





  1. 主管君主膳食的官。

    《新唐书·百官志四上》:“ 龙朔 二年,改典膳监曰典膳郎。有书令史二人,书吏四人,主食六人。”《资治通鉴·梁武帝普通元年》:“﹝ 元义 ﹞使主食中黄门 胡定 自列。” 胡三省 注:“主食,主御食者也。”

  2. 主要的食品,对副食品而言。如米饭、馒头等。

    曹靖华 《飞花集·风雨六十年》:“ 俄罗斯 人民的主食是面包。”



  1. No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.


  2. Gaza's 1. 5m people remain besieged, generally unable to leave, and with imports restricted to minimal amounts of staple food and fuel.


  3. Rice was the staple food, and rice beer was a popular drink on festive occasions, when a little drunkenness was socially acceptable.


  4. They do not require you to cut out key food groups, consume special foods, take vitamin supplements or spend a lot of money.


  5. Note, too, that rice will not be served unless requested, as it is not a major part of the Dongbei diet. Console yourself with blotches.


  6. Bullhorn acacia ant: A rare, piercing, elevated sort of pain. Someone has fired a staple into your cheek.


  7. Any of various small livebearers of the genus Gambusia that feed on mosquito larvae and are often used in mosquito control.


  8. By July, Indica rice prices, the staple for the majority of the population, were about the same level than a year ago.


  9. The assured delivery of a few staple items is better than no delivery of hard-to-find items.


  1. 主食,小吃

    Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks.

  2. 主食工业化

    industrialization of staple food.

  3. 主食吃什么?

    What's for staple food?

  4. 我们主食大米。

    We mainly feed on rice.

  5. 主食吃什么 呢

    How about the cereal.

  6. 米是我们的主食。

    Rice is our staple food.

  7. 米是我们得主食。

    Rice is our staple food.

  8. 兔子以草为主食。

    Rabbits feed chiefly on grass.

  9. 还要点主食吗, 先生?

    Any cereal, sir?

  10. 面粉和大米等主食

    Staples like flour and rice

  11. 以鱼和米为主食

    to live on a diet of fish and rice

  12. 以鱼和米为主食

    to live on a diet of fish and rice

  13. 我连主食都没有看

    I didn't even look at the entrees.

  14. 孩子们把薯条当主食。

    The children live on chips.

  15. 您想要一点什么主食

    Would you like some staple food

  16. 谷物构成了他们的主食。

    Cereals form their staple diet.

  17. 牛以草和物为主食。

    Cows eat grass and grain.

  18. 众所周知,牛以草为主食。

    As is well known, cattle feed on grass.

  19. 婚姻是主食, 婚外情是配菜。

    Marriage is the staple food, extramarital affairs are garnish.

  20. 今天午饭的主食是菜团子。

    The main staple food for today's lunch is vegetable rolls.

  21. 今天午饭的主食是菜团子。

    The main staple food for today's lunch is vegetable rolls.

  22. 他们的一直主食是树蜜。

    One of their staples is honey.

  23. 过去甘薯是他们的主食。

    Sweet potato was the staple of their diet.

  24. 可选主食白饭,意粉,茨条。

    Optional staple foogRice,Flour ltaly,Mainz.

  25. 多数亚洲人以大米为主食。

    Most of Asians live on rice.

  26. 大多数亚洲人以稻米为主食。

    Most of the Asians live on rice.

  27. 面粉已成为我们的主食之一。

    Flour has largely entered into our diet.

  28. 大米已成为他们的主食之一。

    Rice has largely entered into their diet.

  29. 稻米是亚洲许多国家的主食。

    Rice is the staple diet in many Asian countries.

  30. 大米是许多亚洲国家的主食。

    Rice is the staple food in many Asian countries.


  1. 问:主食拼音怎么拼?主食的读音是什么?主食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主食的读音是zhǔshí,主食翻译成英文是 staple food

  2. 问:主食类拼音怎么拼?主食类的读音是什么?主食类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主食类的读音是zhǔshílèi,主食类翻译成英文是 staple food

  3. 问:主食类拼音怎么拼?主食类的读音是什么?主食类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主食类的读音是zhǔshí lèi,主食类翻译成英文是 Meals

  4. 问:主食盘拼音怎么拼?主食盘的读音是什么?主食盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主食盘的读音是zhǔshípán,主食盘翻译成英文是 dinner plate



主食是指传统上餐桌上的主要食物,所需能量的主要来源。由于主食是碳水化合物特别是淀粉的主要摄入源,因此以淀粉为主要成分的稻米、小麦、玉米等谷物,以及土豆、甘薯等块茎类食物被不同地域的人当作主食。 一般来说,主食中多含有碳水化合物。