


1. 呵 [hē]2. 呵 [a]3. 呵 [kē]呵 [hē]怒责:~责。~斥(亦作“呵叱”)。~禁。吁气:~冻(哈气使暧)。一气~成。象声词,形容笑:~~。叹词,表示惊讶:~,真不得了!呵 [a]同“啊”。呵 [kē]〔~叻〕地名,在泰……





汉语拼音:hē chì








  1. 厉声斥责。

    宋 文天祥 《<纪事诗>序》:“诸酋群起呵斥,予益自奋。” 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷一:“大抵僧不利有花,小而迎送之烦,甚而呵斥是非之累。” 叶圣陶 《线下·马铃瓜》:“书吏略微呵斥,密密簇聚的人就让出一条路。” 草明 《乘风破浪》七:“ 刘进春 呵斥她说:‘谁叫你插嘴的!’”



  1. He was never unkind, and I cannot remember that he ever spoke harshly to me, but it was the custom to fear and admire him.


  2. The cold voice of Typhon can be heard echoing throughout the cave, commanding the once servant of the Gods to leave his cavern.


  3. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings.


  4. Think! " William Wang shouted. " Think! Think! You're not paid to think! Why don't you know, you stupid woman?


  5. Can I trotted, at a little distance, then the big wheezing straus straus, a few mouth flavor, slowly and lightly on steps!


  6. They shouted at the children don't stand too close, be in adults.


  7. At home when the kids are being naughty, do show your irritation and reprimand them without beating or shouting at them out of frustration.


  8. What? [He hisses under his breath. ] I recommend you find the money, and soon, friend.


  9. Television images of Greeks haranguing their government over reforms do not help.


  1. 呵斥,斥责

    A harsh scolding.

  2. 谴责,呵斥,批判

    reproach censure rail scold reprimand rebuke

  3. 他呵斥他的秘书。

    He barked at his secretary.

  4. 他大声呵斥仆人。

    He thundered at his servant.

  5. 人们生气地呵斥它们。

    The men hooted angrily at them.

  6. 以呵斥声表示厌恶

    Hooted their disgust.

  7. 别大惊小怪的,他呵斥道。

    Stop fussing,'he snapped.

  8. 大声呵斥狗立刻走开

    yelled at the dog to get.

  9. 拒绝低眉顺眼地听任别人呵斥

    refused to take the snub lying down.

  10. 呵斥和自己意见不同的人。

    Rebuking people who disagree with them.

  11. 但现实总是无情地呵斥他们。

    Although the fact would only make them dissatisfied, woken up from the nightmare.

  12. 孩子还小,不要总呵斥他。

    The kid's still small – you shouldn't be bawling at him all the time.

  13. 老板正在呵斥那些上班迟到的员工。

    The boss is berating those who were late for work.

  14. 老板正在呵斥那些上班迟到的员工。

    The boss is berating those who were late for work.

  15. 我呵斥那个乞丐不要再跟着我了。

    I told the beggar not to follow me anymore.

  16. 我一张嘴就被老师抓住呵斥了。

    As soon as I opened my mouth, the teacher pounced on me.

  17. 呆在这里别动,我低声呵斥她。

    Stay here,'I hissed at her.

  18. 她父亲呵斥她与这些兵交往太随意。

    Her father scolded her for being too free with the soldiers.

  19. 警察一声呵斥, 吓得犯罪分子落荒而逃。

    The criminals fled in panic after the shout of the police.

  20. 一顿严厉的呵斥和几下响亮的巴掌。

    A severe reprimand and a few resounding clouts.

  21. 警察一声呵斥,吓得犯罪分子落荒而逃。

    The criminals fled in panic after the shout of the police.

  22. 售票员一听他这样说, 就呵斥他下车。

    Upon hearing this, the bus conductor ordered the old man to get off the bus.

  23. 道德是提升自我的明灯,不该是呵斥别人的鞭子。

    Morality is a guide for us to improve ourselves, not a whip for rebuking others.

  24. 道德是提升自我得明灯,不该是呵斥别人得鞭子。

    Morality is a guide for us to improve ourselves, not a whip for rebuking others.

  25. 他刚要开口说话就被呵斥得闭上了嘴。

    When he was about to utter words, he was bellowed off.

  26. 他见老虎不逃,就大声呵斥,结果被老虎吃了。

    He sees the tiger does not escape, berate aloud, the result was eaten by the tiger.

  27. 道德应是提升自我的明灯, 不该是呵斥别人的鞭子。

    Morality is a guiding light for cultivating yourself, not a whip for slashing others.

  28. 有一半的家长曾对婴儿大声叫嚷或生气地呵斥。

    Half of parents have screamed, yelled, or shouted in rage at their infants.

  29. 有一半得家长曾对婴儿大声叫嚷或生气地呵斥。

    Half of parents have screamed, yelled, or shouted in rage at their infants.

  30. 梳辫子得女侍者气愤地盯了我一眼,然后大声呵斥我。

    The pigtailed waitress stared at me angrily for a moment, then rebuked me sharply.


  1. 问:呵斥拼音怎么拼?呵斥的读音是什么?呵斥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呵斥的读音是hēchì,呵斥翻译成英文是 bawl


