











汉语拼音:yǒu shēng yǐ lái







  • 【解释】:从出生到现在。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百十八回:“况你自有生以来,自去世的老太太,以至老爷、太太,视如珍宝。”


  1. went to see a basketball match yesterday. This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime.


  2. But she said, as he came to die, he sat up on the side of the bed one day, and he asked the nurse if he could see the chaplain.


  3. It was the second or third only that she had seen in the course of her existence.


  4. "Blimey, " I said. "What's it like? " He said it was quite the best job he'd ever had.


  5. It had been like a first authentic experience of art or human goodness.


  6. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken cared by his mother.


  7. She was 22 and this was, she said, the happiest day of her life.


  8. For the first time Nora saw her husband for what he was --- a selfish, pretentious hypocrite with no regard for her position In the matter.


  9. Michael was immediately swarmed with people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest achievement thus far in his life.


  1. 我有生以来第一次搭飞机。

    I took an airplane for the first time in my life.

  2. 比我有生以来笑的都多。

    More than I ever have.

  3. 这是她有生以来最棒的造型。

    She's never looked better.

  4. 这是我有生以来最愉快的假期。

    This has been the greatest vacation I've ever had.

  5. 你有生以来听过这样的脏话吗?

    Did you ever hear such bad language in all your born days?

  6. 这是他有生以来第一次登泰山。

    This is the first time in his life that he has climbed Mount Tai.

  7. 他有生以来从未见过这样的怪事。

    He has never seen such a strange thing in all his born days.

  8. 这是我有生以来最快乐的一晚。

    This is the happiest night of my life.

  9. 他首次体验有生以来最大的困难。

    He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life.

  10. 这是我有生以来最深刻得一课。

    This is the profoundest lesson I ever had.

  11. 这是我有生以来最深刻的一课。

    This is the profoundest lesson I ever had.

  12. 这是他有生以来第一次横渡长江。

    This is the first time in his life he has swum across the Yangtze River.

  13. 今晚是我有生以来最恐怖的一晚!

    This evening was the scariest evening of my life!

  14. 有生以来我第一次感到如此自由安闲。

    I'm free for the first time in my life.

  15. 他有生以来初次体验到巨大的痛苦。

    He experienced great hardship for the first time in his life.

  16. 所以我有生以来第一次到国会发言。

    So for the first time I got invited to speak at the National Parliament.

  17. 这是我有生以来最差劲的约会了。

    This is the worst date I have ever been on in my life.

  18. 昨晚, 我吃了有生以来最好吃的蛋糕。

    Last night I ate the best cake of my life.

  19. 那天晚上我有生以来第一次喝醉了。

    I got drunk for the first time in my life that night.

  20. 我睡了有生以来最长的一段时间。

    I slept for the longest time.

  21. 他有生以来第一次不能够哈哈笑了!

    For the first time in his life, he could not even raise a laugh!

  22. 那是我有生以来最不舒服的一夜。

    It was the most uncomfortable night of my life.

  23. 这是她有生以来第二次说话躲躲闪闪。

    For the second time in her life she made an indirect answer.

  24. 今晚我上了有生以来第一次陶艺课。

    Tonight I had my first pottery class.

  25. 我有生以来第一次工作中感到非常愉快。

    I was for the first time completely happy in my work.

  26. 这是他有生以来第一次坐头等车。

    It was the first time in his life that he had travelled first class.

  27. 夏娃在她有生以来从未感到如此绝望过。

    Eve had never experienced such utter despair in her life.

  28. 夏娃在她有生以来从未感到如此绝望过。

    Eve had never experienced such utter despair in her life.

  29. 有生以来, 他还是第一次想卖弄一下口才。

    For the first time in his life, he must spread himself wordily.

  30. 我有生以来从来没看过场内如此安静。

    No, never in all my years have I seen this arena so quiet.


  1. 问:有生以来拼音怎么拼?有生以来的读音是什么?有生以来翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有生以来的读音是yǒushēngyǐlái,有生以来翻译成英文是 In one’s life, since he or she was born....