



思想家 [sī xiǎng jiā]
  1. 思想具有独创见解且能自成体系的人。 




  1. The form of a regime has been a concern among thinkers ancient and modern.


  2. He believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists in the world, one of the greatest thinkers, and one of the greatest composers .


  3. Betty: I don't know. Mark Twain was an important writer , but he isn't known as a great thinker like Confucius.


  4. Wilfred Bion was one of the most influential thinkers and practitioners of the object relations theory in the late 20th century.


  5. at any rate, many "consumers, " if not thinkers about education, seem to conceive of it as a tool or a toy, much as the Sophists did.


  6. If Euclid failed to kindle your youthful enthusiasm, then you were not born to be a scientific thinker.


  7. Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been listed one of the thirteen classics in feudal times.


  8. Why should I think about that [the prospect of him leaving]? He is a deep thinker, a very intelligent thinker.


  9. It is not by chance that the thinkers of today are so much more ready to speak of the condition than of the nature of man.


  1. 主要思想家

    major thinkers.

  2. 古代思想家

    ancient thinkers.

  3. 启蒙思想家

    Enlightened thinkers.

  4. 维新思想家

    Restoration thinkers.

  5. 洋务思想家

    westernization thinkers.

  6. 资产阶级思想家

    bourgeois ideologists

  7. 江右思想家

    Jiangyou thinkers.

  8. 思想家歌德

    Goethe as a Thinker.

  9. 伟大的思想家

    a great thinker

  10. 严格的思想家

    an exact thinker.

  11. 独立的思想家

    an independent thinker.

  12. 早期维新思想家

    the Early Stage Reformists

  13. 明敏的思想家

    a subtle thinker.

  14. 有创见的思想家

    an original thinker

  15. 明清启蒙思想家

    Illuminative ideologists

  16. 头脑清楚的思想家

    clear thinker

  17. 有判断力的思想家

    a critical thinker

  18. 千年第一思想家

    the first great thinker in the last millennium

  19. 现代作家现代作家或思想家

    A modern writer or philosopher.

  20. 一个认真的思想家

    a careful thinker.

  21. 大思想家和教育家

    great thinker and educator

  22. 本世纪的大思想家

    The great minds of the century

  23. 本世纪的大思想家们

    The great minds of the century.

  24. 他像个思想家似的。

    He seems to be a bit of a philosopher.

  25. 俨然像个自由思想家

    to affect the freethinker

  26. 这些思想家忘记了爱。

    These thinkers forget to love.

  27. 学者或思想家的劳动

    the labour of the savant or speculative thinker

  28. 他冒充自由思想家。

    He affect the free thinker.

  29. 文学家, 思想家金声研究

    Research on Jin Sheng as a Writer and a Thinker

  30. 资本主义兴起前的思想家

    thinkers who anteceded the rise of capitalism


  1. 问:思想家拼音怎么拼?思想家的读音是什么?思想家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:思想家的读音是sīxiǎngjiā,思想家翻译成英文是 thinker; person who has an original and creative...



思想家,研究思想、思维和思考模式并且形成思想体系的人。 古今中外富有独特思想和智慧的人士都可以称之为思想家,但是我们一般指的是那些影响特别大的哲学家。 例如:我国古代的老子,孔子以及西方的苏格拉底,柏拉图,马克思等等。