


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……





汉语拼音:bǐ shi








  1. 彼此较量高低。多指比武。

    《水浒传》第十二回:“你敢与 周谨 比试武艺高低?如若赢得,便迁你充其职役。” 明 徐渭 《送推府王公序》:“又类比试,率以驰马越沟墻,发三矢俱中,两人对鎗不避,乃为中。” 冰心 《往事(二)》:“比试的对手,已一步一步的仗着剑向着我走来。”

  2. 指模拟某种动作。如:他拿起那支新猎枪比试了一下。



  1. For the three days and three nights did not result, the final decision on a competition experiment with rats.


  2. The performance . It was a game for goalkeepers and Manchester United's on- loan stopper Ben Foster nearly won his side the title from afar.


  3. The match developed into a test of character rather than just physical strength.


  4. Surface condition, geometric shape and specification of the reference test sample shall be identical to those of the tested pieces.


  5. The competition is fierce when formal, through the layers of a test, and finally by the three wise man team won the championship.


  6. he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad.


  7. Frank knock him out with the third punch he threw, and offered to fight someone else.


  8. Qi, smile and say: "of course, the friend is the reference the notary and appraisal division, goodness, friends please identification. "


  9. I let to finish a gram apt lose so greatly today, he affirmation can no restrain ugg claccic continue to quest me to have a emulation.


  1. 不信咱俩比试比试。

    If you don't believe me, let's have a competition and see.

  2. 让我与你比试比试。

    Just let me come at you!

  3. 你们和我比试比试呀!

    Let's have a competition.

  4. 拿把剑比试一下

    flourish a sword

  5. 想比试一下高尔夫球吗?

    Do you want to bet?

  6. 武术比试的社会学分析

    Sociological Analysis on the Wushu Competition

  7. 我听说你和杜军比试了。

    I heard you fought with Jong du.

  8. 哟,老兄们,新一轮的比试开始了。

    Yo, dudes, got a new tourney lined up.

  9. 比试画图的话,我不是她的对手。

    I'm no match for her when it comes to painting.

  10. 为此美国总统决定让他们比试一下。

    The president decides to give them a test.

  11. 想和老子比试消极和吹牛皮就大错特错了!

    I want to make a gesture of passive and boast on wrong!

  12. 事故发生时孩子们正在铁轨上比试胆量。

    The kids were playing chicken on the railway track when the accident happened.

  13. 两人拿长枪一比试,便打了起来。

    With a flourish of their spears, the two men started sparring with each other.

  14. 优质中稻的引进和品比试验初报

    Primary results of comparative test for introduced high quality midseason rice varieties

  15. 你是在跟公牛比试,你会尝到厉害的。

    You mess with the bull, you gonna get the horns.

  16. 我更愿意看到你在剑术比试里获胜。

    I'd wanted to see you win the sword fight.

  17. 离开长的小把剪比试而且解救他们比较好。

    It's better to lop off long wisps than to try and save them.

  18. 对比试块与机车车轴超声波探伤的关系

    The Relationship Between Reference Block and the Ultrasonic Inspection of Locomotive Axles

  19. 嘿, 你想跟挑战我吗?? ? , 我们来比试一下吧。

    Hey, you wanna dare me Ok, let's play chicken.

  20. 实心棒对比试块应在外表面制备纵向槽。

    The reference standard for solid bars shall contain a longitudinal reference notch on the outside surface.

  21. 如果我们用击剑比试的话,那他就麻烦打了。

    If we were fencing, he would've been in serious trouble.

  22. 斯科尔斯甚至还兴致勃勃地和孩子们比试了一番。

    Scholes even in high spirits and a lot of children Bishi.

  23. 当然,我们比试的是巫师的法力,不是膂力有多大!

    Well, it's magus power we value here, not hoarse power!

  24. 如果你愿意出去比试比试,我们一会儿就能把问题解决了。

    If you care to step outside, we can settle this.

  25. 两个小演员拿长枪一比试,就开始对打起来。

    With a flourish of their spears, the two little performers started sparring with each other.

  26. 他邀请来所有的王子与他的女儿比试吹口哨。

    He invited all the princes to come and defeat his daughter at whistling.

  27. 年轻的军官一心取胜,他并不害怕与自己的将军比试一下。

    He was so vain and reckless that he would break a lance or two with his general.

  28. 从前发生过一场竞赛,一个凡人竟敢与智慧女神密涅瓦比试。

    There was a contest in which a mortal dared to come in competition with Minerva, the goddess of wisdom.

  29. 弗兰克第三拳就把他击败了,还想与其他的对手比试。

    Frank knock him out with the third punch he threw, and offered to fight someone else.

  30. 赛事官员试图让一个美国人和一个国际运动员在第一轮进行比试。

    Tournament officials tried to match an American against an international player in the first round.


  1. 问:比试拼音怎么拼?比试的读音是什么?比试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:比试的读音是bǐshi,比试翻译成英文是 have a competition; flourish




拼音:bǐ shì词义:较量高下