





  1. He lifted the great sword high above his head.


  1. 由于粪便量巨, 卡车一直将排泄物与医疗垃圾就近倾倒。

    Due to the high volume of human waste, trucks have been dumping excrement and medical waste nearby.

  2. 我看见她将巨石推下砸向你。

    I saw her push the boulder down on you.

  3. 那里有飓风把高山撕裂将巨石粉碎,但是主没有在风里。

    There was a mighty wind, splitting mountains and shattering rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind.

  4. 你将看见你给我的创伤之巨,

    Fresh shalt thou see in me the wounds thou madest

  5. 巨像将是你想要找的单位。

    Colossus would be the unit you are looking for.

  6. 在月底,金星将在7月31号进入巨蟹座。

    At months end, Venus will move into Cancer on July 31.

  7. 滨崎步明晚将在台北小巨蛋演唱。

    Hamasaki will play tomorrow night at Taipei Arena.

  8. 抗原被巨噬细胞加工表示该抗原将被淋巴细胞识别。

    Antigen processing by macrophages precedes recognition of an antigen by lymphocytes.

  9. 阿奎特将通过巨魔吨和数据吨,模式来看

    A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns

  10. 若放在曼哈顿中城,这些巨杉将鹤立其中。

    These are trees that would stand out in midtown Manhattan.

  11. 但是有关巴尔巴巨树的话,就意味将酝酿成灾祸了。

    But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe.

  12. 这座巨宅得花园将于下个月向参观者开放。

    The gardens of the great house will be opened to visitors next month.

  13. 这座巨宅的花园将于下个月向参观者开放。

    The gardens of the great house will be opened to visitors next month.

  14. 它将彻底改变我们对巨石阵周围风景的认识方法。

    It will completely change the way we think about the landscape around Stonehenge.

  15. 巨蟹座的人将是很好的律师, 建筑师, 设计师和画家。

    Cancers like to give away things. They are good lawyers, architects, designers, and painters.

  16. 受雇的画家尝试着将突兀的巨塔融入周围的风景之中。

    Painters were hired to try and blend the huge, obtrusive towers into the landscape.

  17. 巨爪亚龙必须将自己的6点伤害都分配给牛头怪。

    Craw Wurm must assign its 6 damage to the Minotaur.

  18. 问题是, 如何将这些巨量的资源转变为更多的电力供应?

    The question is how do you translate these large resources into increased access?

  19. 他们的有限宇宙将终结于一声巨响,而非微弱的低鸣。

    Instead of a whimper, their limited universe will end with a bang.

  20. 塔兹克兹将一只幼虫转换成强壮而凶猛的巨兽, 剃刀兽。

    Tuz Kuz turns a Larva into a strong and savage behemoth, Razorlisk.

  21. 一块大冰雹将我的卧室窗户砸得粉碎, 我被巨响震醒。

    I woke up to the sound of a hailstorm beating my bedroom window to a pulp.

  22. 巨魔萨满将从狂暴中获得全部的增益而无视他们的生命值。

    Troll Shaman will gain the full benefits of Berserk despite their percentage of health.

  23. 这会有一个满月在巨蟹座,所以你的感觉将会非常美妙。

    This will be a full moon in Cancer, so your feelings will be heightened in the best way.

  24. 如果你操控两个覆铁巨蛇,他们将让彼此都能进行攻击。

    If you control two Steelclad Serpents, they'll enable each other to attack.

  25. 杰克抓住尼尔斯, 但他没有足够力量将他从鳄鱼的巨颚拉出。

    Jack grabs Nils but he is not strong enough to pull him out of the animal's huge jaws.

  26. 在极需人手稳住国家的巨舟时, 离职将是不负责任的表现。

    It would have been irresponsible to leave when all hands were needed to stabilize the ship of state.

  27. 每一位贵族都设法将剑从巨石中拔出来,但没有人能够成功。

    Each nobleman tried to pull the sword out of the stone. No one was able to do it.