







汉语拼音:zhuó shí




[指鸟] 用嘴取食。



  1. 鸟用嘴取食。

    唐 李白 《雉朝飞》诗:“春天和,白日暖。啄食饮泉勇气满,争雄鬭死绣颈断。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·驭衙役》:“污秽堆积,臭气熏蒸,则蝇蚋聚飞如雾;数马骨立,领脊溃裂,则乌鸦啄食成麋。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·从百草园到三味书屋》:“用一枝短棒支起一面大的竹筛来,下面撒些秕谷,棒上系一条长绳,人远远地牵着,看鸟雀下来啄食。”

  2. 泛指食,吃。

    汉 王充 《论衡·感虚》:“天主施气,地主产物。有叶实可啄食者,皆地所生,非天所为也。”



  1. At first, I read in the living room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck.


  2. I stretched out my hands, closed my eyes and waited for the pigeons to fly to me.


  3. Finally they would be decapitated and dismembered; their body parts would be publicly displayed, eaten by the birds as they decomposed.


  4. with craned his neck to want to peck mantis, but do not know to have a child holding catapults under the tree will shoot it.


  5. This kind of preference is contrary to one of the western classic capital structure theories- the pecking order.


  6. Then one morning, the soldiers just up and left, leaving the surviving kids to be eaten alive by the birds.


  7. After a signal is sent off, the ravenous vultures swoop down and peck at the flesh and the bones scattered around.


  8. Pull up. Gear down. Gently. You just want to kiss the ground. Just a peck, a smooch , like you'd kiss your sister.


  9. Outweighed and out-numbered, the foxes scamper away, leaving the carcass to be stripped clean by the condors .


  1. 鹦鹉啄食饲料

    The parrot picked its seed.

  2. 小鸟正在啄食。

    The little birds are picking the grain.

  3. 小鸟啄食面包屑。

    The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.

  4. 鸟儿们在啄食谷粒。

    The birds were picking the grain.

  5. 麻雀啄食着面包屑。

    Sparrows picked at the crumbs.

  6. 鸟儿啄食面包屑。

    The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.

  7. 那只鸟在啄食种得。

    The bird was picking the seed.

  8. 秃鹫正在啄食狮子的尸体。

    Vultures are picking at a lion's carcass.

  9. 有几只鸟在啄食谷物。

    Some birds were pecking at the corn.

  10. 一只乌鸦可以啄食一条鱼。

    A crow can peck at a fish.

  11. 啄食一次,又长时间寂静。

    Pecks once and is still for a long time.

  12. 鸟儿从木头中啄食小虫。

    The bird pecked insects from the log.

  13. 那只鸟在啄食种的。

    The bird was picking the seed.

  14. 鸟在啄食田里剩下的谷粒。

    The bird is picking at the grains left in the cornfield.

  15. 鸟在啄食田里剩下得谷粒。

    The bird is picking at the grains left in the cornfield.

  16. 喜鹊在枯萎的灰浆果丛中啄食。

    Magpies peck at wizened ash berries.

  17. 一只知更鸟在地上啄食面包渣。

    A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground.

  18. 夜晚的鸟群啄食第一阵闪烁的群星

    The birds of night peck at the first stars

  19. 一面遭受过冬没有粮食的鸟儿的啄食。

    A winter of the bird have no food from the peck.

  20. 我会让鸟儿占据我的身体,啄食我的眼珠。

    I will let the birds cover me and peck out my eyes.

  21. 他用鸟枪瞄准了一只正在啄食的小鸟。

    He pointed an air gun at a bird pecking at its food.

  22. 他们用网罩住果树以防鸟来啄食。

    They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds.

  23. 鸟儿飞出来, 啄食花园里挂着得果核。

    The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.

  24. 鸟儿飞出来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。

    The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.

  25. 秃鹰在天空盘旋等着啄食鹿得尸体。

    Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer.

  26. 时值冬季,麻雀啄食着能够找到的任何东西。

    It was winter and the sparrows were pecking at whatever they could find.

  27. 我们看见一只秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。

    We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.

  28. 就像飞鸟啄食,像温柔的爱抚,就像你亲你妹妹那样。

    Just a peck a smooch, like you'd kiss your sister.

  29. 鸟用爪抓地面,有些甚至啄食石块和沙砾。

    Birds scratch, and some eat stones and grit.

  30. 虽然明年它们仍然可以在飞行中啄食着鲜花。

    Next year in their flight, fresh flowers they may peck, though.


  1. 问:啄食拼音怎么拼?啄食的读音是什么?啄食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:啄食的读音是zhuóshí,啄食翻译成英文是 To pick up with a beak.


