





  1. 抽去筋。如:抽筋剥皮。

  2. 筋肉痉挛、抽搐。

    柔石 《人间杂记》:“他全身抽筋,肩膀左一耸,右一耸,两腿也左一伸,右一伸。” 老舍 《神拳》第四幕:“哎哟!我的腿抽筋儿!快来背着我!”



  1. I have no cramps, " he said. " He'll be up soon and I can last. You have to last. Don't even speak of it.


  2. With the parietal bone, it might be crazy. . . -Stewart! -Leg cramp! I just need to, you know, shake it off with some dance steps?


  3. Its been very dramatic over the last few days, with seizures, dehydration, low sodium, emergency evacuation to hospital.


  4. "God help me to have the cramp go, " he said.


  5. There was a small sea rising with the wind coming up from the east and at noon the old man's left hand was uncramped.


  6. The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up, keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward.


  7. "What kind of a hand is that, " he said. "Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good. "


  8. Gradually I let my touch become lighter and his foot had a slight spasmodic movement as I glided my fingers over the soft skin.


  9. In court, Harvey also repeated leg cramps , but in a little after treatment, he would immediately into the game.


  1. 我抽筋了。

    I just got a cramp.

  2. 脚抽筋了。

    I have a cramp in my foot.

  3. 他经常抽筋。

    He often goes into convulsions.

  4. 孩子抽筋了。

    My child has been having convulsions.

  5. 抽筋般颤动。

    Shudder To shake uncontrollably for a movement.

  6. 我脚抽筋,我脚抽筋。

    Ow, ow, ow, ow, leg cramp, leg cramp, leg cramp.

  7. 妊娠下肢抽筋

    lower limbs spasm during pregnancy

  8. 笑到脸抽筋

    Face it with a grin.

  9. 什么人会抽筋?

    Who Can Get A Cramp?

  10. 腿部突然抽筋

    be seized with cramp in the leg

  11. 游泳者的抽筋

    Be seized with cramp in the leg

  12. 我女儿抽筋了。

    My daughter has got a cramp.

  13. 你刚才只是抽筋

    Okay? It's just a spasm.

  14. 游泳者忽然抽筋。

    The swimmer was seized with cramp.

  15. 随你去抽筋吧。

    Cram then if you want.

  16. 如何防止肌肉抽筋?

    How Can Muscle Cramps Be Prevented?

  17. 他抽筋, 全身发抖。

    He went into convulsions and was trembling all over.

  18. 他抽筋,全身发抖。

    He went into convulsions and was trembling all over.

  19. 如何应对肌肉抽筋?

    What Is The Treatment For Muscle Cramps?

  20. 我恨抽筋,他想。

    I hate a cramp, he thought.

  21. 制造我的脑抽筋!

    makes my brain spasm!

  22. 我的脖子抽筋了。

    I have a kink in my neck.

  23. 我的孩子正在抽筋。

    My child starts going into convulsions.

  24. 小心!否则你会抽筋。

    Be careful, or you will pull a muscle.

  25. 小心!否则你会抽筋。

    Be careful, or you will pull a muscle.

  26. 推拿大腿可解除抽筋。

    Massaging your leg will ease the cramp.

  27. 我的左腿抽筋了。。

    Ive got a cramp in my left leg.

  28. 我感觉我的脸在抽筋。

    I felt my face twisting.

  29. 抽筋没有药物可以治疗。

    There are no medicines prescribed for cramps.

  30. 真可耻,它竟会抽筋。

    It is unworthy of it to be cramped.


  1. 问:抽筋拼音怎么拼?抽筋的读音是什么?抽筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抽筋的读音是chōujīn,抽筋翻译成英文是 have cramp

  2. 问:抽筋的拼音怎么拼?抽筋的的读音是什么?抽筋的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抽筋的的读音是,抽筋的翻译成英文是 jerky

  3. 问:抽筋性的拼音怎么拼?抽筋性的的读音是什么?抽筋性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抽筋性的的读音是,抽筋性的翻译成英文是 jerky


