







汉语拼音:āi háo








  1. 因悲伤而呼号痛哭。

    《南史·谢述传》:“及 景仁 卒,﹝ 述 ﹞哀号过礼。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·坎坷记愁》:“触首灵前,哀号流血。” 韩北屏 《非洲夜会·举杯通饮》:“临行之前,妻子的啜泣,女儿的哀号,使他欲行又止。”

  2. 指兽类悲啼。

    唐 杜甫 《前苦寒行》之一:“ 楚江 巫峡 冰入怀,虎豹哀号又堪记。” 茅盾 《子夜》十五:“﹝汽笛﹞象一匹受伤的野兽哀号求救。”



  1. Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken. Wail over her! Get balm for her pain; perhaps she can be healed.

  2. "Very soon, death is coming, " he cried, with tears streaming down his face. But there was no one there to hear him.

  3. With a wail the Queen cast herself down and began to weep and to beat her hands on the stones.

  4. Suddenly Babylon has fallen and become broken; Howl over her; Take balm for her pain, If perhaps she may be healed.

  5. There was no ill-fitting glove, no dream team, no slow-motion car chase, and no plaintive wail of a dog.

  6. But he had no sooner entered the next bend of that obscure and winding avenue than the most lamentable, lusty cries assailed him.

  7. In this model, the main concept is to change the head of GM into a human skull and make it a crying face.

  8. "Very soon, death is coming, " he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him.

  9. Which he unrolled before me. On both sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe.


  1. 用鼻音哀号

    A nasal whine.

  2. 为死者恸哭, 哀号

    Lament a dead person by wailing

  3. 哀号哀号着说或叫

    To say or utter with a yowl.

  4. 为死者恸哭,哀号。

    Lament a dead person by wailing.

  5. 哀叫, 哀号, 失声痛哭

    To howl, wail, or lament loudly.

  6. 哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭

    To howl, wail, or lament loudly.

  7. 发出象哀号的声音的。

    Issuinga sound resembling a wail.

  8. 发出狂笑, 哀号, 怒吼声

    let out a howl of laughter, agony, rage

  9. 我无法忍受那种哀号。

    I couldn't stand that yowling.

  10. 还有警笛发出的 哀号

    and the wailing warning sounds of sirens.

  11. 仅闻自己的哀号回音

    Only his own echo would wail back at his call.

  12. 是谁人在远处不断哀号?

    Was hat sich eben da bewegt ?

  13. 哀号, 吼叫吼叫着说出, 发出

    To express or utter with a howl.

  14. 彻夜发出丧钟般的哀号。

    Knells all the night long.

  15. 流徙者的祈求、情人的哀号

    Prayer of pariah, and the lover's cry

  16. 恸哭, 哀号, 尤指为死者

    To wail in lamentation, especially for the dead.

  17. 她为死去的孩子哀号。

    She was wailing for her lost child.

  18. 夜晚狗在吠叫和哀号。

    The dog howled and whined at night.

  19. 伤口疼痛异常, 曹日夜哀号。

    It hurt so much that Cao and groaned and night.

  20. 他为他死去的儿子而哀号。

    She was wailling for her lost son.

  21. 只受伤的小猫整夜地哀号。

    The injured kitten moaned the whole night.

  22. 我会倒地哀号, 或起身悲歌,

    Lie down to wail, rise up to sigh and grieve

  23. 伤口疼痛异常, 曹生源日夜哀号。

    It hurt so much that Cao moaned and groaned day and night.

  24. 父母在淹死的孩子身边哀号。

    Fathers and mothers wailed over drowned children.

  25. 我痛苦地听着他们哀号呻吟。

    It was painful to hear them groaning and moaning.

  26. 恸哭一种高声的悼念死者的哀号。

    A loud, wailing lament for the dead.

  27. 真得, 它们简直就是在哭泣哀号。

    Yes, you can practically hear them weeping and wailing.

  28. 真的,它们简直就是在哭泣哀号。

    Yes, you can practically hear them weeping and wailing.

  29. 那只受伤的小猫整夜地哀号。

    The injured kitten moaned the whole night.

  30. 那只受伤的小猫整夜地哀号。

    The injured kitten moaned the whole night.


  1. 问:哀号拼音怎么拼?哀号的读音是什么?哀号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哀号的读音是āiháo,哀号翻译成英文是 wail




【注音】:āi háo

【近义词】:哭号 哭喊

【同义词】:悲鸣 悲号 哀鸣 哀嚎

【反义词】: 欢叫

【释义】:哀叫,因悲伤而呼号、痛哭。也作哀嚎。 1.因悲伤而呼号痛哭。《南史·谢述传》:“及 景仁 卒,﹝ 述 ﹞哀号过礼。” 清 沈复 《浮生六记·坎坷记愁》:“触首灵前,哀号流血。” 韩北屏《非洲夜会·举杯通饮》:“临行之前,妻子的啜泣,女儿的哀号,使他欲行又止。” “这是蝉在安静的休息中,被夜间狂热的狩猎者绿色蝈蝈捉住而发出的绝望哀号” 法布尔《绿色蝈蝈》——出自人教版语文七年级上《绿色蝈蝈》 2.指兽类悲啼。 唐 杜甫《前苦寒行》之一:“ 楚江 巫峡冰入怀,虎豹哀号又堪记。” 茅盾《子夜》十五:“﹝汽笛﹞象一匹受伤的野兽哀号求救。”

【造句】: 寒号鸟在树上不停地~着。 受伤的母狼发出一阵阵~。 小鹿的~以来一大群野狼。