


液体降落:感激涕~。植物凋谢:~落。凋~。~散(sàn )。整数以外的尾数:~数儿。部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:~碎。~卖。~钱。~售。~乱。~工。~打碎敲。整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”……





汉语拼音:líng shí






  1. The meeting room was built to be formal with a U-shaped table with chairs around them and snacks in the corner.


  2. Eat snacks in itself bad for our health, and not to mention such an environment is often sold under a number of three non-food products.


  3. It is discouraged to have snacks just before going to bed; otherwise indigestion and weight gain may be resulted.


  4. Sometimes, Ye Qing would call her boyfriend and asked him to see her in half an hour and bring some snacks passingly .


  5. Note: do not forget to put the mouse in a timely manner, remove from the snack food, otherwise fine being levied in respect of the will!


  6. Yogurt is not just a delicious snack with fruits on the bottom, it has great health benefits.


  7. He made it a rule never to eat between meals.


  8. Karen nodded and looked down at her snack, as if that was it, as if that was all she needed to know.


  9. Look in the snack aisle of your local natural foods market for such items, and don't be afraid to ask store personnel for recommendations.


  1. 吃零食吗?

    Do you give snacks?

  2. 你要什么零食

    What would you want from the snack bar

  3. 分发零食和水果。

    Snacks and fruit were given out.

  4. 我们怎么计划零食?

    So how to we snack

  5. 我去买点儿零食。

    I'm going to buy some snacks

  6. 我们应少吃零食。

    We should have little snacks.

  7. 谗嘴丫头抢零食

    Misrepresent mouth servant girl get snacks

  8. 你多买了零食吗

    Did you get more snacks?

  9. 我能吃些零食吗?

    Can I have some snacks?

  10. 带回家许多种零食

    brought home a variety of snacks.

  11. 丽莎发零食给同学吃。

    Lisa gave out snacks to her classmates.

  12. 丽丽你最喜欢什么零食

    Lili What snack do you like best.

  13. 不要零食带到幼儿园。

    Dont bring any junk food to the kindergarten.

  14. 有时我们从零食店买零食。

    Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck.

  15. 我妹妹整天吃着零食。

    My sister usually grazes on junk food throughout the day.

  16. 我妹妹整天吃着零食。

    My sister usually grazes on junk food throughout the day.

  17. 到吃点零食的时候了。

    It's time to have some snacks.

  18. 别这样,我带了零食哦

    Be nice.I come bearing snacks.

  19. 我一天吃好多次零食。

    I have snacks many times a day.

  20. 别这样,我带了零食哦。

    Be nice. I come bearing snacks.

  21. 恩…你想吃什么零食呢?

    Well…what kind of snack do you want?

  22. 泰,我们去买点零食吧

    Ty, why don't we go get a smorgasbord of snacktype items?

  23. 等一下。我去买点儿零食。

    Wait a moment. I'm going to buy some snacks.

  24. 我喜欢的零食是巧克力棒。

    My favorite snack is a bar of chocolate.

  25. 我知道甜零食对我没有好处。

    I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.

  26. 小吃,零食是主要的收入来源。

    Snack food is the main cash crop.

  27. 点心少量的一顿饭或零食

    A light meal or snack.

  28. 分好类的零食去厨房拿

    There are assorted snacks in the kitchen.

  29. 水果代替零食,又可当作甜品。

    Fresh fruits can replace snacks and desserts.

  30. 再试着加入第三种零食。

    Try adding a third treat to the protocol.


  1. 问:零食拼音怎么拼?零食的读音是什么?零食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零食的读音是língshí,零食翻译成英文是 snack

  2. 问:零食类拼音怎么拼?零食类的读音是什么?零食类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:零食类的读音是língshílèi,零食类翻译成英文是 snack; snack categories


