











汉语拼音:sòng jiù yíng xīn







  1. In see off the old and welcome the new when, people always is a the best hope place Yuxin one year.


  2. School, always send the old and welcoming the feelings deep.


  1. 送旧迎新传统苏格兰从除夕夜到过新年有不少传统风俗。

    Sent to Scotland from the old traditional New Year's Eve to New Year, many traditional customs.

  2. 后门送旧, 前门迎新

    the old clients are let out at the back door, the new ones admitted by the front gate

  3. 苏格兰人喜欢鸣钟送旧。

    The Scots like to ring out the Old Year.

  4. 北京的商品房开始去粗取精、去旧迎新了吗?

    Beijing commercial housing start doing, to the old New?

  5. 生活中得每个时刻,都是弃旧迎新得起点!

    Living each moment we are abandoning old and welcome the new starting point!

  6. 北京人质朴, 见吃不上饭的人, 不仅给馒头, 还送旧衣服。

    Beijing people were so generous they would give the poor not only bread but also old clothes.

  7. 他们奏乐送走旧岁。

    They played the old year out.

  8. 用舞步送走旧的一年

    To dance the old year away

  9. 他将旧书本和杂志包好送到旧书店。

    He bundled old books and magazines off to a secondhand bookstore

  10. 你必须交送你旧的驾驶执证以及你申请的表格。

    You must send in your old driving license with the application for new one.

  11. 它代表了一个新的开始,当人们送走旧时代和新的欢迎。

    It represents a new beginning when people send off the old days and welcome the new ones.

  12. 值此辞旧迎新之际, 我向各位朋友送上新年的祝福!

    On this festive occasion, Id like to extend my sincere New Year greetings to all of our friends.

  13. 你应该把旧衣物送人。

    You should give all this old clothing away.

  14. 我要把这件旧外衣送人。

    I'll give this old coat away.

  15. 我拿一堆旧报纸送到收废纸卡车。

    I take a stack of old newspapers to the paper exchange truck.

  16. 他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。

    They send a pile of old invoices to be shredded.

  17. 把你得旧杂志送去健身房, 让别人也能阅读。

    Bring your old magazines to the gym so other people can read them.

  18. 生活中的每个时刻, 都是弃旧迎新的起点!

    Living each moment we are abandoning old and welcome the new starting point!

  19. 明天就是除夕夜了, 一年的最后一天, 辞旧迎新。

    Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the year the last day of New Year.

  20. 对孩子们来说,辞旧迎新是一件非常高兴的事。

    It's a great joy for children to see the new year in and the old year out.

  21. 你能听到教堂的钟声在辞送旧岁吗?

    Can you hear the church bells ringing out the old year

  22. 几乎人人都把除夕作为辞旧迎新的时刻来庆祝。

    Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year's Eve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new one.

  23. 我把旧衣服都送人了。

    I gave away all my dresses.

  24. 在此辞旧迎新的时候,我们恭祝新老顾客身体健康,财源广进。

    During this time of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, we wish both our new customers and old customers good health and abundant wealth.

  25. 我要把这些旧的婴儿服送人。

    I need to give away some of these old Baby clothes.

  26. 把这些旧报纸捆起来送到回收站。

    Tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed.

  27. 把这些旧报纸捆起来送到回收站。

    Tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed.

  28. 我应该把一些旧衣服捆起来送到教学去义卖。

    I must do up some old clothes for the church jumble sale.

  29. 我们要辞旧岁迎新年。

    We want to see the old year out and welcome the new year in.

  30. 让我们一起来辞旧迎新吧!

    Out with the old, in with the new!



送旧迎新 ( sòng jiù yíng xīn ) 解 释 送走旧的,迎来新的 出 处 宋·杨万里《宿城外张氏庄早起入城》:“送旧迎新也辛苦,一番辛苦两年闲。” 用 法 联合式;作主语、谓语、宾语;形容新旧交替 示 例 清·百一居士《壶天录》中卷:“朝为秦雨,暮为楚云,~,此章台之恒事也。” 近义词 吐故纳新、喜新厌旧 反义词 一成不变 歇后语 除夕夜守岁 灯 谜 大年三十晚上熬夜 英 文 see off the old and welcome the new