


疏忽,不周密:~心。~疏。~略。~率(shuài )。不精致,工料毛糙:~糙。~劣。~料。~纸。~粮。~制滥造。去~取精。长条东西直径大的:~大。~壮。~重。~实。~线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b.喻粗率的性格、作风,亦喻文章的粗略的构思)。……





汉语拼音:cū dà









  1. 又粗又大。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七二回:“忽见一个叫化子,一条腿肿得和腰一般粗大,并且烂的血液淋漓,当路躺着。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树》:“﹝她﹞一双手伸出来,比男子汉还粗大有力。”



  1. He bit the side of his large finger as he frowned at me, and then continued downstairs.


  2. She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.


  3. On the vast sea the roc flew and flew and he was beginning to feel tired when he saw two very thick big black columns rising out of the sea.


  4. a massive axe in his hands, while an equally massive bow hangs from his back.


  5. Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly polish into the needle ? "


  6. The enemy used to batter down the door of a castle with a huge log.


  7. And then I noticed portions of the United States where the thick cords of light dissolved into a few discrete strands.


  8. Thanks peach of a pear tree a white tree, starting from May the wind will be like when Sophorae Campanula hung like a thick branches.


  9. One of the youths grinned and juggled a butterfly knife, another slapped a stout nightstick in the palm of his hand.


  1. 他骨骼粗大。

    His bones are massive.

  2. 他是个腰围粗大的男子。

    He is a man of enormous girth.

  3. 体操运动员的胳膊粗大有力。

    The gymnasts rs arms are big and strong.

  4. 那座寺庙得顶是由一排粗大得石柱支撑起来得。

    The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone column.

  5. 基部粗大, 向尾尖逐渐变细, 最后尾尖收拢为圆形。

    Tail should be flexible and tapering which may end in a round tip.

  6. 软化表皮角质, 吸出毛孔内的黑头, 收敛粗大毛孔, 紧致肌肤。

    It can soften the stratum corneum, get out the blackheads in the pore, firm the bulky pores and and skin.

  7. 斯拉特是个矮矮胖胖,身强力壮的人,肩膀阔厚,胳膊粗大。

    Slatter was a shortish, broad, powerful man, with heavy shoulders and thick arms.

  8. 粗棉线大网眼窗纱

    coarse bobs

  9. 他长得五大三粗的。

    He was tall and stoutly built.

  10. 他五大三粗,但头脑简单。

    He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.

  11. 你看见一个胡子拉碴,得五大三粗的男人。

    You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.

  12. 他的样子傻大黑粗,看着不像个文化人。

    He looks clumzy and hulky, not like a well-educated man.

  13. 你看见一个胡子拉碴、长得五大三粗的男人。

    You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.

  14. 我们被两个五大三粗的保安人员拦住了。

    We were stopped by two hulking security guards.

  15. 这小伙子膀大腰粗的,长得真虎势。

    The young man is strongly built; with broad shoulders and thick waist.

  16. 我第一天就走到院子里最五大三粗的女人面前

    My first day, I walked up to the biggest bull in the yard.

  17. 病猪在粉红色的猪圈捡到一支又大又粗的笔。

    A sick pig picked a big, thick pen in the pink pigpen.

  18. 病猪在粉红色得猪圈捡到一支又大又粗得笔。

    A sick pig picked a big, thick pen in the pink pigpen.

  19. 五大三粗的恶汉趾高气扬地走过来,居高临下地对我咆哮着。

    The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.

  20. 这是阿特拉斯国王的国土, 阿特拉斯长得五大三粗, 天下无双。

    It was the realm of King Atlas, whose bulk surpassed that of all other men.

  21. 怎么样才能使男人阴茎变大变粗?要真实可靠有效的办法!

    How does ability make man penis greatens coarsen? Want true and reliable efficient way!

  22. 在我的想象里, 考古学就是用铲子挖出又大又粗的罐子。

    In my imagination, it was kind of digging up big chunky urns with a shovel!

  23. 我曾经尝试做运动减肥,但结果大腿愈做愈粗,效果不大理想。

    I tried doing exercise but failed to get trim.

  24. 接触面积大时用粗的粒度。

    Coarse grain size for the larger contact area.

  25. 大大熊用他的又大,又粗,又哑的声音说。

    said the Great Big Bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.

  26. 点亮了图形,写在大字体加粗你的店铺的名称和服务。

    Lit graphics, written in large bold font the name of your shop and service.

  27. 他每天的工作是用粗筛筛煤渣,将大块的煤渣挑出来。

    His daily work is to riddle coal cinders to get out the larger pieces.

  28. 肱骨大粗隆

    Greater tuberosity of humerus.

  29. 股骨大粗隆滑囊炎

    trochanteric bursitis of femur

  30. 髂腰肌转移至大粗隆

    Transfer of iliopsoas to greater trochanter


  1. 问:粗大拼音怎么拼?粗大的读音是什么?粗大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大的读音是cūdà,粗大翻译成英文是 thick and big; loud

  2. 问:粗大的拼音怎么拼?粗大的的读音是什么?粗大的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大的的读音是cū dà de,粗大的翻译成英文是 grossus

  3. 问:粗大震颤拼音怎么拼?粗大震颤的读音是什么?粗大震颤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大震颤的读音是cū dà zhèn chàn,粗大震颤翻译成英文是 coarse tremor

  4. 问:粗大微囊藻拼音怎么拼?粗大微囊藻的读音是什么?粗大微囊藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大微囊藻的读音是cūdàwēinángzǎo,粗大微囊藻翻译成英文是 Microcystis robusta

  5. 问:粗大斑条藻拼音怎么拼?粗大斑条藻的读音是什么?粗大斑条藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大斑条藻的读音是cūdàbāntiáozǎo,粗大斑条藻翻译成英文是 Grammatophora robusta

  6. 问:粗大菌丝体拼音怎么拼?粗大菌丝体的读音是什么?粗大菌丝体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大菌丝体的读音是cū dà jūn sī tǐ,粗大菌丝体翻译成英文是 macronema

  7. 问:粗大铁线虫拼音怎么拼?粗大铁线虫的读音是什么?粗大铁线虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗大铁线虫的读音是cū dà tiě xiàn chóng,粗大铁线虫翻译成英文是 Gordius robustus