









汉语拼音:sī xiǎng zhě






  1. It is one of the subtle ways of the thinker to be troubled about his thoughts and thereby avoid his own transformation.


  2. Domestic scholars are in broad agreement that Chaucer has been a humanist thinker and his works are thought to be anti-religious.


  3. He is by no means the deep thinker he imagines himself to be, but he's a glib speaker, even when he has no idea what he's talking about.


  4. This has involved giving a bit of leeway to freethinking individuals, but occasionally punishing those seen as straying too far.


  5. Compare and contrast the ideas of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers, What was the cumulative effect of their thinking?


  6. Bill Cohen was an articulate, youthful-looking politician who had been an innovative thinker on defense issues for years.


  7. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof.


  8. it seems like from birth , so far , i ' v been a thinker.


  9. Critical thinkers must be able to distinguish among these three types of communication.


  1. 我是谁?我是一个思想者。

    Who am I ?I am a thinker.

  2. 思想者代表着艺术家本人。

    The Thinker represents the artist.

  3. 一位独立思想者的探索

    The Exploration of an Independent Thinker

  4. 何况高智商能思想者人乎?

    How can people the thinker high IQ?

  5. 教育研究者应当首先是思想者。

    Educational researcher must first be a thinker.

  6. 里德算不上什么深刻的思想者。

    Mr Reid is not a deep thinker.

  7. 思想者和吻都非常接近真实的生命。

    Both The Thinker and The Kiss are close to the reality of flesh and blood.

  8. 所以 李白不是传统意义上的思想者。

    All these lead to a conclusion that LI Bai is not a thinker in traditional sense.

  9. 所以 李白不是传统意义上得思想者。

    All these lead to a conclusion that LI Bai is not a thinker in traditional sense.

  10. 他是个胆大包天的思想者,富有创新观点。

    He's a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas.

  11. 但是, 思想者和吻都非常接近真实的生命。

    Both The Thinker and The Kiss are close to the reality of flesh and blood.

  12. 好像与生俱来一般,我一直是个思想者。

    It'seems like from birth, so far, I'v been a thinker.

  13. 自由始终是, 并且只能是持不同思想者得自由。

    Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Rosa Luxemburg.

  14. 自由始终是,并且只能是持不同思想者的自由。

    Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Rosa Luxemburg.

  15. 摩西很有才华, 说教远胜过系统的思想者。

    Moses de Leon was a brilliant homilectical rather than a systematic thinker.

  16. 摩西很有才华,说教远胜过系统得思想者。

    Moses de Leon was a brilliant homilectical rather than a systematic thinker.

  17. 具有教育智慧的教师是思想者与实践者的统一体。

    The teacher who has educational wisdom is the unification of a thinker and a practicer.

  18. 在神秘主义方面,叶芝,真是个奇异的思想者。

    This occult Yeats is a genuinely and wonderfully strange thinker.

  19. 他既是一个思想者又是一个实干家并且才华横溢。

    He is both a thinker and a doer and is capable of brilliant new concepts.

  20. 思想者可能就是罗丹的自画像,因为他很自负。

    It is possible that Rodin meant The Thinker to be a self portrait. He was an egotistical person.

  21. 最好的诗人和画家都是精神速度极高的思想者。

    The best spirit of poets and artists are thinking of those very high speed.

  22. 最好得诗人和画家都是精神速度极高得思想者。

    The best spirit of poets and artists are thinking of those very high speed.

  23. 你有能力去觉察,这就是在你之内的思想者的声音。

    This will be possible with discernment, which is the voice of the thinker within you.

  24. 今天我们把达尔文看成一个才华横溢的科学思想者,

    Today we think of Darwin as a brilliant scientific thinker

  25. 阿肯色州自由思想者并不是希望小石城的耶诞布景撤销。

    The Arkansas Freethinkers do not want the Little Rock Nativity scene removed.

  26. 也许你自己也曾经历过一两个这样的分析型思想者之咒。

    Perhaps you have experienced one or more of these curses of the analytical thinker yourself.

  27. 我们在《吻》那光滑的白色大理石下面听到了心跳,在《思想者》身上感受到了思想的脉搏。

    There's a heartbeat in the smooth white marble of The Kiss and we find the pulse of the mind in The Thinker.

  28. 思想崇高者, 绝不会孤独。

    He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.

  29. 人们总是嘲笑新的思想。革新者总是被愚弄。

    People will always laugh at new ideas. Innovators are always ridiculed.

  30. 这位演说者得思想很好, 但是发音很差。

    The speaker's ideas were good but his articulation was poor.