



  • 【解释】:形容剥削压迫非常残酷。
  • 【出自】:清·刘鹗《老残游记续集遗稿》第二回:“可知那州县老爷们比娼妓还要下贱!遇见驯良百姓,他治死了还要抽筋剥皮,锉骨扬灰。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;形容非常残暴


  1. na.
  2. peel off the skin and pluck out the sinews;have one'

  3. s tendons pulled out and one'

  4. s skin torn off;pull out sb.'

  5. s tendons and tear his skin off

  1. 五马分尸, 剥皮抽筋, 千刀万剐!

    Five nag cent corpses skin a twitch and is cut to pieces!

  2. 未剥皮木材

    unbarked wood.

  3. 防剥皮涂料

    antiscale compound

  4. 畔剥皮装置

    billet scalping unit.

  5. 涂漆层剥皮

    paint peeling.

  6. 剥皮剥去的皮

    To remove bark from.

  7. 咬死他!曾剥皮

    Lynch him, the bloody old shark!

  8. 煮后剥皮较好。

    The better plan is to peel them after boiling.

  9. 割取的油脂或剥皮

    To strip the blubber or skin from.

  10. 你是曾剥皮的儿子!

    I know you! youre that old shark Tseng Tsanghais son!

  11. 有的人吃苹果喜欢剥皮。

    Some people like to peel the apple before eating.

  12. 那些马铃薯需要剥皮和切片。

    I need those potatoes peeled and sliced.

  13. 梨子和桃子很容易剥皮。

    The pears and the peaches peel easily.

  14. 剥皮了我们的心而且剥皮了我们的膝。

    Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

  15. 爸爸教我如何给猎物剥皮。

    Papa showed me how to skin my game.

  16. 今天你使用剥皮小刀了吗?

    Did you use your skinning knife today?

  17. 这些孩子是被活生生剥皮的。

    These kids were skinned alive.

  18. 杜仲环状剥皮的技术关键

    Key Technique of Encircle Peel Tree of Eucommia Ulmoides

  19. 剥皮,削皮剥去或削去的皮或外皮削皮

    To strip or cut away the skin, rind, or bark from pare.

  20. 他自己砍树, 剥皮, 劈成木材。

    He felled, peeled and hewed his own timber.

  21. 剥皮就是把皮肤从身体剥除。

    Flaying is the removal of skin from the body.

  22. 猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。

    The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.

  23. 我和我兄弟想找剥皮工人的工作。

    My brother and me are looking for work as skinners.

  24. 剥皮剥去的树皮,外壳或外层表皮

    To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from peel.

  25. 在一小时内,可以剥皮56公斤的花生。

    In one hour, it can sheel about 56 kilograms of peanuts.

  26. 处理这些植物包括剥皮, 晾干, 碾根。

    Processing these plants probably involved peeling, drying and grinding their roots.

  27. 你剥皮的私生子的情况下,你临阵他的骨头。

    You skinned the bastard to his bones in case you got cold.

  28. 干吗要剥皮我早就知道里边是什么。

    Why should I peel it I know whats inside.

  29. 先生,这个特别的受害者是被活剥皮的。

    Sir, this particular victim was skinned alive.

  30. 他们把野牛杀死剥皮,尸体就任其腐烂。

    They killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot.



抽筋剥皮 ( chōu jīn bāo pí ) 解 释 抽:提取。形容剥削压迫非常残酷 出 处 清·刘鹗《老残游记续集遗稿》第二回:“可知那州县老爷们比娼妓还要下贱!遇见驯良百姓,他治死了还要抽筋剥皮,锉骨扬灰。” 用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语;形容非常残暴 示 例 他干尽~的坏事 近义词 剥皮抽筋 英 文 pull out a tendon and skin