“我不喜欢你跟那些赶时髦的人学,不看事实,光会扣帽子。”



  1. My own family, a little particular about clothing and slow with fashion, happened not to be part of the pajama troupe.

  2. Once you get into stratospheric price levels, it makes sense to ask yourself whether your making an investment or buying a fashion item.

  3. Daniel: You're darn right. I'm out of style. So what? What's the point of keeping yourself in style?

  4. He likes to dress sharp and pressed his mother until she bought him a $ 200 bomber jacket.

  5. I don't really need it, but I suppose I might as well jump on the bandwagon.

  6. And with it comes the social events that place wine firmly on the 'to do' list for trendy urbanites, as Rena Zhung explains.

  7. Building a unique Android experience obviously comes with some trade-offs and poses challenges for keeping the phone up-to-date.

  8. The inclination to keep steps with the in-coming fashion is human nature and must be considered as a social right.

  9. That means just about all offices, as the rules about keeping in line apply as much an work as they do in the home.


  1. 她爱赶时髦。

    She likes to follow the mode.

  2. 饮食赶时髦出没

    Diet Fads Come And Go.

  3. 追寻时尚,赶时髦

    Chase after what is popular

  4. 她极少赶时髦。

    She seldom follows the fashion.

  5. 年轻人喜欢赶时髦。

    Young people like to follow the fashion.

  6. 我太太爱赶时髦。

    My wife likes to follow the fashion.

  7. 玛丽喜欢赶时髦。

    Mary likes to run after every new fashion.

  8. 赶时髦。与他人攀比

    Keep up with the Joneses

  9. 赶浪头。赶时髦。随大溜

    join others in doing sth fashionable or likely to be successful

  10. 我的太太爱赶时髦。

    My wife likes follow the fashion.

  11. 我得太太爱赶时髦。

    My wife likes follow the fashion.

  12. 我想你只是赶时髦。

    I thought you just kind of groovy.

  13. 它本身就是在赶时髦。

    It is a fad all of its own.

  14. 他竭力想扮酷,赶时髦。

    He was trying to be really cool and trendy.

  15. 我弟弟总是爱赶时髦。

    My brother tries to keep up with the latest trends.

  16. 我弟弟总是爱赶时髦。

    My brother tries to keep up with the latest trends.

  17. 也许我不该太赶时髦。

    Maybe I shouldnt try to be too trendy.

  18. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。

    Some young people like to make a fetish of style.

  19. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。

    She spent a lot of money to follow the fashion.

  20. 还是赶时髦地玩起平行世界?

    Are they going tocoexist in parallel fashion

  21. 是的。我花了不少钱赶时髦。

    Yes I am. I always spend a lot of money on fashion.

  22. 我不是为了赶时髦跟时髦的人混。

    I don't do it to be in with the in crowd.

  23. 伍德斯托克一代试图自由地赶时髦。

    The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely.

  24. 我不能在个人爱好的问题上赶时髦。

    I can't follow the fashions in the things I like or dislike.

  25. 这对我来说是个教训, 即不要赶时髦。

    It was a lesson to me not to follow fads.

  26. 他们每年买一辆新车,不是出于需要,而是为了赶时髦。

    They buy a new car every year, not because they need one, but to keep up with the Joneses.

  27. 在我进城的途中常常注意到人们改了服装式样赶时髦。

    I have often noticed on my trips up to the city that people have recut their clothes to follow the fashion.

  28. 萨利是一个很爱赶时髦得人,她把许多钱花在穿戴上。

    Sally is a real clothes horse. She pays an awful lot for all the new outfits she wears.


  1. 问:赶时髦拼音怎么拼?赶时髦的读音是什么?赶时髦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶时髦的读音是gǎnshímáo,赶时髦翻译成英文是 be fashionable

  2. 问:赶时髦效应拼音怎么拼?赶时髦效应的读音是什么?赶时髦效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶时髦效应的读音是gǎn shí máo xiào yìng,赶时髦效应翻译成英文是 fashioning effect

  3. 问:赶时髦的人拼音怎么拼?赶时髦的人的读音是什么?赶时髦的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶时髦的人的读音是,赶时髦的人翻译成英文是 fashionmonger



词目:赶时髦 拼音:gǎn shímáo 英文/释义: 1、[try to be in the swim]∶采用时兴的方式或时髦的款式 如:他为了赶时髦,在人们常去的名胜地度过了假期 2、[follow the fashion]∶追上潮流的特性或性格;迎合当时最流行的风尚 如:老头儿可别赶时髦 出处 王朔《玩儿的就是心跳》:“我想,要说时髦,公安局的便衣最赶时髦。” 用法 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于处事