







汉语拼音:yǎn mái








  1. 埋葬。

    《南史·齐纪上·武帝》:“甲子,詔都下二县,坟墓毁发,随宜掩埋,遗骸未櫬者,并加敛瘞。” 清 刘大櫆 《内阁学士前工部左侍郎张公墓志铭》:“又以其餘米,买山以掩埋枯骨之暴露者。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人》:“他说他在阵地上掩埋烈士的时候,他掉了眼泪。”



  1. Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some monument to Evil, is all that remains.


  2. Wray insisted on burying the bodies. He said he had killed them, and they deserved a decent burial, and it was his responsibility.


  3. The trace of life might be buried by the time of sand, but the blooming vitality would not be concealed.


  4. The trick to get out of the well is to stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up.


  5. And Dr Brown and his colleagues believe that this shows that the remnants of life on early Mars could be buried at this site.


  6. Experts say buried earthquake survivors could live for a week or more, depending on the temperature and whether they had access to water.


  7. Either way, at least half of the used equipment that arrives in Lagos by the ton is unusable and ends up in landfills.


  8. Among the stiff stacks of unburied corpses and the ghostlike, disbelieving living, he had been able only to think how lucky he was.


  9. The sand hides most of the relic's contour. So the extracted contour is usually just a part of the whole contour.


  1. 简易掩埋场

    simple stock.

  2. 掩埋物探测

    buried target detection.

  3. 真理难掩埋。

    Truth cannot be burred.

  4. 渐渐掩埋成

    Hiding and become little by little.

  5. 垃圾掩埋厂

    An area where large amounts of garbage are buried.

  6. 兽尸掩埋地

    graveyard of cattle.

  7. 葡萄藤掩埋机

    vine layer

  8. 土壤掩埋法

    soil burying.

  9. 卫生掩埋法

    sanitary landfill.

  10. 他掩埋了余烬。

    He buried the embers of the fire.

  11. 泥沙掩埋水雷探测

    detection of burial mines

  12. 掩埋式波导

    buried waveguide.

  13. 发会雪白土会掩埋

    Hair turns snowwhite soil will bury

  14. 用沙土掩埋后清理。

    Clean up after bury with sand or soil.

  15. 葡萄越冬掩埋机

    Grape Burying Machine for Window

  16. 掩埋尸体的长方形箱

    an oblong box in which a corpse is buried

  17. 不合格的垃圾掩埋场

    unsatisfactory landfill

  18. 卫生填地。垃圾填坑。卫生掩埋

    sanitary landfilling

  19. 事毕掩埋并掩饰。

    Cover and disguise the cathole when finished.

  20. 棺材掩埋尸体的长方形箱

    An oblong box in which a corpse is buried.

  21. 放射性废料的地下掩埋处

    an underground repository for radioactive waste

  22. 装甲结构,用于直接掩埋敷设

    Optical Fiber Loose Tube Cable

  23. 山谷中的村庄被大雪掩埋。

    The villages are buried under snow in the valleys.

  24. 掩埋在这海边的王国里。

    In this kingdom by the sea.

  25. 焚化当然不可能避免掩埋。

    3 Incineration cannot, of course, eliminate landfilling.

  26. 他们掩埋了偷来的货物。

    They buried the stolen goods.

  27. 废旧电池掩埋处理方法初探

    An Approach to Burying Disposal of Used Batteries

  28. 那栋房子被塌方掩埋了。

    The house was buried beneath a landslide.

  29. 狂风把村子掩埋在沙中。

    The violent winds buried the village in sand.

  30. 所有的细节都被掩埋了。

    It's buried away, all the details are suppressed.


  1. 问:掩埋拼音怎么拼?掩埋的读音是什么?掩埋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋的读音是yǎnmái,掩埋翻译成英文是 bury

  2. 问:掩埋谷拼音怎么拼?掩埋谷的读音是什么?掩埋谷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋谷的读音是,掩埋谷翻译成英文是 buried valley

  3. 问:掩埋处置拼音怎么拼?掩埋处置的读音是什么?掩埋处置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋处置的读音是yǎn mái chǔ zhì,掩埋处置翻译成英文是 land disposal

  4. 问:掩埋通路拼音怎么拼?掩埋通路的读音是什么?掩埋通路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋通路的读音是yǎn mái tōng lù,掩埋通路翻译成英文是 buried via

  5. 问:掩埋通道拼音怎么拼?掩埋通道的读音是什么?掩埋通道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋通道的读音是yǎn mái tōng dào,掩埋通道翻译成英文是 buried channel

  6. 问:掩埋式地下布线系统拼音怎么拼?掩埋式地下布线系统的读音是什么?掩埋式地下布线系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩埋式地下布线系统的读音是yǎn mái shì dì xià bù xiàn xì tǒng,掩埋式地下布线系统翻译成英文是 underground distribution system bury



“掩埋”是个多义词,它可以指掩埋(汉语词语), 掩埋(王利波执导纪录片)。