




1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……



汉语拼音:kè dú







  1. 刻薄狠毒。

    《老残游记》第十三回:“各处鴇儿的刻毒,真如一个师父传授,总是一样的手段。” 柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》:“老妇人似乎还有许多刻毒的锐利的话,可是秀才走远开听不见了。” 徐迟 《狂欢之夜》:“不知从什么时候起,诗人们不约而同地都写讽刺诗了。都尖锐地、刻毒地嘲弄现状。”



  1. But why would anyone want to put himself through all that? The jeers on every touch, the vicious taunts, the obscene signage?


  2. To tell you the truth, I think sharp critics out of prejudice are better than the praise of hypocrites.


  3. Tis no more than exercisin' the acrimony of a gentleman when ye ask the dissent of ladies blocking' the way for steppin' between them.


  4. Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.


  5. People were only civil to her at all from fear of the malice of her tongue.


  6. He made a snide remark about aunt Martha's figure.


  7. Rejectionists on both sides will try to disrupt the process, with bitter words and with bombs and with gunfire.


  8. Military types, diplomats, analysts and politicians in Islamabad describe a mood more poisonous than at any time for a generation.


  9. On-screen, Kevin is quite obviously malicious, first as a nasty little boy and then as a spiteful, ink-eyed teenager.


  1. 刻毒的咒骂

    vituperative railing.

  2. 说话刻毒。

    a wicked tongue.

  3. 你真刻毒。

    You're being very spiteful.

  4. 严厉的。辛辣的。刻毒的

    acrimonious adj.

  5. 提防她的刻毒的妙语。

    Beware her waspish wit.

  6. 我有对你刻毒吗

    Am I being evil?

  7. 她老了,说话更加刻毒了。

    Old age added virulence to her tongue.

  8. 人们是无情贪婪刻毒的

    People are heartless, greedy and wicked.

  9. 我感到一种刻毒得怨气。

    I felt a sour hatefulness.

  10. 我感到一种刻毒的怨气。

    I felt a sour hatefulness.

  11. 掌管他们的是个刻毒的人。

    The master of them was an acrid man.

  12. 有时我对嘟嘟很刻毒。

    And at times I was mean to Doodle.

  13. 我们不喜欢他刻毒得性情。

    We do not like his acrid temper.

  14. 我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。

    We do not like his acrid temper.

  15. 她有一张刻毒的嘴。

    She has a venomous tongue.

  16. 我觉得他的话十分尖酸刻毒。

    I thought his remarks were quite below the belt.

  17. 他感到自己变得刻毒而残忍起来。

    He felt vicious and cruel.

  18. 高利贷者,犹太富商,为人刻毒,贪婪。

    Usurer, jewish merchant, the manner is virulent, greed.

  19. 刻毒的敌意不时地横在他的心头。

    Virulent hostility thwarted him at every turn.

  20. 英雄总是正义和侠义的,坏蛋总是邪恶和刻毒的。

    The heroes are always decent and cavalier, while scoundrels are always malevolence and vicious.

  21. 但角色转换,恐怕你也会和我一样刻毒

    But reverse the situation, you probably equally as evil.

  22. 同时,我们的本性又有那么多的忌妒和刻毒。

    And our nature holds so much envy and malice.

  23. 关于玛莎阿姨的身材, 他说的话真刻毒。

    He made a snide remark about Aunt Martha's figure.

  24. 鸿渐明知她说话太刻毒,只能唯唯附和。

    He knew her remarks were very nasty, but could only nod and agree.

  25. 他一生从来没有这么刻毒,这么凶残,这么冷酷的心情。

    Never in his life before had he been so bitter, so cruel, so relentless in his mood.

  26. 英国媒体的恶劣在于其入侵性, 伪善和刻毒。

    The British press at its worst is intrusive, sanctimonious and spiteful.

  27. 你说的那些背信弃义的话是很刻毒险恶的。

    Your perfidious gossip is malicious and dangerous.

  28. 她的表情是最诚恳自然的,说的话可也是最刻毒的。

    She said the wickedest things with the most simple unaffectedair.

  29. 恐惧导致迷信,冷酷,刻毒。克服恐惧是智慧的开端。

    Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

  30. 大家对她客客气气,完全出于惧怕她那刻毒的话而已。

    People were only civil to her at all from fear of the malice of her tongue.


  1. 问:刻毒拼音怎么拼?刻毒的读音是什么?刻毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刻毒的读音是kèdú,刻毒翻译成英文是 venomous; spiteful; malignant



刻毒 刻薄狠毒。《老残游记》第十三回:“各处鸨儿的刻毒,真如一个师父传授,总是一样的手段。” 柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》:“老妇人似乎还有许多刻毒的锐利的话,可是秀才走远开听不见了。” 徐迟 《狂欢之夜》:“不知从什么时候起,诗人们不约而同地都写讽刺诗了。都尖锐地、刻毒地嘲弄现状。”